Shows 1,721 projects |
OP_2397 DAN-HEALTH-study Isik Somuncu Johansen, Professor, senior consultan, Susan Olaf Lindvig, Research unit of Infectious Diseases |
OP_2396 Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)
among Danish children and adolescents referred for gastroenterological assessment in public outpatient hospital care Medical doctor and future PhD-student, Christina Hornemann, Research unit of Mental Health Research, Southwest Denmark, Department of Regional Health Services, University of Southern Denmark. Research Unit of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Mental Health Services in the Region of Southern Denmark. Research unit of |
OP_2390 Who can be helped and who cannot be helped? Mapping biopsychosocial factors in people with low back pain responding to chiropractic care Senior Researcher, Casper Nim, The spine centre of Southern Denmark, hospital Lillebælt, University Hospital of Southern Denmark |
OP_2388 The effect of intravenous fluids compared to oral fluids on hemodynamics and biochemistry in healthy volunteers - a randomized crossover trial Physician, Peter Biesenbach, Department of Emergency Medicine |
OP_2386 MyDiaMate - an online self-guided tools for patients with type 1 diabetes to reduce diabetes distress Program leader, Associate Professor, Mette Juel Rothmann, Steno Diabetes Center Odense |
OP_2385 Used dosages and experienced effects of Wegovy among Danish adult users: A community pharmacy-based survey MScPharm , Katrine Kjærgaard Nielsen, Hospital Pharmacy Funen, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2382 Danish translation and linguistic validation of the GENDER-Q Youth Module Pre-graduade Student, Jack G. Graesser, Research Unit for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2378 Peer-to-peer support for the diabetespatients in Denmark- a qualitative study Registered nurse (RN), stud. scient.san , Caroline Mathilde Møller-Nielsen , OPEN Research Unit, Faculty of Health Science, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2375 Use and clinical relevance of HPA typing in cases suspected of FNAIT Medical Doctor, Ph.D., Kerstin Kathrine Soelberg, Department of Clinical Immunology |
OP_2372 Health-related quality of life and psychological well-being in family members of mental health service users being cared for in adult forensic and non-forensic mental settings. Associate Professor in Forensic Mental Health and , Ellen Boldrup Tingleff, Forensic Mental Health Research Unit Middelfart (RFM), Department of Regional Health Research, Faculty of Health Science, University of Southern Denmark & Psychiatric Department Middelfart, Mental Health Services in the Region of Southern Denmark, Østre |
OP_2370 KETAMINE SEDATION AS NEUROPROTECTIVE AGENT FOLLOWING OUT-OF-HOSPITAL CARDIAC ARREST MD, PhD, Simon Mølstrøm, 1 Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Odense University Hospital, 5000, Odense C, Denmark and Clinical Institute University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2368 Diagnostic Value of Photon-Counting CT in Patients with Stents and Recurrent Stable Angina Physician, PhD-student, Søren Thorup Scheuer, Department of Regional Health Research, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg |
OP_2366 Systematic screening for hearing loss in patients with diabetes - a single center feasibility study MD, PhD, Postdoc, Thomas Bastholm Olesen, Department of Internal Medicine, Kolding Hospital |
OP_2363 Infectious Endocarditis in Denmark Physician, PhD-student, Lytfi Krasniqi, 1. Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery |
OP_2358 Coherence and co-creation in health care involving ethnic minority patients
Dansk titel: Sammenhæng og samskabelse i sundhedsvæsnet med minoritetsetniske patienter- Et kommunikationsredskab af patienter for patienter i samarbejde med sundhedsprofessionelle PhD-student, Khadra B, Department of Clinical research, Research unit of Infectious Diseases, OUH |
OP_2357 Kirurgisk behandling af distal bicepssene ruptur Senior consultant, MD, Tine Dimon, Department of Orthopedic Surgery SLB-Vejle |
OP_2354 SENSI-Breast (pilot) Nerve Preservation in Immediate Breast Reconstruction. A pilot study on sensibility-preserving mastectomy and breast reconstruction. Professor, consultant plastic surgeon, Tine Engberg Damsgaard MD, PhD, MRBS, Department of Surgery and Plastic Surgery, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, SLB-Vejle |
OP_2353 The Impact of Public Information on Older Citizens' Initiatives Regarding End-of-Life Preferences: An Intervention Study Nurse, cand.cur., PhD-student, Sabrina Westergaard Jensen, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Vejle, a part of Lillebaelt Hospital, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Beriderbakken 4, DK - 7100 Vejle, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Kolding, a part of Lillebaelt Hospital, Unive |
OP_2352 Børneinddragelse i Voksenpsykiatrien Cand.psych., Ph.D., assistant professor, Rikke Amalie Agergaard Jensen, Involvement of Relatives, Mental Health Services, Region of Southern Denmark & Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2346 Prehospital octogenarians and older patients in the Region of Southern Denmark Medical student, Anina K. Miethe, Prehospital Research Unit, Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark |
OP_2345 Pregnant women's attitude towards cervical cancer screening during pregnancy - a questionnaire survey Physician, Louise Rottbøll Rosenberg, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2342 PUCIA - Paediatric patients with Ulcerative Colitis undergoing ileal-pouch-anal anastomosis with J-pouch reconstruction. A multicenter retrospective cohort in the Nordic countries. Professor, Head of pediatric surgery, MD, PhD, Mark Bremholm Ellebæk, Research Unit of Surgery, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark, Centre of Excellence in Gastrointestinal Diseases and Malformations in Infancy and Childhood (GAIN) Odense University Hospital & University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2341 The ECHO study: Compassion-focused therapy for young voice hearers and their caregivers Psychologist specialized in Psychiatry, PhD, Vibeke Fuglsang Bliksted, Research Unit of Psychiatry, Department of Clinical Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark and Department of Psychiatry Odense, Mental Health Services, Region of Southern Denmark |
OP_2340 Diastolic Blood Pressure in Patients with Severe Aortic Stenosis undergoing Transluminal Aortic Valve Replacement M.D., Kristian Bach Laursen, Deparment of Cardiology B, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2339 The Danish head and neck cancer fast-track pathway: A 15 year national evaluation of impact PhD-student, Medical Doctor, Ida Grunske Schmidt, Department of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2335 PFAS exposure levels in 1500 young Danes PhD-student, MD, Christina Raun-Petersen, Department of Public Health |
OP_2333 Anaerobic bacteremia; Clinical presentation, treatment response and outcome. PhD-student, MD, Charlotte Nielsen Agergaard, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2332 AB-care
Colonic capsule endoscopy (CCE) for screening of neoplasms in patients with anaerobic bacteremia. PhD-student, MD, Charlotte Nielsen Agergaard, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2329 Fraktur Relaterede Associationer fra Nationale Kohorter - FRANK databasen Professor, Bjarke Viberg, Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2327 Validity of Major Lower Extremity amputation surgical procedures codes in the Danish National Patient Registry MD, PhD-student, Anna Brix, Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2324 Insight to Excellence: The power of Feedback in Orthognathic Surgery DDS, Denise Philip Møller-Hansen, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2323 Sleep Patterns of Danish Children MD. PH.D, Line Carøe Sørensen, Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Lillebaelt Hospital, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Kolding, Denmark; Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2322 Coagulation and fibrinolysis in transgender persons on gender affirming hormone therapy PhD-student, Mette Bøgehave, Unit for Thrombosis Research, Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark |
OP_2321 A guided online-delivered group counseling program for pregnant women and new mothers with ADHD: A mixed-method feasibility study of AMOR; ADHD, Mother's Online Resources Research assistant , Katrine Marcussen , Research Unit of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2320 Facilitators and barriers for palliative and end-of-life care in ICU. A sub-study of the European EPIC trial Professor, Hanne Irene Jensen, Department of anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Lillebaelt Hospital/Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2316 Complications after upper gatrointestinal surgery - a quality assurance database Staff Specialist, MD, Ph.D., FEBS - UGIS, Jonas Sanberg, Upper GI- and HPB-section, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2311 Hvordan støttes pårørende til mennesker med psykisk sygdom? 2.0 Cand.psych., Ph.D., assistant professor, Rikke Amalie Agergaard Jensen, Involvement of Relatives, Mental Health Services, Region of Southern Denmark & Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2310 A qualitative study on interested parties' perspectives on voluntary first responders working in the emergency medical system in Denmark Medicial Doctor, PhD-student, Oliver Beierholm Sørensen, Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2307 The incidence of surgical site complications in transverse versus longitudinal groin incision in vascular surgery: A randomized clinical trial. PhD-student, Vascular surgeon, Christina Pilgaard Madsen, Department of Vascular Surgery, Kolding Hospital |
OP_2306 Implementation of Cross-Sector Virtual Meetings (V4M) in acute hospital settings Associate Professor, Charlotte Abrahamsen, Department of Emergency Medicine, Hospital Lillebaelt Kolding & Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2305 "KOL patientens perspektiv på hjemmebesøg vs ambulant fremmøde" Nurse, Rikke Salomon, OUH, Svendborg Sygehus |
OP_2304 Potential effect of hormonal treatment on adenomyosis related pain in women with MRI verified adenomyosis - the POWER study Clinical Professor, Peter Martin Rudnicki, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, OUH |
OP_2303 Know Your Medicine: A course for older people and their caretakers Stud.pharm, Nikolaj Nyland, Hospital Pharmacy Funen, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2301 Prehospital treat-and-release of patients following ambulance contact Medical Student, Bjarke Kjær Hansen, Prehospital Research Unit, Prehospital South |
OP_2300 Treatment of supracondylar humerus fractures Professor, Bjarke Viberg, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2299 Intravenous versus oral treatment of the main acute infections in emergency departments - the POET-INDEED trial Associate professor, Helene Skjøt-Arkil, Department of Emergency Medicine, University Hospital of Southern Denmark - Hospital Sønderjylland |
OP_2298 Antipsychotic Negotiations:
Lived Experiences of Antipsychotic Drug Use in Dementia Care at Danish Care Homes
senior researcher, pharmacist, PhD in anthropology, Sofie Rosenlund Lau, Research Unit at Pharmacy Hospital Funen |
OP_2294 Outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) Chief physician, Anne Øvrehus, Department of infectious disease - OUH |
OP_2293 Prevention of Complications Following Ovarian Cancer Surgery
Research year student, Ida Basse, Research unit of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (Odense universitets hospital)) |
OP_2286 Physical Abuse against Children under the Age of 2 in Southern Denmark Chief physician, PhD and MPM, Marianne Skytte Jakobsen, Department of Pediatrics, Odense Universitetshospital |
