OPEN Research Support

Marianne Kirstine Thygesen
Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital, Svendborg

Projekt styring
Projekt status    Sampling finished
Data indsamlingsdatoer
Start 04.09.2017  
Slut 30.04.2018  

Involvement of Relatives

Short summary

Some people can benefit of relative support at the hospital, and some don't. We investigate how being able to have the opportunity to get relative support might affect patients' and relatives' experience of peace of mind. 


Patients' experiences of peace of mind at the hospitals are important, and much might influence this experience, including having the possibility to follow (or be followed) by an important relative. We know, that patients can feel they make a mistake about asking a relative to follow them, but we don't know how big this problem is.

Description of the cohort

Adults for colonoscopy at Nyborg Hospital, and who speak, read and understand Danish, or have a relative, who can translate to Danish + adults who follow their relatives to colonoscopy at Nyborg Hospital. 

Collaborating researchers and departments

Surgery department A, Odense University Hopsital + Clinical Institute, University of Southern Denmark

  • Clinical researcher and Associate Professor, PhD, Marianne K. Thygesen

Surgery department A, Odense University Hopsital + Clinical Institute, University of Southern Denmark

  • Professor, MD, Niels Qvist