OPEN Research Support

Associate Professor
Mette Bliddal
OPEN - Open Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital

Projekt styring
Projekt status    Open
Data indsamlingsdatoer
Start 01.09.2021  
Slut 31.08.2023  

Patterns in diagnoses, predictors, and treatments during pregnancy and birth in Denmark

Short summary

The overall aim is to improve the detection of risk pregnancies and thereby support improved treatment of complications in connection with pregnancy and childbirth in DK.

We will systematically review data from both medical records and danish registries from 1500 children and their mothers to identify potential risk factors for adverse birth outcomes and to clarify the occurrence of congenital malformations.


More than 60,000 children are born in Denmark every year. Most of these children are born healthy and well. Nevertheless, correct and timely identification of risk factors and complications during pregnancy and childbirth is of great importance for the outcome of the pregnancy, as well as the well-being of the new mother and child.

Clinical information that is of significance for the choice of interventions is registered in medical records, the National Patient Register, and the general practitioner's (GP's) notes, but these important systems of information have never been merged. As a result, it has never been investigated if there are significant differences in the content of relevant information provided by the various systems. Here, the aim is to collect this information and by doing so, improve the detection of possible risk factors, which will contribute to improved treatment of pregnant women in the future.

Between 3-8% of all children born in Denmark are born with a malformation. The recorded incidence of congenital malformations depends on several factors, including the choice of registers and the recording specialty. Comparing data from medical records on children with congenital malformations (with a focus on potential risk factors and complications) with data from registries enables us to clarify the actual incidence of congenital malformations and present the potential risk factors for these diagnoses. This knowledge will contribute to improved detection of risk pregnancies and improved treatment in the Danish maternity care.

To improve the detection of risk pregnancies and thereby support improved treatment of complications in connection with pregnancy and childbirth in DK, this study aims to 1) examine the diagnosis of complications during pregnancy and childbirth in detail, 2) describe possible risk factors for adverse birth outcomes, and 3) clarify the occurrence of congenital malformations by merging journal and register data.

Description of the cohort

Children born at one of five obstetric departments in the Region of Southern Denmark during 2017 and their mothers.

A subset of the children was selected based on registered congenital malformation diagnosis in DNPR.

Data and biological material

Data from patient journals Data from registries (National Patient Registry and Danish Medical Birth Register)

Collaborating researchers and departments

Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, University of Southern Denmark

  • Anton Pottegård

Dept. of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Amager Hvidovre Hospital

  • Lone Krebs