OPEN Research Support

Speech- language- hearing Therapist
Ulla Henriksen Carl
Hearing Counselling - Children and Young People

Projekt styring
Projekt status    Open
Data indsamlingsdatoer
Start 01.05.2023  
Slut 30.04.2033  

Database for School pupils at Hearing Counselling - Children and Young People

Short summary

The primary purpose of the 'Hearing counselling - Children and Young People' is to advice the professionals around the child/youth, the child/youth itself and their parents about hearing related issues. The purpose of the database is to ensure the quality and development of the counselling delivered by the Hearing Counselling - Children & Young People. Likewise, the database investigates whether the counselling has the desired effect on the environment and child's development.

Description of the cohort

The participants of the project are all children and youth referred to school counselling at the Hearing counselling - Children & Youth.

Data and biological material

Demographic data, diagnose, questionnaire data, data from patient journal

Collaborating researchers and departments

Institut for Syn, Hørelse og Døvblindhed, Region Nordjylland

  • Jørgen Hvejsel Vest

Decibels Videnscenter

  • Maria Kinimond Meier