OP_2285 Proteomic Analysis on Myopic Children using Orthokeratology Lenses with Good or Poor Myopic Control. The ProMOC study Pregraduate medical student, Barha Aftab, Department of Ophthalmology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_2281 Nutritional treatment after surgical intervention in patients with necrotizing enterocolitis or spontaneuosus intestinal perforation. Master's student., Nikolaj Bang, H. C. Andersens Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital (OUH). |
OP_2280 Diagnosing peRipheral lung lesions with CRYO biopsies Physician, PhD, Amanda Dandanell Juul, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Odense University Hospital/ Odense Respiratory Research Unit, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2278 Prevalence, consequences and pharmacological treatment of chronic diseases in the Danish population Pharmacist, PhD-student, Lærke Karner Overgaard, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2277 A National database : DANCUP
Investigation and treatment of patients with an unknown primary tumor. MD phd, Lise Eckhoff, Department of Oncology, Odense University hospital |
OP_2275 ADRENAL FUNCTION FOLLOWING INDUCTION TREATMENT FOR ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA IN CHILDREN: A COMPARISON OF PREDNISOLONE AND DEXAMETHASONE MD, PhD, Mathias Rathe, Department of Pediatrics Hans Christian Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark |
OP_2273 Epidural analgesia versus systemic opioids for postoperative pain management after VATS: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Physician, PhD-student., Jimmy Højberg Holm, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2271 Impact of Acute Hospitalisation and Resistance Training on Muscle Architecture and Physical Performance in Older Adults PhD-student, Jeppe Grabov Phillip, Geriatric Research Unit, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark / Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark |
OP_2270 Allogeneic Stem Cell transplant in Relapsed/Refractory Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma- A Population based Intent- to- Transplant Outcome Analysis Physician, Thomas Stauffer Larsen , Department of hematology, |
OP_2266 Effect of methylphenidate on cancer-related fatigue in patients treated for a brain tumor during childhood or adolescence: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled cross over trial - the EMBRAIN trial MD, PhD-student, Sebastian Wenzel Most-Mottelson, Research Unit of Paediatrics (Odense University Hospital), Department of Clinical Research (University of Southern Denmark) |
OP_2265 Myomectomy - Impact of size and surgical procedure on postoperative pain perception and bleeding (The MISS study) Clinical assistant, Ann-Sophie Jensen, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Odense University Hospital, OUH |
OP_2263 Placebo-controlled double-blind trial of the analgesic effect and safety of clonidine in patients after major abdominal surgery PhD-student, Rasmus Hjelmar Petersen, Dept. of anesthesia, Esbjerg and Grindsted Hospital and University of Southern Denmark. Finsensgade 35. 6700 Esbjerg |
OP_2262 CIMBA_Confluence Professor, Mads Thomassen, Department of Clinical Genetics, OUH |
OP_2259 The Efficacy of Pressurised Intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy combined with CURativE intent minimally invasive radical resection in high-risk gastric cancer patients - EPICURE: A multicentre, randomised study MD, PhD, FEBS - UGIS, Jonas Sanberg, Odense PIPAC-center, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2258 Societal Impact of Research-Based Knowledge in Health Care (the PINCH project)
Special Consultant, Ph.D., Christian V. Skovsgaard, University of Southern Denmark, Department of Public Health, Danish Centre for Health Economics |
OP_2256 A Quick pathway for patients with high pRobability of dislocatEd hemi- or total hip arthroplasty to minimize the time from hospital aDmission to redUCtion of the prosthEsis MD, PhD, Lars Lykke Hermansen, Dept. of Orthopedics, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg |
OP_2255 STUDIE AF MYELOIDT SARKOM: klinisk præsentation, immunhistokemisk- og genetisk landskab og behandling MD, PhD, clinical associated professor, Dennis Lund Hansen, Department of hematology |
OP_2254 Maternal trauma and injuries during pregnancy and the risk of offspring neurodevelopmental disorders Postdoc, Tanja Gram Petersen , Research unit OPEN, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2252 Projekt LUngekræft Screening i Syddanmark: Hjerte (PLUS:Hjerte) Doctor, Preman Kumarathurai, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2251 Oplevelsen af koloskopi_1 M.D. Ph.D., Magnus, Surgical department |
OP_2250 Validation and comparison of the Danish version of the Bristol Rheumatoid Arthritis Fatigue Questionnaires (BRAFs) and the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory for patients with non-inflammatory rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases: A protocol PhD-student, Astrid Damgaard, The Danish Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Research department, Sønderborg, Denmark. |
OP_2249 Vejle Lung Cancer Research Organization Biobank (VELCRO-BIO) Professor, PhD, DMSc, Torben Frøstrup Hansen, Department of Oncology, Lillebaelt Hospital Vejle |
OP_2248 Assessment of the diagnostic value of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin and interleukin-6 in urine for the presence of urinary tract infection MD, post doc, Kristian Stærk, Klinisk Mikrobiologisk Afdeling OUH |
OP_2246 The effect and efficacy of continuous positive airway pressure therapy on pain sensitivity in patients with obstructive sleep apnea Senior Consultant, PhD-student, Morten Overgaard, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at Sydvesjysk Sygehus Esbjerg |
OP_2244 Expert consensus on essential components for teledermatological assessment of skin tumors student, Alexander Detlefsen, Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2241 Targeting mTOR with everolimus and/or physical training for preventing postmenopausal bone loss and accelerated skeletal aging. The RapaLoad study. Physician, PhD-student, Moustapha Kassem, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2239 Spondyloarthritis Inception Cohort of Southern Denmark (SPINCODE) MD, PhD-student, Georg Kroeber, The Danish Centre for Expertise in Rheumatology, Danish Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg, Denmark and Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark |
OP_2238 Natural history of symptomatic ventral and groin hernias: A longitudinal cohort study during elective surgery disruptions. MD, PhD, Anders Mark Christensen, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark |
OP_2231 Postopereative complications following surgery in congenital hyperinsulinism and insulinomas Masters student, Gregers Gaardskær Boel, Department of Surgery at Odense University Hospital |
OP_2228 SMARTER: Using blood Samples to iMprove FIT-bAsed coloRecTal cancEr scReening PhD-student, Line Haugaard Fly, Biochemistry and Immunology, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_2227 Ileal reservoir length and functional outcome in ileal pouch-anal anastomosis: An assessor-blinded, randomized controlled trial MD PhD, Anders Mark Christensen, Department of Surgery A |
OP_2226 Clinical use of Sanger Sequencing of the 16S MD, Guðrun Jákupsdóttir Egholm Kreipke, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2224 Non-pharmacological treatment of patients at risk of developing persistent post-traumatic headache PhD-student, Sasha Revelius Gaj Baatz, Department of Neurology, The Research Unit of Neurology |
OP_2223 Reasons for Prescribing off-label Quetiapine Among Danish General Practitioners |
OP_2222 Opioid users' knowledge and experience with risk of falls associated with opioid use: A pharmacy-based questionnaire study stud.MSc.Pharm., Juliane Rosendahl, Hospital Pharmacy Funen, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2220 Cognitive dysfunction s in children with epilepsy MD (Paediatrician). PH.D, Line Carøe Sørensen, Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Lillebaelt Hospital, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Kolding, Denmark; Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2218 Hyperkalaemia in Chronic Kidney Disease: Investigating the Role of Potassium Content of Ultra-Processed Foods Clinical dietitian, pre-PhD-student, Kenneth Mærsk Christensen, Internal Medicine Research Unit, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Aabenraa, Denmark and department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark. |
OP_2217 Monitoring Lupus Nephritis through Urinary Extracellular vesicles MD, PhD, Postdoctoral researcher, Rikke Zachar Langkilde, Department of Medicine, Lillebaelt Hospital, Kolding |
OP_2216 Necrotising soft-tissue infections - management and treatment at Odense University Hospital Physician/ Senior consultant, Anna Brix /Tine Nymark, Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2213 Older people knowledge about medicine and their communication with their general practitioner about their medicine Stud.pharm, Nikolaj Nyland, Hospital Pharmacy Funen, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2212 Healthcare utilization among Danish young adults aged 18-39 with cancer PhD, Pia Krause Møller, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2211 SIMHYS - Simulation Training in Hysteroscopy MD, PhD student, Karen Høgh Abrahamsen, Dept. Gynecology and Obstetrics |
OP_2209 Wellbeing and resilience among 1-3 year old children of mothers with complex mental health problems: a pragmatic clinical trial (WellCom) Psychologist, associate professor, Kirstine Agnete Davidsen, Research Unit, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Mental Health Services in Southern Denmark, Department of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2208 MILS Minimal invasive liver surgery - Evaluation of implementation of minimal
invasive liver surgery at Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital (OUH) MD, ph.d., Ole Steen Bjerring, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital (OUH) |
OP_2207 The Bloom Study [VÆKST - en sund og tryg start på livet] Researcher, Camilla Thørring Bonnesen, National Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2206 Renal cell carcinoma liquid biopsy Post. Doc, Martin Aagaard Lund, Urology |
OP_2202 Respect. Recommendations and wishes for future care and treatment MD, PhD, Mette Aaby Smith, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2197 Children with severe lung disease Consultant, Ph.D., , Josefine Gradman, Hans Christian Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2195 Internal fixation of femoral neck fractures in adults under 65 years of age PhD-student, Michaela Manalili Hansen, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, OUH |
OP_2193 Development and testing of a Virtual Reality Simulator to learn Focused Lung Ultrasound PhD student, Pernilla Borggaard, Odense Respiratory Research Unit |
OP_2192 Comprehensive Genomic Profiling and Therapeutic Implications for Patients with Advanced Cancers MD, consultant, Annette Raskov Kodahl, Dept of oncology |
OP_2191 The Efficacy of a Complex INterdisciplinary Nurse-Coordinated SELf-MAnagement (INSELMA) Intervention for People With Substantial Impact from their Inflammatory Arthritis Professor, PhD, RN, Jette Primdahl, Center for Expertise in Rheumatology, Danish Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Sønderborg and Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2189 Treatment tailored to the health literacy needs of patients with type 2 diabetes and multi-disease and family members - a mixed methods study PhD-student, Leah Sejrup Christensen, Internal Medicine Research Unit, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Aabenraa, Denmark |
OP_2188 Extended Mesenteric resection in ileocecal Crohn's Disease to prevent recurrent disease - A randomized controlled trial. Physician, Jens Kristian Bælum, Surgical Department A |
