OPEN Research Support

clinical lector
Troels Bergmann
Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 26.08.2019  
End 31.12.2019  

AKF-393 Fase 1 PK-analyser af NS3728

Short summary

The project involves pharmacokinetic analyses of approximately 20 years old data which has never been published. The data is from 4 phase 1 trials of the compound NS3728. The analyses will disclose plasma kinetics of the compound in healthy volunteers.


The rationale for the project is development of compound NS3728 as a possible new medicine.

Description of the cohort

The four phase 1 trials involved from 8 to 48 volunteers. The trials were carried in the United States approximately 20 years ago.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Clinical pharmacology and Pharmacy, University of Southern Denmark

  • Lecturer Tore Stage, PhD

Scandion Oncology

  • Nils Brünner, CEO