OPEN Research Support

Christina Pilgaard Madsen
Department of Vascular Surgery, Kolding Hospital

Projekt styring
Projekt status    Closed
Data indsamlingsdatoer
Start 01.11.2021  
Slut 28.02.2026  

Reducing the prevalence of groin wound complications in vascular surgery.

Short summary

In vascular surgery we have a challenge with surgical site complications in the groin. We will therefore examine which complications arise and their prevalence and identify patients at high risk for surgical site complications. Furthermore, we wish to examine whether high-risk patients undergoing vascular operation in the groin will benefit from prophylactic sartorius myoplasty and experience fewer surgical site complications.


The groin is a common incision site for vascular surgery performed in relation to operations such as femoral endarterectomy, and central or infrainguinal bypass surgery. Furthermore, cannulation of the femoral artery in relation to endovascular procedures is common. Complications such as dehiscence, infection, hematoma and false aneurysm formation can lead to complex groin wounds, which are challenging to treat, and the patient is at risk of losing the reconstruction, the limb, and the life. The current treatment of the above-mentioned complications consists of revision and reconstruction of the artery when needed and primary or secondary suture or healing by secondary intention. Primary and secondary closure of the wound is often not possible because of the lack of viable tissue to cover the vessels of the groin. The study will provide valuable information on the prevention of complications following vascular surgery which will be of great benefit for both the patients and the healthcare system and hopefully lead to improved treatment quality since we expect that it will lead to reduced admission time, fewer reoperations, better treatment outcome, and improved functional ability.

Description of the cohort

Patients undergoing vascular surgery with groin incisions operated at the department. Patients are treated for peripheral artery disease and aneurysmal disease.

Data and biological material

We will use data from patient journals.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of vascular surgery, Kolding Hospital

  • Kim Houlind
  • Hanne Birke Sørensen