OP_2186 A protocol for a controlled, phase II, multi-arm, parallel-group, superiority, six-month trial comparing the effectiveness of far-UVC (222 nm) in two experimental arms against standard care in preventing viral and bacterial infections in long-term care facilities BN, cand.scient.san, Ph.d, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_2185 Congenital Combined Pituitary Hormone Deficiency - a national cohort long-term follow-up. Professor, PhD, DMSc, Henrik Christesen, Hans Christian Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital. |
OP_2184 Selvdefinerede aktivitetsproblemer blandt personer med stroke tre måneder efter udskrivelse Klinisk udviklingsterapeut, Annemette Gaaddiksen Post, Neurologisk Afdeling |
OP_2183 Smertereduktion ved koloskopi - retroflexion i starten versus i slutningen af undersøgelsen M.D. Ph.D., Magnus, Surgical department |
OP_2182 AcuteX: Impact of extreme weather events on acute hospital services Associate professor, Søren Bie Bogh, OPEN, Odense Universitetshospital |
OP_2181 Percentile hyperplanes for aorta diameter measurements Biostatistician, Professor, DMSc, PhD, Oke Gerke, Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, OUH & Dept. of Clinical Research, SDU |
OP_2180 Translation and cultural adaption of the survey De-stress into Danish - A survey to measure clinicians' Stress, Coping, and Intention to Leave, in Emergency Departments. RN, MScN , Maria Raun, Department of Emergency Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2179 Patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm admitted for planned open surgery: Experiences with nursing care" Nurse, PhD-student, Sabine Heesemann, Littlebelt Hospital, Vascular surgery unit |
OP_2175 Evaluation of a population-based screening strategy for chronic liver disease MD, clinical assistant, Katrine Tholstrup Bech, Centre for Liver Research, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark |
OP_2174 Current practice of anesthesia for optimizing elective tracheal intubation
conditions in the perioperative setting - a Scandinavian survey Physician, PhD, Louise Bill, Department of Anaesthesiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark |
OP_2173 Effect Camostat for Kidney Protection in Chronic Kidney Disease (CamKid) MD, PhD-student, Mette Boye Boes, Research Unit of nephrology, University of Southern Denmark, and Department of Nephrology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2172 Attachment disorder in danish children and adolescents - a registerbased study. Psychologist, associate professor, Kirstine Agnete Davidsen, Research Unit, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Mental Health Services in Southern Denmark, Department of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2171 Intranasal dexmedetomidine til pædiatrisk sedation - et observationelt implementeringsstudie Physician, Katrine Dueholm Nissen, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Aabenraa, Denmark |
OP_2170 Emercengy care for Nursing Home Residents - An explorative study of acute events at Nursing Homes PhD-student, Trine Lenskjold Rudebeck, Clinical Institute, Research Unit of Emergency Medicine |
OP_2169 Free from UTI - reduce urinary tract infection at nursing homes Physician, specialist in Clinical Microbiology, Thomas Sydenham, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2168 Thermography for critically ill patients in the ED Professor, Mikkel Brabrand, Department of Emergency Medicine, OUH |
OP_2166 Genetic causes of short stature in children PhD-student, Maria Lissel Isaksson, Department of Clinical Genetics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2165 Describing the Disposition of Older people in relation to Clinical Frailty Scale from a Major level 1 trauma center in Denmark Consultant, professor, Mikkel Brabrand, Department of Emergency Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2164 Deprescribing of older patients in general practice Undergraduate Student (stud.cand.pharm.), Maja Josephine Lundberg Andersen, Research Unit of Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Environmental Medicine at Department of Public Health at University of Southern Denmark, SDU. |
OP_2163 BioNAC Breast: Validating the clinical utility of selected biomarkers in relation to neoadjuvant treatment of breast cancer - A prospective biomarker study MD, PhD student, Sofie Høier Gamborg-Kvist, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_2162 NoFaKids: Normal fasting in Kids. A prospective multicenter study. Professor, Chief Physician, Henrik Thybo Christesen, Research unit of Paediatrics, OUH |
OP_2161 Defining the "true" Total Hip Arthroplasty population Physician MD, Ammar Ali / Lar Lykke Hermansen , Department of Orthopedics University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg |
OP_2160 Common antihypertensive drugs and the risk of pulmonary hypertension in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Physician, Mathies Appel Aggerbeck, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2158 Lifestyle intervention and Metformin in early puberty
A randomized, placebo-controlled study on the effect of insulin sensitization and/or lifestyle intervention on pubertal progression. consultant DMSc PhD, Rikke Beck Jensen, Department of Pediatrics, Herlev Hospital |
OP_2157 Ultrasound availability, frequency of use, operator training and certification - an international survey M.D., PhD-student, Martine Siw Nielsen, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Lillebaelt Hospital, Kolding |
OP_2155 Clinical biomarker of paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy Postdoc, Ditte Bork Iversen, Department of Public Health, Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Environmental Medicine, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2154 Caregiving experiences in ALLO-HSCT recovery: Impact on Family Health and Well-being MSc Nursing, Anne Møller Clausen, Department of Haematology, Odense University Hospital, Denmark |
OP_2153 Palliative Pelvic Exenteration for Alleviating Symptoms in Cancer Patients Consultant surgeon, PhD, ass. professor, Jonas Amstrup Funder, Department of Abdominal and Plastic Surgery University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Vejle |
OP_2151 COPD-related anxiety Nurse, PhD-student, Camilla Fischer Christiansen, Department of Medicine, Vejle Hospital |
OP_2149 Individualized stroke risk scores and hemostatic profile in oral anticoagulant-naïve (OAC-naïve) patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF). Physician and PhD-student, Nedim Tojaga, Department of Cardiology, Esbjerg and Grindsted Hospital, University Hospital of Southern Denmark. |
OP_2147 SPIREN-EXT - long term follow-up from the SPIREN trial MD, PhD, Line Aas Mortensen, Department of Nephrology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2145 Becoming a parent - an existential and body-phenomenological perspective PhD-student, Maiken Damm, Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2144 Beneficial effects of Amiloride on progression of Chronic Kidney Disease (A-CKD) MD, PhD, Gitte Rye Hinrichs, Department of Nephrology Odense University Hospital |
OP_2143 Pharmacokinetics of dexamethasone in childhood ALL and reduction in bone mineral density Physician, Peder Skov Wehner, Hans Christian Andersen Childrens Hospital |
OP_2142 Evaluering af PRO - Klar til behandling? HTA-Consultant, Nanna Stenberg Bluhme, MTV (HTA), OUH |
OP_2141 MTV-baseret evaluering af PRO-løsning til
kvinder med sphinkterruptur efter fødsel HTA-Consultant, Ida Simmelsgaard, MTV (HTA), Odense University Hospital |
OP_2140 Prophylactic Antibiotics in Routine Nephrostomy Catheter Exchange - A Nordic Multicentered Survey,, Emma Marie McLoughlin Nielsen, Department of Radiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2137 Patients and Healthcare Professionals expectations of the prognosis following ankle fractures - a prospective cohort follow-up study comparing patients and Healthcare Professionals expectations following ankle fractures Professor, Bjarke Viberg, Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, OUH |
OP_2136 Acute Transfusion Reactions in Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Patients MD, PhD, Mathias Rathe, Department of Pediatrics Hans Christian Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark |
OP_2135 PULLY - Automatiseret patientforflytning for bedre ergonomisk arbejdsmiljø PhD, Kathrine Rayce, Department of Clinical Development |
OP_2133 Prioritising Patient Medication Review: Hospitals Reaching Out (PriPMed) Assistant professor, pharmacist, PhD, MPH, Joo Hanne Poulsen Revell, The Hospital Pharmacy, University Hospital Sønderjylland, Denmark The Hospital Pharmacy Research Unit, University Hospital Sønderjylland, Denmark |
OP_2132 Use of dexmedetomidine in critically ill adult patients admitted to Scandinavian ICU's. physician , Use of dexmedetomidine in critically ill adult patients admitted to Scandinavian ICU's, 1) Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Odense University Hospital, Denmark |
OP_2131 GDMB: A methodologic study to assess the impact of gestational diabetes mellitus on the molecular composition of placental and umbilical bloodvessels. Pregraduate medical student, Project Coordinator, Cathrine M. Raastad, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, OUH, Department of Clinical Research, SDU. |
OP_2130 Wasted medication at the end of life
(Medicinspild på Hospice) MD, Thomas Øhlenschlæger, Pharmacology, OUH |
OP_2126 Exploring Patient Perspectives: A Qualitative Study on Lymphovenous Anastomosis for Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema PhD-student, physician, Caroline Lilja, The Research Unit for Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2125 Valvular and Ventricular Alterations in Bicuspid Aortic Stenosis Undergraduate researcher, Mathias Dyreborg Jørgensen, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2124 Stem cell treatment for regeneration of the rotator cuff (Lipo-Cuff Study) Professor, chief physician, Lars Henrik Frich, Department of Orthopaedics, Hospital Sønderjylland, Region of Southern Denmark |
OP_2122 The use of systemic treatment after Pressurized IntraPeritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC) in patients with peritoneal metastasis PhD-student, Signe Rønsholdt, Odense PIPAC Center, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2121 Coercion in Prehospital Treatment Pre PhD-student, Sif Højmark Vobbe, The Prehospital Research Unit, The Region of Southern Denmark |
OP_2119 Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer in Denmark: A national cohort study MD, PhD student, Sofie Høier Gamborg-Kvist, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_2117 Recovering from bariatric surgery: the effects of early initiated and supervised mobilization PhD student, Nanna Marie Christiansen, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Esbjerg Hospital, University Hospital of Southern Denmark |
OP_2115 Fod på Langeland Consultant, Julie Dyrgaard, Steno Diabetes Center Odense |
OP_2114 FDG-PET/CT versus conventional CT for response monitoring in metastatic breast cancer: A pilot study for a randomized clinical trial (MONITOR-PILOT) Professor, MD, PhD, Malene Grubbe Hildebrandt, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2113 Assessing Patient Reported Outcomes and Quality of Life in the TALTEC study MSc, Tine Rosenberg, Quality of Life Research Center, Department of Hematology |
OP_2112 Tvang i Psykiatrien Post.Doc, Regina Christiansen, Clinical Institut |
OP_2111 OTTiP Post.doc, Regina Christiansen, The Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Clinical Research, Unit of Clinical Alcohol Research, Research Unit of Psychiatry |
OP_2110 ERICA - Self-administration of subcutaneous Elranatamab in the patients' homes MD, associate proffesor, Thomas Lund, Department of hematology |
