OPEN Research Support

Anne Rikke Ruager, Gitte Zachariassen
Hans Christian Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.10.2019  
End 30.09.2049  

Follow up for preterm infants

Short summary

The purpose of the study is to collect data from all our infants born with less than 28 weeks of gestation, Information from the initial hospital stay and 2 y neurological outcome.


Inspired by a study from Sweden we would like to register extremely preterm infants born below 28 weeks of gestation in our NICU. The database is a tool for evaluating the morbidity and mortality of this special group of infants. Are we doing right by this group af infants by offering them intensive care therapy?

Further we hope the data will answer other local research questions, such as "what is the clinical significance of being in or out born to our tertiary center, if any?" Benchmarking, comparing our centre to other tretiary centres in Denmark, how well do our infants thrive? do they have more or less abdominal surgery? more or less hours on mechanical ventilation? do they reach their motor developmental milstones at an comparable age? Are there trends we can bring back to our clinical practice?

Description of the cohort

Immature infants e.g. infants born with 28 weeks of gestation or less born in Region Syddanmark

Data and biological material

We will be collecting data from the patients medical file associated with the initial admission to the neonatal ward. Data on gestational age, birth weight, morbidity, nutritional status on discharge to local hospital. At 22 month of corrected age the parents will receive a questionnaire regarding the childs developmental status, the ages and stages questionnaire.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of paediatrics, Kolding, Sygehus Lillebælt