OPEN Research Support

Medical student
Anja Friis Elliott
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark

Project management
Project status    Closed
Data collection dates
Start 01.10.2015  
End 30.09.2017  

Cognititive computer training for individuals with unipolar depression: A pilot study

Short summary

Unipolar depression is associated with cognitive impairment and persists even after remission.

Cognitive impairment plays an important role in functional recovery and leads to long-term sickness absence.  Therefore there is a need of a treatment specifically improving cognitive functions. In this pilot study we aim to evaluate the feasibility of using cognitive computer training in patients with unipolar depression to enhance cognitive performance. Further we investigate whether this intervention shortens sick leave.


Depression is a common diagnose among people with long term sickness absence. Research suggests that there is a cap between recovering from psychological distress quality of life compared to returning to work. This cap could be explained by the fact that individuals with unipolar depression have cognitive problems. Treatment of depression does not focus on cognitive impairment. Therefore a treatment directed specifically to enhance cognitive function is needed. Cognitive computer training offer potential to improve cognition function and everyday functioning, but their effectiveness is not well established. We aim to evaluate the feasibility of using cognitive computer training in individuals with unipolar depression to enhance cognitive performance. Further we do a follow-up to measure whether this intervention shortens sick leave.

Description of the cohort

Adults in the age of 20-63 with unipolar depression according to ICD-10 criteria are included in the pilot study. Participants will all be enrolled from psychiatric department in Odense in the final state of their treatment.  Furthermore the participants must be unemployed, work part time or on sick leave.

The participants will be randomizes into two groups and evaluated on their cognitive function. Only one of the two groups will receive cognitive computer training. After 12 week the two groups´ cognitive function will be compared. Furthermore there is a six month follow up, to measure if or when the participants have returned to work.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Mental Health Odense, University Clinic

  • Research Professor Bent Nielsen MD, PhD
  • Morten Dvoracek Hell cand.psych.
  • Stud. Med. Anja Friis Elliott

Psychiatric Department Odense, Region of Southern Denmark

  • Abigail Sheldrick-Michel MD