OP_2109 Using pregnancy characteristics and biomarkers to predict future maternal and child health using the Odense Child Cohort Professor, Marianne Skovsager Andersen, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2108 Lung cancer screening project in Southern Denmark Consultant, ph.d., clinical lector, Michael Stenger, Heart, Lung and Vascular Surgery Department |
OP_2107 The Optimised Use of Romozosumab Study
The OPTIMIST Study Consultant, Morten Frost, Endocrinology |
OP_2105 DEPRE-ST - the patient perspective: A mixed methods study of treatment outcome in psychotherapy for patients with chronic treatment resistant depression PhD-student, Lotte Kring, The Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Psychology, SDU |
OP_2104 Detection of Coronary Artery Calcifications from Routine Chest CT scans using Artificial Intelligence (DETECT-AI ) Post. Doc., Preman Kumarathurai, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2103 The ENDORE study Medical students, Camilla Maj Villebro and Helene Marina Lauritzen, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, OUH |
OP_2102 Virtual Reality Aid for Anxiety Disorders (VR8) implementation study and trial clinic Post.doc , Per Trads Ørskov , Research Unit for Digital Psychiatry |
OP_2101 Personlig medicin; Brug af prædiktive markører ved lungecancer-diagnostik. MD, Lærke Valsøe Bruhn, Department of Pathology, Hospital of Southern Jutland |
OP_2098 PREvalence, risks and outcomes for psychiatric disorders among Children, adoleScEnts, and adults (PRECISE) Head of Research, MD, Rikke Wesselhöft, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Odense, Mental Health Services in the Region of Southern Denmark |
OP_2097 "Creative writing workshop for people suffering from eating disorders - experiences from a pilot study" psychiatrist and PhD-student, Maria Guala, Psychiatric Research Unit, Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark |
OP_2094 BREATHEIN: Better understanding obstructive REspiratory Airway disease Treatment and HEalth: a nationwide INvestigative survey PhD, Kristina Kock Hansen, Department of Medicine, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle |
OP_2093 Improving Quality of Life in Older Patients with Frailty and Hematological Cancer through Geriatric Assessment and Treatment; A Randomized Controlled Trial Professor and consultant in Hematology, Henrik Frederiksen, Department of Hematology, OUH |
OP_2092 ICi-Info: Immunotherapy and Tailored Education for Patients with Cancer and Their Caregivers PhD-student, Camilla S. Rothausen, Department of Oncology, OUH |
OP_2090 Health-related Quality of Life among Patients with High Impact Chronic Pain: A Qualitative Study Pregraduate student, Emily Sophia Madley, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, University Hospital Odense |
OP_2089 Patient experience of bilateral same day cataract surgery. Registered Nurses, Masters of Science in Nursing, Trang Truong Laursen & Charlotte Winther, Department of Ophthalmology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2088 Dante Cryo Study / Turner syndrome in childhood: bone health, body composition, and morbidity. Medical doctor and PhD-student, Signe Monrad Nørgaard, HCA Research, Odense University Hospital/ Clinical institute, Department of health, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2087 Timely Palliative Care, the TimePall intervention PhD student, Nina Ingerslev Andersen, Palliative Care Unit, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2085 Melatonin fOr CHronic bAck pain (The MOCHA trial): A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trial
Physician and PhD-student, Kübra Kilic, Pain Research Group / Pain Center, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Odense |
OP_2083 The effect of bowel preparation before colonoscopy on bowel ultrasound Physician, PhD-student, David Füchtbauer, Afdeling for Medicinske Mavetarmsygdomme S |
OP_2082 Patient experience and attitudes in the use of Wegovy - a qualitative study Registered nurse (RN), Cand.cur.stud, Nini Thi Nguyen, University of Southern Denmark - Clinical Department |
OP_2081 Using processing improvement models to increase research productivity PhD-student, Caroline Ariane Dahl Wraae, OPEN, Department of Clinical Research |
OP_2080 Senicapoc in patients with Progressive Fibrotic ILD (Interstitial Lung Disease) or IPF (Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis) to prevent progression. PhD-student, Line Kølner-Augustson, Medical Department, Vejle Hospital |
OP_2078 Ocular Adnexal Basal Cell & Sebaceous Gland Carcinomas - An International Study Ophthalmologist, PhD-student, Mikkel Straarup Thagaard, Pathology Research Unit & Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital of Southern Denmark |
OP_2077 Group B Streptococci in severe infections in adults: microbiological findings in Denmark from 2000-2023; a nationwide, population-based study and genomic characteristics Senior Staff Specialist, Associate Professor, Stine Yde Nielsen, Dept Clinical Microbiology, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_2076 Understanding midwifery work satisfaction and work motivation in a medium size hospital in Denmark - an interview study RM, Master of Science (MSc) in Midwifery , Aleksandra Storm, Region Sønderjylland |
OP_2075 PET-positive locoregional lymph nodes in high-risk primary breast cancer: a multicenter retrospective study of radiotherapy treatment planning. MD, PhD, associate professor., Marianne Vogsen, Department of Oncology, OUH. |
OP_2074 Experiences of healthcare professionals in nursing homes receiving teaching in basic palliative care and telemedicine conferences Registered nurse, MSc., Regina Wittchen Sørensen , Palliative Care Unit, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2073 Emergency care for nursing home residents - and possibilities for improvement PhD-student , Julie Elkjær Rødsgaard Jakobsen, Emergency Department Odense University Hospital |
OP_2072 WORK-ON - vocational rehabilitation for people with chronic inflammatory arthritis: a randomised controlled trial Postdoc, Christina Merete Tvede Madsen, Danish Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg. Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2071 The Non-Specific Immunological Effects of Providing Oral Polio Vaccine to Seniors in Guinea-Bissau PhD-student, Anne Marie Rosendahl Madsen, Bandim Health Project, OPEN, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2068 Intraoperative Administration of intravenous morphine in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy Physician, Sanne Vibe Nielsen, Hospital of South West Jutland |
OP_2066 Early onset menopause: morbidity and mortality PhD-studendt, Sven Karstensen, Department of Regional Health Research |
OP_2065 Atopic diseases, contact dermatitis, hand eczema, and mast cell diseases in the TOACS cohort: prevalence, incidence, and risk factors from childhood Medical Doctor, PhD-student, Sebastian Vigand Svendsen, Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2063 Living with AL Amyloidosis - Supportive and palliative care in a patient and family perspective Clinical Nurse Specialist, PhD-student, Anne Møller Clausen, Department of Haematology, Odense University Hospital, Denmark |
OP_2062 A longitudinal observational cohort study of patients with headaches in Danish chiropractic practice Senior researcher, Kristina Boe Dissing, Chiropractic Knowledge Hub |
OP_2061 Digital CBT-I for Patients with Chronic Pain and Insomnia (The Back2Sleep Trial). A Randomized Controlled Trial PhD-student, Maria Louise Stage Olsen, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Odense |
OP_2060 The Immediate effect of Defocus spectacles On Choroidal Thickness in children. The TIDOCT study. MD, PhD-student, Lou-Ann Christensen Andersen, Department of Ophthalmology, Vejle Hospital, Hospital of Lillebaelt |
OP_2059 Exploring Antithrombotic Therapy: Impacts and Applications across Patient Populations Professor, MD, PhD, FESC, Torben Bjerregaard Larsen, Department of Data and Research, Lillebælt Hospital |
OP_2058 Total number of biopsies needed during bronchoscopy for diagnosing suspicious pulmonary lesions - a prospective cohort study Undergraduate Research student , Kathrine Nybo Holgersen , Department of Respiratory Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2057 How does the new formula for predicted Forced Expiratory volume affect how many patients with lung cancer there are qualified for surgery Undergraduate Research Student, Nicoline M. Andersen, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2055 Bevacizumab usage in HHT patients Physician, PhD-student , Pernille Darre Haahr , Department of ORL - Head and neck surgery, OUH |
OP_2054 Multiple single-case time series studies of changes during pain education for patients with high-impact chronic pain Pregraduate-student, Anders Houe Wisnewski, Pain Center South, OUH / Centre for Digital Psychiatry |
OP_2053 Diagnostic value of oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal swabs compared to tracheal suction in suspected community-acquired pneumonia Cand.Med, PhD-student, Sara Nørgaard Søgaard, Department of Emergency Medicine, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, 6200 Aabenraa, Denmark; Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark, 5000 Odense, Denmark. |
OP_2052 Evaluation of the Red Cross project "Frivillig Palliativ Indsats" RN, PhD, Tine Ikander, REHPA, The Danish Knowledge Centre for Rehabilitation and Palliative Care, Odense University Hospital, Nyborg, Denmark; Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark |
OP_2051 BONG: Reducing severe Breathlessness with Dronabinol in the severe and very severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patient group PhD-student, Sofie Wolsing, Lung Medicine Research Unit, Medical Department, Vejle Hospital - A part of Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_2050 Patients' Experiences of Day Surgery - A Qualitative Systematic Review Registered Nurse, Master of Science in Nursing, Josephine Ransborg Sig, Department of Plastic Surgery, Research Unit for Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2047 Increasing Cervical Cancer Screening Participation: A Cluster-Randomized Quality Study at the Department of Gynaecology Pre-graduate Medical Student , Amalie Løvkiel, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2045 The Vejle breast cancer outcome study Bekka Christensen, Bekka Christensen, Department of Surgery, Vejle Hospital |
OP_2044 Breast cancer and heritage study Consultant MD, Ph.D., Bekka Christensen, Department of Surgery, Vejle Hospital |
OP_2043 Carotid perivascular fat attenuation by CT angiography in patients with stroke MD, Doctor of Medicine, Kristian Hugger Ravn Jakobsen, Department of Cardiology, Lillebaelt Hospital, Kolding, Denmark |
OP_2042 Central nervous system involvement in leukemia and non-Hodgkins's lymphoma among children and young adults Professor, Kjeld Schmiegelow, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark |
OP_2041 Hope in Psychiatry: Research With and About Peer Workers Cand.psych., Ph.D., assistant professor, Rikke Amalie Agergaard Jensen, Involvement of Relatives, Mental Health Services, Region of Southern Denmark & Institute of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2040 Lymphovenous anastomosis for breast cancer-related lymphedema: A cohort study MD, PhD-student, Caroline Lilja, Research Unit for Plastic Surgery |
OP_2039 Physical and psychological workplace violence experienced by prehospital personnel Medical students, Brit Schøsler and Frederik Stuhr Bang, Pre-hospital research unit, Region Syddanmark |
OP_2038 The impact of mothers' anxiety and depression in pregnancy on cognitive ability - drivers throughout childhood Postdoc, Tanja Gram Petersen , Research unit OPEN, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2036 Graduating Psychiatric Coercive Measures II
A study on perceptions and graduation of coercive measures among mental health practitioners
within Danish psychiatry.
