OPEN Research Support

Trine Rennebod Larsen
Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.06.2019  
End 01.09.2021  

Self-collected blood sampling in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. A pilot study

Short summary

Is a selected group af patients capable of self-collecting some of their blood samples and are they willing to? The project will examine how patients with rheumatoid arthritis perceive the experience of self-collecting capillary blood samples of a volume of approximately 1 mL. Furthermore, the quality as well as the clinical usefulness of these samples will be investigated. 


Patients with rheumatoid arthritis spend a lot of time at the hospital or with their general practitioner, both for control visits and for having blood drawn. Often one visit is scheduled for having blood drawn and another to see the physician, both with time spent on transport as well as waiting to be seen. Patients have a great need for their time to be respected and for healthcare providers to understand that as a patient you might have a fulltime job or live far away from the hospital, making it a challenge to comply with all the necessary appointments.

It is common for some patient groups such as diabetics to monitor their disease themselves, however for others; this is not possible as several biological parameters are needed for monitoring. Self-monitoring has been shown to give patients greater satisfaction with treatment as well as higher quality of life in general, which may be due to greater independence and fewer visits with health care providers.

In this project, we will investigate whether patients with chronic rheumatoid arthritis who need extensive and regular control, are capable and willing to self-collect capillary blood samples of approximately 1 mL. The investigation will include whether the blood sampling is manageable, whether the pain is acceptable, whether potential side effects are acceptable, an examination of the quality of the sample as well as whether the results from the capillary samples can be used clinically.

The patients will perform the blood sampling in attendance of a technician which will instruct the patient as to the correct procedure. The patients will attend the project three times and will each time perform the capillary sampling themselves while the technician will draw a venous sample for comparison. Each time the patient will complete a questionnaire as to their perception of the experience.

Description of the cohort

Men and women with rheumatoid arthritis

Data and biological material

Blood, both capillary and venous, is collected for immediate analysis.

Questionnaires are performed at each visit.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Internal Medicine and Acute Medicine
Reumatological Out-Patient Clinic, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Pia Toftegaard