OPEN Research Support

Senior Resident
Julie Ladeby Erichsen
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Kolding Hospital

Projekt styring
Projekt status    Closed
Data indsamlingsdatoer
Start 01.02.2018  
Slut 01.08.2018  

Translation and cross-cultural adaption, reliability and validation of 2 ankle- PROMs; SEFAS-Da and AFOAS-Da

Short summary

The American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society score (AOFAS) is the most commonly used patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) to measure pain and functional outcome in ankle and hintfoot related disabilities.  The New Zealand Total Ankle questionnaire "Self-reported Foot and Ankle Score" (SEFAS) is another PROM to measure pain and functional outcome and is adopted by the New Zealand National Joint Registry and the Swedish Ankle Registry. The aim of this study was to cross-culturally translate and adapte AOFAS and SEFAS into Danish and to performe reliability testing.

Description of the cohort

Patients who are > 18 years of age with an ankle related fracture 

Data and biological material

Questionnaires: EQ5D, SEFAS and AOFAS

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, Kolding, Lillebaelt Hospital

Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, Odense University Hosptial