Professor, Frederik Gildberg, Department of Regional Health Research, Faculty of Health Science, University of Southern Denmark & Psychiatric dept. Middelfart, Mental Health Services in the Region of Southern Denmark. |
OP_2035 Feasibility and Safety of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in Patients with Acute Uncomplicated Diverticulitis Pregraduate medical student, Camilla Thorndal, 1Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark |
OP_2034 Use of cerebral computed tomography on patients with minor head injuries in a Danish emergency department: A retrospective cohort study MD, Jonas Junghans Jensen, Department of Radiology |
OP_2030 The diagnostic value of Dermal-Optical Coherence Tomography (D-OCT) for clinically suspected Basal Cell Carcinomas lesions (BCC) in the periocular area Ph.D-student, Sveina Björk Karlsdóttir, Department of Ophthalmology, Vejle Hospital, Hospital of Lillebaelt |
OP_2029 Indications and pre-assessment of major lower extremity amputations patients: a single-center retrospective cohort study Medical student, Jeppe Haugaard Michelsen, Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, Odense University Hospital. Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2027 Årsager til mistrivsel blandt unge, der henvender sig til Mindhelpers brevkasse. Konsulent, Rikke Hellum, Centre for Digital Psychiatry, Mental Health Services in the Region of Southern Denmark and Department of Clinical Research at the University of Southern Denmark |
OP_2026 PROACTIVE: Identifying conversion to progressive multiple sclerosis - following a MS cohort over 20 years using cognitive measures, ocular coherence tomography and good clinical practice. MD, PhD and Ass. Professor, Tobias Sejbaek, Department of Neurology, Esbjerg and Grindsted Hospital |
OP_2025 Continuous glucose monitoring system compared to fingerstick glucose monitoring in pre-and postoperative glucose management Associate professor, Helen Schultz, Surgical Department, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2024 Validation of the Danish and Swedish versions of BRAF MDQ and BRAF NRS v2 for patients with Spondyloarthritis. PhD-student, Astrid Damgaard, Danish Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Research department, Sønderborg, Denmark. |
DEVELOPING A MODEL FOR PRIORITISATION OF MEDICATION REVIEWS Assistant professor, pharmacist, PhD, MPH, Joo Hanne Poulsen Revell, The Hospital Pharmacy, University Hospital Sønderjylland, Denmark The Hospital Pharmacy Research Unit, University Hospital Sønderjylland, Denmark |
OP_2022 Better treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes and Binge Eating Disorder (BED) PhD student, Pernille Fiil Nybo, Steno Diabetes Center Odense, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2021 Establishing an AI model to aid in diagnosis, description and outcome prediction of unruptured intracranial aneurysms Medical student, Emma Tubæk Nielsen, Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2020 The Danish Renal Cancer Screening (DANRECAS1)
Ultrasound pilot screening study
Medical student, research year, Dorthe Houtved Knudsen , Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2019 Post-operative antibiotics; effects on risk of infection after cochlear implant surgery: A retrospective comparison Undergraduate research student, Thomas Hudlebusch Meldgaard, Oto-Rhino-laryngology, Department F, Odense university hospital |
OP_2017 Patients with unknown primary tumor - time to diagnose and treatment Physician , Lise Eckhoff, Department of Oncology, Odense University hospital |
OP_2016 Rehospitalization Within 12 Months Following Pulmonary Embolism physician, Ph.D., Gro Egholm, department of cardiology |
OP_2014 The risk of becoming a cochlear implant non-user in a patient cohort from Denmark 2010-2022 Medical student, Martin Abou Taha, Research Unit of Oto Rhino Laryngology (Odense) |
OP_2013 Exploring family health, Support, Self-efficacy and Quality of Life during the cancer trajectory:
A protocol for a longitudinal mixed methods multi-center cohort study
Lærke Kjær Tolstrup, Lærke Kjær Tolstrup, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospiatl |
OP_2012 Polyp Prophylactic Properties of Polyacetylenes in Patients with Previous Polypectomy
Project manager, Camilla Stryhn, Department of Surgery |
OP_2011 Nationwide Osteoporosis Cohort Trials Environment: NOCTE Professor, consultant physician, Bo Abrahamsen, OPEN Research Unit |
OP_2010 Quality improvement project of patients with frequent changes of double J stent or nephrostomy. Undergraduate research student, Tobias Malthe Poulsen & Mads Lund Pilgaard, Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital, Denmark |
OP_2009 New Perspectives on Future Decision-Making in the Treatment of Cardiovascular disease. Professor, Jens Flensted Lassen, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2008 Development and feasibility test of a COMbined Fatigue Intervention (COMFI) PhD-student, Astrid Damgaard, Danish Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Research department, Sønderborg, Denmark. |
OP_2007 Prenatal Detection and Characteristics of Esophageal Atresia in Denmark Medicalstudent, Amalie Nørgaard Bek, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_2006 Danish National Registry of Autosomal Dominant Tubulointerstitial Kidney Disease (ADTKD) Physician, PhD student, Jeff Granhøj, Department of Clinical Genetics, Vejle Hospital |
OP_2004 The importance of specialized palliative care on pediatric cancer patients' choice of place of death. Undergraduate Research Student, Thea Marie Traun Andersen, HCA Research unit of Paediatrics, H.C. Andersen Children's Hospital |
OP_2002 Identifying Individuals at Risk of Glucocorticoid-Induced Impairment of Bone Metabolism PhD-student, Catharina Vind Nielsen, Department of Endocrinology |
OP_2000 FDG-PET/CT as a method of patient selection and response evaluation in patients with peritoneal metastasis treated with PIPAC PhD-student, Signe Rønsholdt, Odense PIPAC Center, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1999 OP_1999 Faktorer associeret til kroniske inflammatoriske sygdomme identificeret i danske registre Professor, Vibeke Andersen, University Hospital of Southern Denmark Aabenraa |
OP_1998 Rettidig opsporing og udredning af kræftsygdom blandt patienter som ikke håndteres via de etablerede kræftpakkeforløb (projekt OPSPOR - FASE 1) Registerforsker, Donna Lykke Wolff, Medicinsk Forskningsenhed, Medicinske Sygdomme, Sygehus Sønderjylland |
OP_1997 The Effect of a Medication Coordinator on the Quality of Patients' Medication Treatment (MEDCOOR) - Randomized Controlled Trial PhD-Student, Maja Schlünsen, The Hospital Pharmacy Research Unit, University Hospital Sønderjylland The Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark |
OP_1996 Rapid intravenous infusion of 10 and 22 degrees Celsius Ringer's lactate in healthy volunteers and its effects on circulation and hemostasis - a randomized crossover trial Associate Professor, MD, Head of Research, Peter Biesenbach, Emergency Medicine Research Unit, Emergency Department,University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg Hospital |
OP_1995 Proteomic characterization of rare skin cancers M.D, PhD, Ann Mari Rosager, Department of Pathology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1994 The Alendronate Discontinuation Study (ALEXIS) - multicenter, single-blinded, randomized controlled trial MD, Freja Gram, Department of endocrinology |
OP_1992 Prenatal detection of kidney and urinary tract malformations in a retrospective cohort of fetuses at Odense University Hospital from 2019-2022 with a follow-up six months after birth, Berglind Ólafsdóttir and Melkorka Diljá Reynisdóttir, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1991 Pårørende eller påhæng - Relatives or appendages/dependents? A study of the role of relatives in shared decision-making and the development of a prototype for meaningful caregiver involvement" Senior researcher, Lea Lund, Center for Shared Decision Making |
OP_1990 pairing Peri-Anal Fistulas with regenerative cell therapeutics
Dr., Karam Matlub Sørensen, Department of Surgery, OUH |
OP_1989 Pregnancy loss: the possible link to selenium status, polycystic ovary syndrome and uterine malformations PhD-student, Nicolaj Bruun Brandt, Department of endocrinology |
OP_1988 COPD and eosinophils Consultant, Morten Borg, Respiratory Research Unit, Department of Medicine, Lillebaelt Hospital Vejle |
OP_1987 Text messaging to reduce high-risk alcohol use among older adults Assoc. Prof. , Silke Behrendt, Department of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1986 Pediatric vacuum-assisted closure for damage-control laparotomy: A retrospective cohort study evaluating and examing procedural aspects and clinical outcomes Medical students, Aurela Imeri, Morsal Rahim, Mark, Surgery department A, OUH Odense |
OP_1985 Assessment of the necessity of isolation in patients with suspected infectious respiratory viruses in the emergency department at Sygehus Lillebælt Physician, Lone Wulff Madsen, Unit for Infectious Diseases, Department of medicine, Sygehus Lillebælt, Kolding, Denmark |
OP_1984 The neuropathology of "dementia epileptica"
- Seizure-induced dementia or epilepsy and dementia?
consultant, professor, Christoph Beier, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital, Denmark |
OP_1983 Self-reported hearing handicap and personalised hearing aid fitting Professor, Tobias Neher, Dept. of Clinical Research, SDU |
OP_1980 DANOHCA The Danish Out-of Hospital Cardiac Arrest study MD PhD, Simon Mølstrøm, The Department of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiology, Odense University Hospital, Odense. |
OP_1979 Association between sonication fluid culture and outcome ten years after total hip and knee arthroplasty revision Pregraduate, Sebastian Rathje Andersen, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Lillebaelt Hospital - Vejle, Denmark |
OP_1978 Kom Trygt Hjem Professor, Bjarke Viberg, Department of Orthopedics, OUH |
OP_1976 Viral infections in the newborn and increased risk of infections in early life. Consultant, Anne Haglund Thuesen, Department of Clinical Microbiology Vejle |
OP_1975 Optimisation of lower extremity angiography CT protocol using a noise reduction algorithm to
evaluate PVAT in chronic and acute CLI patients Radiographer and PhD student, Sebastian Villesen Kristensen, Røntgen og Scanning, Kolding Sygehus |
OP_1973 Sundhedskompetencer ved leversygdom: En generel e-undersøgelse af befolkningen i Danmark Associated professor, Lea Ladegaard Grønkjær, Medicinsk Mave Tarm Ambulatorium, Esbjerg Sygehus |
OP_1972 Anesthesiological perspective for operation for Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis Medical student , Karoline Berg , Surgical department A, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1970 Ambulance and helicopter response times in emergency medical services. The AHRTEMIS project. PhD student, physician, Peter Martin Hansen, Prehospital research Unit, Region of Southern Denmark, Odense University Hospital Svendborg |
OP_1968 Treatment of young adults with joint hypermobility and knee pain: a randomised controlled trial Asst. Professor, Behnam Liaghat, Research Unit of Musculoskeletal Function and Physiotherapy, Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1967 Natural history of symptomatic uncomplicated gallstone disease: a cohort study from a source population of more than 500,000 individuals in Denmark during elect Master's thesis, Niv Kousgaard & Sofie Møllegaard , Department of Abdominal Surgery, OUH |
OP_1966 The effect of oral Semaglutide On Bone turnover in patients with type 2 diabetes: a Randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial - (SOBER II) Physician, PhD-student, Julie Bjerrelund, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1963 CAMONCO 3: Developing an intervention integrating a person-orientated dialogue about complementary and alternative medicine in conventional cancer care MD, Astrid Vendelsøe, Urological Research Center, Institute for Regional Health Research |
OP_1961 Predictive Utility of a Short-Term Improvement in Objectively Measured Physical Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Initiating Biologics:
A Prospective Cohort Study
MD, consultant, PhD-Fellow., Philip Rask Lage-Hansen, Department of Rheumatology, Southern West Hospital Esbjerg & Research Unit of Rheumatology, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense University Hospital & The Parker Institute, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhage |
