OPEN Research Support

Poul-Erik Lund Kofoed
Department of Pediatrics, Kolding Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.01.2015  
End 28.02.2015  

Biobank with surplus serum from the Calmette Study in Kolding

Short summary

As a part of the Danish Calmette Study many of the 1200 children included at Kolding Hospital had a blood sample drawn at 13 months of age to measure sensitisation (specific immunoglobulin E). The surplus from these analyses is now stored at OPEN and kept for the possibility of future analyses.


The surplus of serum from the analyses for sensitisation is being stored to allow for future analyses, comparing the BCG-vaccinated with the intervention group.

Description of the cohort

The Danish Calmette Study is a multi-centre randomised clinical trial, where new-borns were included between October 2012 and November 2013 at three Danish hospitals: Rigshospitalet, Hvidovre Hospital, and Kolding Hospital. Within the first seven days of life, new-born infants were randomly assigned to intra-dermal vaccination with Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) or no intervention (control group). At Kolding Hospital more than 1200 children were included, corresponding to approximately one third of the children born at Kolding Hospital during the inclusion period. Of the families participating in the Calmette Study in Kolding 86 % accepted to let their child have a blood sample drawn when the children were at least 12 months old, thus we got blood samples from both BCG-vaccinated children and from children from the control group. All children were healthy at the time of inclusion/BCG-vaccination. They were born at gestational age 32 or more and had a birth weight of at least 1000 g. Parents of the included children had to understand and speak Danish, as all the questionnaires used were in Danish.

Data and biological material

At OPEN we store the surplus from the blood analyses. The blood samples are stored as serum.