OPEN Research Support

Clinical Nurse Specialist
Jannie Christina Frølund
Department of Medicine, Hospital of Lillebaelt, Vejle

Projekt styring
Projekt status    Open
Data indsamlingsdatoer
Start 01.04.2021  
Slut 01.11.2021  

Using podcasts to prepare patients for hospital consultations

Short summary

Aiming to optimize the contents and delivery of podcasts in a hospital consultation setting, the present study seeks to evaluate podcasts that was developed with the purpose of preparing patients at the Dept of Medicine, Vejle Hospital for their first consultation.


Since information is crucial in order for the patient to take an active role in healthcare decision-making and management, initiatives to improve communication and information provision in relation to hospital consultations are needed. Since 2003, Lillebaelt Hospital has been working systematically to improve patient-centered communication across all medical fields. All employees participate in communication training, but challenges with collaborative care remain. In addition, most patient information prior to hospital consultations are provided in writing, which challenges information uptake as a considerable proportion of patients have limited reading skills.

In October 2020, the Department of Medicine at Lillebaelt Hospital (Vejle Hospital) formed a partnership with a private podcast and communication company with the purpose of developing podcasts to provide information prior to hospital visits. Aiming to optimize the contents and delivery of podcasts in a hospital consultation setting, the present study seeks evaluate the effect of podcasts on patient decision making, state anxiety and satisfaction with care. Furthermore, the study seek to explore how and when individual patients and providers use podcasts through focus group interviews and video-recordings of hospital consultations.

Data collection will take place from April to November 2021 and the results are expected to provide important target points for the adjustment of the podcasts and thereby optimizing conditions for patient involvement and patient-centered communication at the hospital. Moreover, results of the present study could serve as a basis for large-scale implementation and evaluation of podcasts across regions and sectors in the Danish healthcare system.

Description of the cohort

Patients eligible for inclusion in the project are ≥18 yrs, speak and understand Danish, and are scheduled for assessment at Dept of Medicine, Vejle Hospital in relation to either suspected a) COPD, b) lung cancer, or c) sleep apnea.

Data and biological material


- sociodemographic information

- information about consultation (duration, who took part)

- Decision making (Shared Decision Making Questionnaire 9)

- Health literacy (European Health Literacy Survey)

- Satisfaction with care (developed in the clinic)

Qualitative interviews

Video-based registration of participant participation in clinical consultations (The Activity Barometer)

Collaborating researchers and departments

Dept of Oncology, Vejle Hospital