OP_1960 Compassion and cancer survivorship care among patients with colorectal cancer
PhD-student, MHS, Henriette Witte, Department of Oncology, Southern Denmark University Hospital, Esbjerg, Denmark |
OP_1959 KANDOVA - A two-part Phase Ib/IIa study to evaluate the safety and tolerability of KAND567, in combination with carboplatin therapy, and to determine the Recommended Phase II Dose (RPIID) of KAND567. An open-label, multicenter dose escalation study with an expansion cohort in women with recurrent epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer Associate professor, consultant, PhD, Trine Lembrecht Jørgensen, Odense University Hospital, dep. of oncology |
OP_1957 Søvnapnø - prøvehandling Physician, Jacob Stidsen, Steno Diabetes Center Odense |
OP_1956 DIOPTRA - Early dynamic screening for colorectal cancer via novel protein biomarkers reflecting biological initiation mechanisms Professor, Sisse Helle Njor, Biochemistry and Immunology, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_1955 Social inequity in follow-up after cancer screening in Denmark Post.doc., Susanne Fogh Jørgensen, Department of Data, Innovation and Research, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle |
OP_1952 A sustainable working life as musician Senior Consultant, Associate Professor, Lars Brandt, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health Odense University Hospital |
OP_1951 A protocolled implementation of upfront ultrasound (sequential pre-operative imaging) in primary hyperparathyroidism in the Region of Southern Denmark
Undergraduate Research student, Vanessa Nikola Potaszynska , Department of ORL, Head & Neck Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1950 Opgørelse over muskelflap operationer på karkirurgisk afdeling. Doctor of medicine, Nulvin Jenan Bozo, Department of Vascular Surgery |
OP_1949 Cross-sectoral research: a co-produced collaboration to improve patients' rehabilitation Post doc, Signe de Place Knudsen, Fysio- og Ergoterapien, Sygehus Lillebælt, Vejle |
OP_1948 Use of the weight-reducing drug Wegovy in Denmark: A pharmacy-based questionnaire study MScPharm, Malene Svoldgaard Poulsen, Hospital Pharmacy Funen, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1947 IONM versus no IONM during surgical resection of contrast enhancing motor eloquent tumors - two comparable prospective observational cohorts MD, Ph.D., Mads Hjortdal Grønhøj, Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1946 Database and Biobank for future research in Familiar Hypercholesterolemia at Odense University Hospital Physician PhD-student, Jakob Knold, Departement of Cardiology |
OP_1945 The DANish Familial hypercholesterolemia Organized COronary Screening trial. (DANFOCOS) Physician, PhD student, Jakob Knold, Department of Cardiology |
OP_1944 Children and adolescents with spinal pain in secondary care: Who are they? Where do they come from? Where do they go? PhD-student, Freja Gomez Overgaard, Medical Spinal Research Unit, Spine Centre of Southern Denmark, University Hospital of Southern Denmark |
OP_1942 Intramedullary nailing versus plating in fractures of the lateral malleoli in elderly patients over 70 years of age MD, Jacob Nedermark , Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Kolding Hospital |
OP_1941 Relation Between Accumulated Air and Noise Pollution Exposure and Subclinical and Clinical Cardiovascular Disease in 33 723 Danish 60-74 Years Old Males from the Background Population (AIRCARD) Head of Research, Professor, Jess Lambrechtsen, Cardiovascular Research Unit, Odense University Hospital - Svendborg |
OP_1939 DAMMED - Danish Metastatic Melanoma Database Physician, Lars Bastholt, Dpt of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1938 Post-operative residual voiding volume following bulking and vaginal prolapse surgery and impact on in-hospital stay
Stud. Med. , Katharina Vangaa Rasmussen and Sofie Raahauge Christiansen, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, OUH |
OP_1936 KOVA - Kvalitet i Ovariecancer behandling efter indførelse af internationale kvalitetsindikatorer Professor, Lone Kjeld Petersen, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1935 Adult granulosacelle tumorer - kræftrelaterede mutationer og associerede cancere PhD-studendt, Sven Karstensen, Department of Regional Health Research |
OP_1934 The safe Fast-track study (The safeFT study) Consultant, PhD, clinical professor, Mikkel Brabrand, Department of Emergency Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1933 Robot-Assisted Training Versus Standard Training in Ischemic Stroke PhD-student, Jon Skovgaard Jensen, Research unit of orthopaedic surgery, Department of Clinical Research, Odense University Hospital. |
OP_1932 Thermography III Physician, PhD. Professor., Mikkel Brabrand, Emergency Department, OUH |
OP_1931 Subcutaneous immunoglobulin (HyQvia) against early infections in multiple myeloma: SHIELD Physician, Agoston Gyula Szabo, Haematological Clinical Trial Unit, Department of internal medicine, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1930 AVID - Addressing Health and
Socio-economic Disparities
among Visually Impaired
Individuals in Denmark Associate professor and biostatistician, Sören Möller, OPEN, Odense University Hospital and University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1929 Ovarian sex cord-stromal cell tumors and the associated risk of other primary malignancies PhD-studendt, Sven Karstensen, Department of Regional Health Research |
OP_1927 Validation of the National Familial Hypercholesterolemia Database Physician, PhD-student, Jakob Knold, Department of Cardiology |
OP_1925 Cryoneurolysis prior to Total Knee Arthroplasty for the Management of Postoperative Pain; A Randomized, Sham-controlled, Trial PhD, Niels-Peter Brøchner Nygaard, Department of Neurology, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg / Grindsted Hospital |
OP_1924 Dexmetedomidine as paediatric premedication MD, Line Gry Larsen, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1922 HINT - Herpes virus infections in kidney transplant recipients Prof., senior consultant, Claus Bistrup, Dept. of Nephrology |
OP_1920 Propofol/Ketamine vs Thiomebumal Anesthesia for ECT Treatment: A Before-and-After Register Study Professor, Thomas Strøm, Bedøvelse og intensiv Sygehus Sønderjylland |
OP_1919 How are Relatives Best Supported? Community based Group Psychoeducation for Relatives of Individuals with Mental Illness Assistant professor, cand.psych., Ph.d., Rikke Amalie Agergaard Jensen, Center for Involvement of Relatives, Mental Health Services, Region of Southern Denmark |
OP_1917 The Impact of Salt Intake and Proteinuria on the Development of Cardiovascular and Renal Events in Kidney Transplant Recipients MD, PhD, Inge Raadal Skov , Department of Nephrology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1916 Kvalitetsprojekt om kirurgiske proteseinfektioner Chief physician, Anne Øvrehus, Department of infectious disease - OUH |
OP_1913 Single stapling colorectal anastomosis (Singapore trial) pHD and physician, Mark Ellebæk, Department of Surgery OUH/Svendborg Hospital |
OP_1912 Glucose intolerance and diabetes related to treatment with steroids and PEG-asparaginase in children and adolescents with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and lymphoma MD, PhD student , Clara Laursen, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescents Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital |
OP_1911 Mortality and Morbidity among patients with Kidney Disease: A Danish nationwide registry study Physician, Jan Dominik Kampmann, Internal Medicine Research Unit at Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg. |
OP_1910 Identifying patients' and relatives' research priorities to improve the medical treatment of older people Research Pharmacist, Trine Graabæk Hansen, Hospital Pharmacy, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1909 Open-Label Prospective Study Comparing Long-Term Outcome with or without High-flow Nasal Cannula AirvoTM (HFNC) in Patients with Stable COPD and chronic respiratory failure Studycoordinator, Bente Grøn, Department of Medicine, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1908 The patient pathway after neonatal gastric surgery - how to support the family? PhD-student, MSc Health, RN, Lecturer, Karina Hesselvig Vaupell, Hans Christian Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1907 Increased levels of physical activity and quality of life by activity tracking and motivational feed-back following total or unicompartmental knee arthroplasty - a randomized controlled trial nested in a prospective cohort (KneeActivity). PhD-student, Cecilie Dollerup Skov, Orthopaedic Research Unit, Department of Clinical Research, SDU |
OP_1906 Mind the gap: Understanding unmet alcohol treatment needs in older adults with alcohol misuse Assoc. Prof. , Silke Behrendt, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1905 Optimizing nutritional information for patients after orthognathic surgery Clinical researcher, postdoc, Charlotte Nielsen, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Odense University Hospital, Denmark |
OP_1904 Long-term survival after mitral valve repair in Denmark - a multicenter retrospective cohort Stud. Med., Viktor Poulsen, Department of Cardiathoracic Surgery, OUH |
OP_1903 Impact of endometriosis on bowel function in women with inflammatory bowel disease doctor, Juni Lindblad, Department D, OUH |
OP_1902 Convulsions at first contact with the Mobile Emergency Care Unit. physician, August Emil Licht, Doctor at Amager and Hvidovre Hospital and research assistant at The Prehospital Research unit at Odense University Hospital |
OP_1897 SUPPORT for first-time fathers of preterm infants in Early parenthooD - The SUPPORTED study
RN, Associate Professor, Kristina Garne Holm, Hans Christian Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1896 Compassion Esbjerg Hospital Professor, Frede Donskov , Southern Denmark University Hospital, Esbjerg, Denmark |
OP_1894 Perioperative methadone compared to placebo in elderly hip fracture patients - a randomized controlled trial.
MetaHip trial 2 PhD-student , Kevin Heebøll Nygaard, Dep. of Orthopedics, Sygehus Sønderjylland |
OP_1892 Method of Analsparing versus extirpation in rectal cancer Physician, Christoffer Hougaard Frøkiær, Odense university hospital, The Department of Surgery |
OP_1890 Measuring quality of life in deprescribing trials Assistant professor (MScPharm, PhD), Carina Lundby, Hospital Pharmacy Funen, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1889 Autoimmune Encephalitis in Denmark: Long term outcomes, caregiver burden and socio-economic evaluation PhD-student, Thomas Agerbo Gaist, Neurological research unit, OUH |
OP_1888 Early mobilization to reduce postoperative orthostatic intolerance following total hip arthroplasty M.D, PhD-Student, Mikkel N. Frandsen, Section for Surgical Pathophysiology |
OP_1887 PEACE - PrEdiction of cell changes in the cervix using Artificial intelligenCE Physician, post doc, Berit Bargum Booth, Gynecology and Obstetrics |
OP_1886 Characteristics of ependymal biopsies in patients with iNPH. PhD-student, Mathias Just Nortvig, Department of Neurosurgery |
OP_1885 Prospective cohort studies of cryopreserved homografts |
OP_1884 Cardiovascular Protection in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Established Heart or Vascular Disease - The Cardio-Metabolic Clinic Cardiologist, Associate professor, Søren Auscher, Cardiovascular Research Unit, Internal Medicine & Emergency Department, OUH - Svendborg |
OP_1883 Effect on shunt treatment of idiopathic normal pressure hudrocephalus based on biomarkers from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum PhD-student, Mathias Just Nortvig, Department of Neurosurgery |
OP_1882 THE CONTRIBUTION OF CLINICAL PHARMACISTS ON PATIENTS WITH IMPAIRED RENAL FUNCTION Pharmacist, MPH, PhD , Joo Hanne Poulsen Revell, The Hospital Pharmacy, University Hospital Sønderjylland The Hospital Pharmacy Research Unit, University Hospital Sønderjylland |
OP_1881 Remi-Heart Staffspecialist, Helle Vagner, Department V, BTY/VITA |
OP_1880 Integration of artificial intelligence as an
adjunct diagnostic tool in future lung cancer screening in Denmark. Doctor, Ph.d., Michael Stenger, Dep. of Cardiothoracic Surgery |
OP_1878 Shared decision making for patients with glioblastoma Postdoc, Helle Sørensen von Essen, Odense University Hospital, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1877 Can Bilirubin-Albumin-Betablocker-Statin (BABS) score predict Hepatic Encephalopathy? Physician, associate professor, Mette Munk Lauidsen, Department for Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1876 The SGL-TX Study PhD student and physician, Lotte Borg Lange, Department of Nephrology OUH |
