OPEN Research Support

PhD-student, MSc.Pharm.
Alaa Burghle
Hospital Pharmacy Funen

Projekt styring
Projekt status    Open
Data indsamlingsdatoer
Start 23.11.2020  
Slut 30.04.2021  

The Triple Whammy Effect - Safe use of Non-steroid Anti-inflammatory Drugs

Short summary

We aim to syrvey the number of community pharmacy customers using the Triple Whammy combination of drugs: (ACE-Inhibitors/Angiotensin II receptor antagonists, NSAIDs and diuretics) and offer them special counselling on this drug combination.


It is well documented that the combination of diuretics and an ACE inhibitor (or angiotensin II receptor antagonist) together with NSAIDs presents a risk of acute renal failure.

The combination is known as Triple Whammy. The combination carries a 31% increased risk of acute renal failure; the risk is doubled within the first 30 days of treatment with NSAIDs.

The purpose of the project is:

• A survey of the number of customers with the Triple Whammy combination, including both customers who receive NSAIDs on prescription and customers who buy NSAIDs over the counter.

• Dissemination of awareness of the Triple Whammy effect among pharmacy staff and customers.

• Introduction and implementation of an information brochure on the Triple whammy effect at the pharmacy, as part of the counselling to these customers.

Description of the cohort

All community pharmacy customers who want to purchase an NSAID.

Data and biological material

Descriptive data: what group of medication the customers use, whether they have used an NSAID before or not and whether the customer ended up buying an NSAID after the counselling on the Triple Whammy Effect

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Research and Development, Pharmakon Department manager Rikke Nørgaard Hansen