OPEN Research Support

Ester Gill
Department of Surgery

Projekt styring
Projekt status    Open
Data indsamlingsdatoer
Start 01.11.2019  
Slut 31.12.2021  

ICG-evaluation in necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) patients

Short summary

NEC is a dreaded disorder in preterm infants. A method for an objective evaluation is needed to prevent too excessive removal of intestine and leaving non-viable intestine. During surgery an ICG image will be obtained of the affected intestine. The images will be analyzed postoperative to estimate blood perfusion. Before closing a microdialysis catheter will be placed in the abdomen to collect samples of the peritoneal fluid, this fluid will be analyzed for the concentration of antibiotics.


This project aims to explore if new methods can improve the treatment of children with ischemic bowl disease.

1) The primary aim is to explore the use of Indocyanine green (ICG) to evaluate bowl perfusion with special emphasis on the delineation of the intestinal resections margins with special reference to the postoperative course.

2) The secondary aim is to investigate whether the diffusion of antibiotics into the peritoneal cavity is sufficient.

Description of the cohort

Infants with NEC at OUH requiring surgery

Data and biological material

Data consist of perotoniel microdialysis samples and video recordings of the bowl during the ICG- procedure

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Neonantology, H.C. Andersens børnehospital

  • Marianne Dahl

Department of anesthesiology, OUH

  • Ole Pedersen