OP_1874 Interrupted Z versus continuous suture for closure of fascia after midline laparotomy in the prevention of wound dehiscence |
OP_1870 Patient engagement through patient feedback. Increasing patient engagement to improve treatment and safety PhD-student, Elna Leth Pedersen, Center for Research in Patient Communication |
OP_1869 Multicenter development of liquid biopsy biomarkers for early detection of prostate cancer MD, PhD, Ass. Professor, Mads Poulsen, Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1868 Implementation and evaluation of Pressurized Intrathoracic Aerosol Chemotherapy (PITAC) for the treatment of patients with malignant pleural effusion
A Danish phase I study (OPC5 study) Undergraduate Student, Pernille Schjødt Hansen, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital. Odense PIPAC Center, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1867 Self-guided internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy as a stepped care treatment for mothers with postpartum depression Professor, Trine Munk-Olsen , Research Unit of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark |
OP_1866 Klager på fødeafdelingen: Indblik i kvinders fødselsoplevelse og deres overvejelser for ikke at klage over en uhensigtsmæssig oplevelse Researcher, Ph.D., Lars Morsø, OPEN Research Unit, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1864 Mental health during and after pregnancy in medically assisted reproduction Associate professor, Mette BliddL, Research Unit OPEN, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1863 Ability of ultrasound elastography to differentiate between malignant and benign lung parenchymal consolidations Undergraduate student, Christian Dilling Kildegaard Andersen, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1862 Kirurgisk behandling af smerter ved kronisk pankreatitis i DK MD, Anja Andersen, Department of surgery, OUH |
OP_1860 Success factors associated with transferring medicine responsibility for discharged patients from hospital to out-of-hospital medical care services - Pilot survey. Master student in Pharmacy, Walaa Alnabhan, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1859 Adverse event profiles effects of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in Danish children Postdoc, Stine Hoffmann, Clinical Institute |
OP_1858 Pulmonary Disease Among Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, a Cross-Sectional Study of a Population-Based Cohort PhD Fellow, MD, Henrik Zachar Langkilde, Research Unit of Rheumatology, Clinical Insitute, SDU/OUH |
OP_1857 Severe childhood asthma - a national cohort study Professor, PhD, MD, Klaus Bønnelykke, Copenhagen Prosepective Studies on Asthma in Childhood |
OP_1855 ADLIFE. Integrated personalized care for patients with advanced chronic diseases to improve health and quality of life. Associated professor, Anne Dichmann Sorknæs, Natassia Kamilla Juul, Rikke Lyngholm Christensen, Emergency & Medical department M/FAM, OUH vendborg Hospital |
OP_1853 Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety and depression: Predicting (non-)completion and identifying when and how symptoms change during treatment PhD-student, Esben Kjems Jensen, Centre for Digital Psychiatry, Mental Health Services in the Region of Southern Denmark |
OP_1852 Patients' Preferences for Virtual Outpatient Visits and Health Care Professionals' Opinions of Suitability for their Patients MD, PhD-student, Anders Nikolai Ørsted Schultz, University Hospital of Southern Denmark |
OP_1851 Milk Fat Globule Membrane (MFGM) and Extracellular Vesicles (EV) in preterm and term human milk Sofie Dahl-Nielsen, Gitte Zachariassen, HC Andersen Children's Hospital, OUH and SDU |
OP_1850 PREPARE -Personalised risk estimation and prevention of cardiovascular disease Jes S. Londholt, Jes S. Lindholt, Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery T, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1847 Metal-on-metal hip arthroplasty - Association between blood metal ion levels and risk of heart disease
PhD-student, medical doctor, Ida Paulsen Møller, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1846 Open versus robotic-assisted ventral hernia repair, short and long-term outcome. Physician, PhD-student, Kristian Als Nielsen, Surgical Department, University Hospital Of Southern Denmark |
OP_1845 Impact of NOciception level (NOL) index intraoperative guidance of REmifentanil administration on opioid consumption and QoR in ambulatory patients undergoing LAparoscopic Cholecystectomy. A randomized controlled trial Physician, Kenn Dornonville de la Cour, Department of Anaestesiology and Intensive Care, Svendborg Sygehus |
OP_1844 COPD-EXIT - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and the EXperience of EXacerbations: Identifying psychophysiological processes using Technology psychologist, post.doc., Ingeborg Farver-Vestergaard, Department of Medicine, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle and Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1843 Incidence and Risk Factors for Invasive Mold Infections in Children during first-line Chemotherapy for Primary Acute Leukemia: a Cohort Study Pediatrician, Rasmus Møller Duus, Hans Christian Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1841 A 13-year retrospective study on factors limiting the discharge of patients treated with microvascular reconstruction after head and neck cancer Undergraduate student, Christian Kaare Paaskesen, Research Unit for Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark |
OP_1840 Effect of Allogenic Ex-vivo Expanded Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Knee Osteoarthritis - A Randomized Controlled Trial. MD, PhD, Postdoc, Chris Halling Dreyer, Orthopaedic Research Unit, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Odense University Hospital, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark and Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Slagelse Hospital, |
OP_1838 Prevalence and characteristics of obesity-associated hypoventilation in selected populations of obese patients PhD-student, Marianne Skalborg Jepsen, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Esbjerg and Grindsted Hospital, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg & Odense Respiratory Research Unit (ODIN), Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1837 Topical tacrolimus for the amelioration of breast cancer-related lymphedema: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II/III trial (TACLE Trial) Physician, PhD-student, Frederik Gulmark Hansen, Department of Plastic Surgery |
OP_1835 Systematisk kodning og analyse af patientklagesager ("SKAP") - etablering af en national kohorte Researcher, Ph.D., Lars Morsø, OPEN Research Unit, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1834 Database for School pupils at Hearing Counselling - Children and Young People Speech- language- hearing Therapist, Ulla Henriksen Carl, Hearing Counselling - Children and Young People |
OP_1833 Factors of importance for sepsis survivors - a qualitative study. PhD-student, Camilla Schade Skov, Department of Emergency Medicine |
OP_1832 On-site supportive communication training in doctor-patient communication: A randomized, controlled trial (on-site SCT). PhD-student, Kerstin Kiis Antonsen, Department of Oncology, University Hospital of Southern Denmark Vejle Hospital |
OP_1831 Aortic Stenosis Associated Left Ventricular Remodeling - Impact of genetic, valvular and non-valvular factors
The SALVAGE study MD. PhD-student , Lisa Gundestrup, Department of Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular surgery |
OP_1830 Prehospital critical interventions performed in children < 7 years. An investigation into factors influencing mortality and morbidity MD, Alexandra Claire McKenzie & Mads Risom, Department of anesthesia and intensive medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1829 Well-being, anxiety and perceived stress of women with prior Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) Postdoc, Jori Aalders, Steno Diabetes Center Odense |
OP_1828 Comparison of automatic ejection fraction assessment between handheld and mid-range ultrasound devices. Senior physician, PhD, clinical lecturer, chairman, Stefan Posth, Emergency Medicine |
OP_1827 Improving patient empowerment and quality of life (QoL) in chronic heart failure (CHF): A participatory design study involving users in developing customized technology PhD-student , Natassia Kamilla Juul, Internal Medicine & Emergency Department M/FAM OUH, Svendborg Hospital |
OP_1825 A Weight-Neutral approach for a healthier lifestyle among obesity - A lifestyle intervention anchored in The South Danish Obesity Initiative Associate professor, Bibi Gram, 1) The research unit for Endocrinology, Diabetes and bariatric research. Hospital of South West Jutland, University hospital of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg,. 2) Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense. |
OP_1824 Study of Uro-Tainer® Polihexanide and Uro-Tainer® with citric acid on catheter blockage, infection prevention, cost-effectiveness and quality of life (UROBIQ): a prospective randomized single-blinded clinical study. PhD student. Senior consultant in Urology, Karin Andersen, The Department of Urology - Odense University Hospital |
OP_1822 Treatment of adynamic bone disorder with parathyroid hormone in patients with chronic kidney disease PhD-student, Sabina Chaudhary Hauge, Department of Nephrology, Herlev & Gentofte Hospital |
OP_1821 Validation of questionnaires used in the South Danish Obesity Initiative PhD-student, Mikkel Kolind, University Hospital South West Jutland |
OP_1819 Ultrasound applicability in the assessment of patients with fibrosing interstitial lung disease Senior Registrar in Respiratory Medicine., Sanjeewa H.M.Patabendige, Departmednt of Respiratory Medicine, Odense University Hospital,Odense. |
OP_1816 Online psychological intervention for diabetes distress in patients with type-1 diabetes Psychologist, Christina Maar Andersen, Steno Diabetes Center Odense |
OP_1815 Neurofilament light chain as biomarker for bortezomib-induced peripheral neuropathy Research leader, professor, ph.d., Per Damkier, Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1812 Cholecystitis from a microbiological and histopathological perspective Doctor, Malene Børgager Dissing , Department of Surgery, Lillebælt Hospital, Kolding |
OP_1811 Continuous positive airway pressure therapy in patients suffering from obstructive sleep apnea
- Assessment of compliance, benefit of annual consultations and investigation of phenotypes MD and PhD-student, Karin Jeppesen, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg |
OP_1810 Hjerte MR M.D Ph.D, Christina Oxlund, Hjertemedicinsk afdeling, Esbjerg Sygehus |
OP_1808 The impact of age on treatment decision, treatment adherence, and survival in patients with endometrial cancer receiving oncological treatment Medical student, MS, Katinka Marie Harborg Jørgensen, The Department of Oncology, OUH |
OP_1807 Design-based Data-Driven Decision-support Tools: Producing Improved Cancer Outcomes Through User-Centred Research Project Manager, Bettina Mølri Knudsen, Center for Shared Decision Making, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_1806 Validity and reliability of the Danish version of Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) in persons with major lower extremity amputations Associate professor, Charlotte Abrahamsen, Department of Orthopaedic and Traumalology , Kolding Hospital & Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1805 Årsager og veje til ældre akutmedicinske patienters indlæggelse - i et multiperspektiv Associated Professor , Charlotte Abrahamsen , Department of Regional Health Research |
OP_1804 Supervision and control Head of surgery, Claus Christian Vinther, Department of surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1802 Long-term quality of life in patients born with an anorectal malformation Head of Surgical department , Mark Bremholm Ellebæk, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital OUH |
OP_1801 The intestinal innate immune system in newborns. Development and inflammation in health and disease MD, PhD, Mark Bremholm Ellebæk, Surgical Department A, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1800 'Non-attendant or not invited?'
- a cross-disciplinary study about why healthcare appointments fail and how this can be prevented.
