OPEN Research Support

Ditte Bro Sørensen
Psychiatric Department, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.06.2019  
End 31.10.2020  

PCR and cultivation of the peritoneal fluid at operation for appendicitis and postoperative enteral antibiotic treatment. A feasibility and non-inferiort study

Short summary

Today too many patients are not getting the right treatment after operation for acute appendicitis. An appendicitis can be complicated or not complicated. Only patients with complicated appendicitis should be treated with three days of antibiotics after surgery. A former study at the department has shown that 42% of patients treated with antibiotics do not have any bacteria in the peritoneal cavity and thus no need for antibiotics. And some patients with bacteria in the peritoneal cavity is not treated with antibiotics. This is a problem for patient safety and society. The aim of this study is to solve this problem by using PCR to detect bacteria in peritoneal fluid within few hours of the surgery. 


Patients over the age of 18 undergoing surgery for acute appendicitis. 

Description of the cohort

Bagground data and peritoneal fluid. 

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Surgery, OUH

  • Professor, Niels Qvist

Department of Surgery, OUH

  • Consultant, Ph.d., Mark Bremholm Ellebæk

Department of Clinical Microbiology, OUH

  • Professor, Ulrik Stenz Justesen

Department of Surgery, Svendborg Hospital 

  • Registrar, PhD, Anders Mark Christensen