OPEN Research Support

Anton Bilenko
Department of Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.04.2019  
End 31.08.2020  

Correlation between catheter-related infections and the length of catheter tunnel in patients with home parenteral nutrition. Prospective observation study

Short summary

Our hypothesis is that the length of subcutaneous part of tunneled-CVK in patients with Home Parenteral Nutrition (HPN) may affect the frequency of development catheter-related infections.


Catheter-related infections in patients in home-based parenteral nutrition (HPN) are well-known complications that cause the development of potentially life-threatening conditions. Causes of developing infections such as local "exitsite" infection, tunnel infection and catheter-related sepsis can be multifactorial. 

The length of the subcutaneous part of tunneled-CVK (t-CVK) may vary considerably from patient to patient depending on anatomical conditions, surgical skills and any previous complications with previous t-CVK.

Our hypothesis is that the length of subcutaneous part of t-CVK in patients with HPN may affect the frequency of development catheter-related infections.

Description of the cohort

Patient Population:

Patients receiving Home-based parenteral nutrition (HPN) through Tunneled Central Venous Catheter (t-CVK) that have being treated at Department of Medical Gastrointestinal Diseases S, Odense University Hospital.