OPEN Research Support

Clinical Nurse Specialist
Mette Stie
Department of Oncology, Hospital Lillebælt, Vejle

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.01.2018  
End 31.12.2019  

Complications and everyday life experiences of two different intravenous catheters in patients with colon cancer receiving chemotherapy at home

Short summary

The purpose of the study is to identify complications and everyday life experiences of two different intravenous catheters; Picc-line (PICC) and Porth a Cath (PAC) in colon cancer patients receiving chemotherapy at home. Further, we explore whether there is a correlation between the patient´s general health, lifestyle, treatment course and complications related to either PICC or PAC. 


Treatment of colon cancer is based on the localization and distribution of the tumor, as well as the patients' performance status and preferences. The treatment may consist of surgery, radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy and combinations thereof.

New technological solutions mean that chemotherapy primarily is infused while the patient is at home. This means that patients to some degree maintain a normal everyday life. Additionally, this kind of distributing is cost effective. However, chemotherapy infused at home requires a safe and well-functioning intravenous access, either as a PAC or a PICC. PICC is a thin polyurethane catheter placed in the upper arm vein. PAC is an intravenous port with a capsule placed under the skin on the front of the large breast muscle. 

In 2014, 49 patients at Vejle Hospital received chemotherapy at home by a PAC or PICC. In 2017, the number was increased to 97 indicating that the number of patients receiving chemotherapy at home is increasing. Both intravenous approaches are associated with especially increased risk of thrombosis and infection in patients with cancer. However, there is a lack of knowledge on the safety, appropriateness and patients preferences of PAC and PICC when used for chemotherapy at home. 

Description of the cohort

  • Patients with colon cancer 
  • Aged18 year or more 
  • Patients receiving  chemotherapy treatment at home using a PICC or a PAC.

Data and biological material

Qualitative interview

Data from the electronic patient record 

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital

  • Specialist nurse Birgitte Thisgaard Petersen
  • Nurse Pia Christensen
  • Clinical nurse specialist Hrønn Thorn
  • Associated professor Torben Frøstrup Hansen