OPEN Research Support

Erik Jakobsen
Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.03.2019  
End 31.03.2021  

Early stage EGFR adenocarcinoma

Short summary


  • To determine the prevalence of EGFR mutation status by stage in adenocarcinoma lung. 
  • Determine overall survival after diagnosis by age, stage and EGFR mutation status. 
  • Describe treatment patterns (radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery, targeted therapies). 
  • Determine prevalence of leptomeningeal disease disease in NSCLC EGFRm, treatment patterns and outcome of disease. 


The EGFR mutation in lung cancer is known to have beneficial prognostic significance. However, its epidemiological significance is unknown. In a special subgroup of patients with metastases to the meninges, EGFR mutation and relevant treatment may have increased significance. However, this is unresolved in a "real world" setting.

Data from the Danish Lung Cancer Register have highlighted the incidence of Danish lung cancer patients, but it is unknown to what extent the patients are actually offered relevant targeted treatment and what impact the presence of the mutation and related treatment has on prognosis and survival compared to matched patients without the mutation. Incidence and treatment of leptomeningeal disease are highlighted

The study can help increase knowledge and focus on patients with EGFR mutation of their lung cancer, thereby helping to ensure optimal treatment.

Description of the cohort

28000 lung cancer patient from DLCR diagnosed between 2013 and 2018 (included)

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Clinical Pathology, Odense University Hospital

  • Consultant, clinical associate professor Karen Ege Olsen, DrMedSci

Department of Ckinical Epidemiology

  • Professor Vera Ehrenstein, MPM, DSc