OPEN Research Support

Degree of Master of Medical Science with a major i
Trine Ladegaard
Department of clinical microbiology. Odense University Hospital

Projekt styring
Projekt status    Closed
Data indsamlingsdatoer
Start 01.02.2021  
Slut 30.09.2021  

The effect on reassessment of urinary catheter after implementation of an electronic reminder in an Emergency Department (ED)

Short summary

Implementation of a virtual electronic reminder, in the ED gave a statistically significant reduction in inconsistent documentation, of patients with urinary catheter, transferred from ED. The difference in the proportion of patients with remaining urinary catheter, was not statistically significant. Improved documentation practice makes visible the indication for urinary catheter, which enables reassessment, removal and thus prevention of urinary tract infections in the hospital as a whole.


Urinary tract infections are one of the most common hospital acquired infections. The incidence in Denmark, during 2020, was 36.34/10.000 risk days, while the incidence at Odense University Hospital (OUH) was considerably higher at 60.41/10.000 risk days. Hospital acquired urinary tract infections are associated with use and prolonged use of urinary catheter. This forms the basis for the project carried out at the ED as part of the urinary catheter project at OUH.

Description of the cohort

Patients transferred from ED in an 8-day period before and after the implementation of a virtual electronic reminder were included.

Data and biological material

Data from the patient journal were the proportion of patients with remaining urinary catheters and inconsistent documentation was registered.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of clinical microbiology. OUH.

  • Marianne N. Skov, Leading Molecular Biologist, DVM, ph.d. Clinical Lector and Acting Research Leader.