OPEN Research Support

Associate professor, PhD, MD
Merethe K. Andersen
Department of Public Health, Research Unit of General Practice

Projekt styring
Projekt status    Closed
Data indsamlingsdatoer
Start 01.02.2022  
Slut 01.07.2022  

Older adult's experiences with and attitudes towards chronic use of paracetamol

Short summary

Older adults (aged 65 years and older) who receive paracetamol as a permanent treatment for at least 6 weeks, become recruited in the counter of two Danish community pharmacies. The older adults will be invited to take part in a semi-structured interview about their experiences and attitudes towards their treatment. The interviews are conducted by Camilla and Christina. The interviews will be recorded and then transcribed verbatim for further analysis.


Paracetamol is a weak analgesic and first-line treatment of weak pain. Its use is generally associated with few side effects. Many older citizens use paracetamol daily for longer periods. Studies indicate that permanent treatment with paracetamol (more than six weeks) is not associated with better pain relief.

However, paracetamol can cause liver injury and the tablet burden can be substantial, which can be a challenge, particularly among older citizens with low appetite and swallowing difficulties.

The aim of the project is to investigate how older adults (aged 65 years and older) experience the effect from chronic use of paracetamol and how they perceive the follow up with their general practitioner regarding their analgesic treatment.

Description of the cohort

Older citizens above 65 years in permanent (at least six weeks) treatment with paracetamol. The patients were recruited at Faaborg Løve Apotek and Bellinge Apotek.

Data and biological material

Semi-structured transcribed interviews (10-15 minutes)

Collaborating researchers and departments

The University of Southern Denmark, Department of Public Health, Research Unit of General Practice, Sygehusapotek Fyn