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Clinical Professor

Hans Mickley

Department of Cardiology and Cardiovascular, Odense University Hospital

Projektstatus Aktiv (optaget i OPEN)
Data indsamlingsdatoer
Start 01.10.2009
Slut 01.04.2029
Projektet i tal
OPEN undersøgelse/kliniske data
Forventet # af deltagere 0

Odense Chest Pain Biobank

Short Summary

In 2007, ESC and ACC announced a new definition of the existing MI-criteria from 2000. With this project we expect to contribute with significant information to the consequences of the 2007-criterias. This information will affect the science, the clinician as well as the patient.


In 2007, ESC and ACC announced a new definition of the existing MI-criteria from 2000. The new guidelines maintain troponin as the preferred coronary marker and a discretionary limit of the 99 percentile of a reference population. The most notable difference from the 2007-definition is the implementation of five MI sub-types, where MI type 2 regards a whole new category of patients. With this group, distinction is made between MI caused by damage in the wall of the coronary (Type 1 MI) and type 2 MI, which is either activated by reduced oxygen to the heart or increased oxygen to the heart.

Description of the cohort

From January 6th 2010 until January 5th 2011 all patients, who have had their Troponin I level determined during their hospitalization at Odense University Hospital, have been asked for permission to draw an extra blood sample. The biobank which hereby is established now included 2.553 patients. Furthermore an examination including ECG and a thorough history of the patiens chest pain has taken place. Patients fulfilling the criterium for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) has been categorized as type 1-5 MI according to the international redifinition of MI from 2007. Patients who did not get the diagnosis AMI has been diagnosed by an end point commitee.

Data and biological material

The data from the biobank is used in two PhD-studies: Lotte Saabye (DEF-AMI) which describe the prevalence and the prognostic meaning of the 5 MI types. Susanne Hosbond (BIO-COR) which illustrates the activity of different biomarkers in the arterial wall in patients with ischemic heart disease.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Cardiology and Cardiovascular, Odense University Hospital

PhD-student Lotte Saaby, PhD-student Susanne Hosbond, 1. registrar Tina Svenstrup Poulsen, PhD, Clinical Associated Professor and Senior Hospital Physician Axel Diederichsen, PhD, Associatede Professor and Senior Hospital Physician Hans Mickley, DMSc, Research Laboratory Technologist Lone Sørensen, Research Laboratory Technologist Maybritt Rønn, Medical Director Mogens Lytken Larsen

Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital

Professor Lars Melholt Rasmussen, Professor Jesper Hallas, Senior Hospital Physician Mads Nybo, PhD

Department of Nuclear Medicine, Odense University Hospital

Professor Poul Flemming Høilund Carlsen

OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network

Professor and Manager Torben Barington

Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg Hospital

Senior Hospital Physician Torben Bjerregård Larsen

Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital

Professor and Chairman for the Global MI Task Force Kristian Thygesen

University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, Arizona, USA

Professor of Medicine Joseph S. Alpert, MD, FACC, FAHA, FESC

Publications associated with the project

Discordant Diagnoses of Acute Myocardial Infarction due to the Different Use of Assays and Cut-Off Points of Cardiac Troponins. / Lyck Hansen M, Saaby L, Nybo M, Rasmussen LM, Thygesen K, Mickley H, Svenstrup Poulsen T. Cardiology 2012;122(4):225-9.

Clinical evaluation of a matrix metalloproteinase-12 cleaved fragment of titin as a cardiovascular-specific serological biomarker. / Vassiliadis E, Melholt Rasmussen L, Byrjalsen I, Larsen DV, Chaturvedi R, Hosbond S, Saabye L, Diederichsen AC, Genovese F, Duffin KL, Zheng Q, Chen X, Leeming DJ, Christiansen C, Karsdal MA. Journal of Translational Medicine 2012 Jul 6;10(1):140.

A MMP derived versican neo-epitope is elevated in plasma from patients with atherosclerotic heart disease. / Barascuk N, Genovese F, Larsen L, Byrjalsen I, Zheng Q, Sun S, Hosbond S, Poulsen TS, Diederichsen A, Jensen JM, Mickley H, Register TC, Rasmussen LM, Leeming DJ, Christiansen C, Karsdal MA. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. 2013;6(3):174-84. Epub 2013 Mar 21.

An ELISA for the quantitation of von Willebrand Factor: Osteoprotegerin complexes in plasma / Vinholt PJ, Overgaard M, Diederichsen AC, Mickley H, Poulsen TS, Sand NP, Nybo M, Rasmussen LM. Thrombosis Research. 2013 May;131(5):396-400. doi: 10.1016/j.thromres.2013.03.001. Epub 2013 Mar 23.

Localization of Microfibrillar-Associated Protein 4 (MFAP4) in Human Tissues: Clinical Evaluation of Serum MFAP4 and Its Association with Various Cardiovascular Conditions. / Wulf-Johansson, Helle; Lock Johansson, Sofie; Schlosser, Anders; Trommelholt Holm, Anne; Melholt Rasmussen, Lars; Mickley, Hans; Diederichsen, Axel Cosmus Pyndt; Munkholm, Henrik; Poulsen, Tina Svenstrup; Tornøe, Ida; Nielsen, Vicki; Marcussen, Niels; Vestbo, Jørgen; Sækmose, Susanne Gjørup; Holmskov, Uffe; Sorensen, Grith Lykke. I: PloS one, Vol. 8, Nr. 12, 2013, s. e82243.

Plasma proteome profiling of atherosclerotic disease manifestations reveals elevated levels of the cytoskeletal protein vinculin. / Kristensen, Lars P; Larsen, Martin R; Mickley, Hans; Saaby, Lotte; Diederichsen, Axel Cosmus Pyndt; Lambrechtsen, Jess; Rasmussen, Lars M; Overgaard, Martin. I: Journal of Proteomics, 22.12.2013.

Lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase is not a biomarker of atherosclerotic manifestations. / Hosbond SE, Diederichsen ACP, Pedersen L, Rasmussen LM, Munkholm H, Gerke O et al. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical & Laboratory Investigation. 2014;74(3):219-227.

Can osteoprotegerin be used to identify the presence and severity of coronary artery disease in different clinical settings? /Hosbond SE, Diederichsen ACP, Saaby L, Rasmussen LM, Lambrechtsen J, Munkholm H et al. Atherosclerosis. 2014;236(2):230-236. <br />

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