Professor, Jette Ammentorp, Centre for Research in Patient Communication (CFPK), Odense University Hospital, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1799 The Role of PCSK9 in patients with nephrotic syndrome MD, PhD, Rikke Zachar Langkilde, Lillebælt Hospital (Kolding) |
OP_1798 Radiografers brug af sociale medier - en spørgeskemaundersøgelse Associate prof, Malene Roland Pedersen, Department of Radiology, Vejle |
OP_1797 Multidisciplinary team conferences for people with diabetes and multimorbidity physician, PhD-student, Stine Jorstad Bugge, Steno Diabetes Center Odense |
OP_1796 Can magnetic resonance elastography improve brain tumor imaging? (Vibrate MRI) PhD-student, Ancuta Ioana Friismose, Odense University Hospital, Department of Radiology, Odense |
OP_1795 Performance of new panel-estimated GFR versus measured GFR: Impact on cisplatin dosing in patients with cervical cancer (OptiCIS) Associate professor, MD, PhD, Christina H. Ruhlmann, Department of Oncology, OUH |
OP_1793 Neonatal home care - when to go home? RN, PhD, Associate professor, Kristina Garne Holm, Department of Paediatric, H.C. Andersen Children's Hospital OUH |
OP_1792 Remotion Database Physician, Jens Christian Werlinrud, Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery |
OP_1791 Danish Precocious Puberty Study (DAPP study)
A national cohort study on incidence and etiologies for precocious puberty
Associate Professor, MD, DMSc, PhD, Rikke Beck Jensen, Department of Growth and Reproduction, Rigshospitalet |
OP_1790 Nephrolithiasis in danish children: epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment md, Sofia Byllov , Urology department Vejle Sygehus |
OP_1789 Nervepåvirkning efter oxaliplatin-holdig kemoterapi hos patienter med kolorektal cancer
Professor, Per Pfeiffer, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1788 Patient's experience of the interprofessional shared consultation in the pelvic floor centre at the hospital at Southern Jutland, Denmark, a qualitative interview study Midwife with research role, Karen Bøhrnsen, The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Hospital of Southern (HSJ), Aabenraa, Denmark |
OP_1787 Validation of The Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test in a Danish In-Hospital population. Undergrad Research Student, Max Benjamin Andersen, Unit of Clinical Alcohol Research |
OP_1786 Video call assisted assessment of acute stroke in addition to stroke severity scales in a prehospital setting: A cluster randomised controlled trial Physician and PhD-student, Trine Nielsen, Department of Clinical Research and Department of Neurology, Institute of Regional Health Research |
OP_1784 The Danish Vascular Survey
- a nationwide survey of the burden of vascular disease
Adjunct Associate Professor, Marie Dahl, Cardiac, Thoracic, and Vascular Research Unit ? Department of Clinical Research ? University of Southern Denmark and Odense University Hospital; Vascular Research Unit ? Department of Vascular Surgery ? Viborg Regional Hospital |
OP_1783 Ambient air pollution and time to pregnancy - a study within the Danish National Birth Cohort Master of Science in Midwifery, Anne-Line Brülle, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics |
OP_1782 Influence of nociception level monitor (NOL) guided analgesic delivery on perioperative course, quality of recovery and hospital stay in robot assisted colorectal surgery. Senior Counsultant, Post Doc ., Rajesh Prabhakar Bhavsar, Department of anaesthesia and intensive care, South Jutland hospital., Aabenraa,Denmark |
OP_1781 Clinical validation of speckle tracking ultrasonography for rotator cuff muscle function in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome (STU-SIS) PT, Ph.d., Postdoc, Anders Falk Brekke, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1780 Advanced intramedullary nail cohort Professor, Bjarke Viberg, OUH, Odense University Hospital, Department of Orthopaedics |
OP_1779 Treatment of calcaneus fracture Professor, Bjarke Viberg, OUH, Odense University Hospital, Department of Orthopaedics |
OP_1778 Copenhagen School Health Card cohort (births from 1965 to 1976): Effects of childhood BCG vaccination on subsequent health outcomes in the recipient & their offspring. Postdoc, Frederik Schaltz-Buchholzer, Bandim Health Project, Department of Clinical Research |
OP_1777 Assessment of basic skills in focused cardiac ultrasound on a simulator - a study gathering validity evidence before real-life performance Undergraduate research student, Emilie Christensen, Medicinsk afdeling M/FAM, Svendborg Sygehus, Odense Universitetshospital. |
OP_1776 Prognostic importance of early dynamics of ctDNA during systemic therapy of metastatic disease MD., PhD, Caroline Brenner Thomsen, Department of Oncology |
OP_1774 From fetus to infant.
Counseling parents when ultrasound of the fetus show abdominal wall defect.
PhD student, Maja Thode Rask, Clinical Institute, |
OP_1773 En stor håndskade - Hvad nu? Occupational therapist, Pernille Bender Larsen, Department of Orthopedic Surgery |
OP_1771 Prenatal and early life phthalate, bisphenol A and perfluoroalkyl acid exposure; impact on asthma, allergy and lung function in children aged 12 years from the Odense Child Cohort PhD-student, Julie Bang Hansen, KI, OUH, Research Unit of Paediatrics |
OP_1770 Register based cohort study of children referred for rectal biopsies for the diagnosis of Mb. Hirschsprung in Denmark between 1998-2018 compared with a matched group without biopsies. Afdelingslæge, PhD-Student, Niels Bjørn, Kirurgisk afdeling A, GAIN |
OP_1768 Treating patients with incurable cancer: costs and quality of life PhD-student, Henriette Tind Hasse, Oncological department, Odense university Hospital |
OP_1767 Quantification of anastomotic blood flow with fluorescence imaging in low anterior resection for rectal cancer, FILAR -Can we identify cut-off values to diminish the risk of anastomotic leakage? A prospective multi-centre study PhD Student, Pernille Oehlenschläger Larsen, Surgical Department A, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1766 Audit of lung cancer patients in stage IA and IV Consultant, Morten Borg, Lillebaelt Hospital Vejle |
OP_1764 Living with Chronic Diabetic Foot Ulcers and Amputation PhD student, MD, Nina Vestergaard Simonsen, Research Unit for Plastic Surgery, OUH |
OP_1763 New perspectives on decision making about heart disease. Professor, Rikke Søgaard, Department of Clinical Research |
OP_1762 Performance of the screening for congenital heart disease in the Region of Southern Denmark 2017-2021. - A study of pregnant women in the Region of Southern Denmark expecting a child with congenital heart disease. Consultant, ph.d., Annette Wind Olesen, Dep of obstetrics and Gynecology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1761 Neurofeedback for the management of neuropathic pain in people with diabetes Professor, Francois Pouwer, Department of Psychology, SDU |
OP_1760 Prolonged Air Leakage after Major Lung Resection MD, PhD-student, Finn A. Dittberner, Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1759 Validation of Teledermoscopy for Triage and Diagnosis of Skin Cancer among Dermatologists in Private Practice Clinical assistant, Katrine Dina Musaeus, Department of Dermatology, Odense Univercity Hospital |
OP_1758 Profylactic acupuncture and post discharge nausea and vomiting. A randomized trial. MD, Andra Pachai, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Hospital of Esbjerg and Grindsted, University Hospital of Southern Denmark. |
OP_1757 Validering af spørgeskemaet Vestibular Activities Avoidance Instrument (VAAI) MD, PhD, Jesper Roed Sørensen, Department of ENT Head and Neck Surgery |
OP_1755 Suicide prevention in Region of Southern Denmark Ph.D. Associate professor, Erik Christiansen, Research Unit Mental Health, Children and Adult, Aabenraa, Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark |
OP_1754 Defining active progressive multiple sclerosis: Clinical and paraclinical evaluation of active progressive Multiple Sclerosis.
Acronym: DAProMS MD, PhD-student, Jane Sterndorff Winkel, The Department of Neurology at Kolding Hospital |
OP_1753 An internet-based cognitive behavioral (iCBT) intervention for adolescents with anxiety disorders: a randomized control trial MSc (Psych), Research assistant, Helene Skaarnes , Research Unit for Digital Psychiatry, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark |
OP_1752 How to accommodate patients admitted to the ED as a result of self harm or suicide attempt.
Nurse, project manager, Malene Sandahl Sørensen, RN, MScN. Department of Emergency Medicine, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark |
OP_1750 Familial hypercholesterolemia Interpretive comment - Nudging to Detection MD. Associate Professor Ph.d. , Finn Lund Henriksen , Departement of Cardiology |
OP_1749 Early initiated vasopressor therapy vs. standard care of primarily fluid therapy in hypotensive patients in the emergency department - A pragmatic, multi-center, superiority, randomized controlled trial Coordinating Investigator, PhD-student, Lasse Paludan Bentsen, Department of Emergency Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1748 Healthcare utilization pathways and clinical courses in Danish secondary care patients with spine pain: a prospective cohort study (The PATH Back study) Ph.d., Casper Glissmann Nim, Medical spine unit, Spine Centre of Southern Denmark, University Hospital of Southern Denmark |
OP_1745 Udvikling, implementering og evaluering af en evidensbaseret ernæringspraksis blandt ældre hjemmeboende borgere, der er i risiko for underernæring eller underernærede. Cand. Scient. Human Nutrition, PhD-student, Tine Louise Launholt, UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole, DK |
OP_1744 ICiTox Data- og Biobank Assoc Prof, MD, PhD, Christina H. Ruhlmann, Dept. of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1742 Quality of life at the end of life. An interview study Professor, Hanne Irene Jensen, Departments of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Lillebaelt Hospital, University Hospital of Southern Denmark/ Department of Regional health research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1740 Reduction of mechanical restraint episodes in forensic mental health settings Postdoc, Ellen Boldrup Tingleff, OPEN, Department of Clinical Research |
OP_1738 Efficacy and safety of infliximab for immune checkpoint inhibitor induced colitis: a multinational, randomised, open label, phase III trial - The iCaD Study Associate professor, PhD, consultant, Christina H. Ruhlmann, Department of Oncology, OUH |
OP_1737 iCaD Registry MD, PhD-Student, Søren Kjær, Department of Oncology, OUH |
OP_1736 Invasive disease-free survival after neoadjuvant therapy in Breast Cancer PhD student, Sandra Jensen, Department of Organ- and Plastic Surgery, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1735 Effect of body-mass index on diagnosis of axillary lymph node metastasis by ultrasound and fine needle aspiration in Breast Cancer PhD-student, Sandra Jensen, Department of Regional Health Research |
OP_1734 Asthma and other chronic lung disease in young people after infection requiring hospitalization with adenovirus or respiratory syncytial virus in 0-35 months of age: a population-based cohort study PhD senior konsultant , Tatjana Zaharov, pediatrics Dept. Nykobing F Hospital |
OP_1733 "Radiographers Perspective on AI" Associate prof, Malene Roland Pedersen, Department of Radiology |
OP_1732 Nursing staff psychological well-being at an emergency department. A mixed methods study Cand. Cur Candidate, Maria Raun, Department of Emergency, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1729 Characterization of side effects and evaluation of treatment of side effects with potassium and natriumbicarbonate in IIH patients treated with acetozolamide consultant, associate professor, Dagmar Beier, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital, Denmark |
OP_1728 Video consultations between home and hospital: an implementation project Associate professor, Marianne Kirstine Thygesen, Gynaecology obstetric department |
OP_1727 Nodular Lymphocyte Predominant Hodgkin Lymphoma (NLPHL): demographic characteristics and outcome in the Nordic countries, 2000-2020 Physician, Katrin Bamdeg-Hvolbek, Department of Hematology, Section of internal medicine, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1726 Glucagone Like Peptide-1 Receptor Analogue Assisted Rapid Weight Loss Program as Treatment in Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Associate professor, Consultant, Dagmar Beier, Headache Clinic, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1725 Comparison of recurrence free survival in patients with completely resected non-small cell lung cancer receiving adjuvant Cisplatin plus Vinorelbine vs. Carboplatin plus Vinorelbine Physician, Vivi Quoc Nguyen, Department of Oncology |
OP_1723 Generation Healthy Kids: A Cluster-randomized Trial of a Multi-component, Multi-setting Intervention (GHK) PhD, Jesper Schmidt-Persson, Sport Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1722 Clinical characteristics of patients with Birt-Hogg-Dubé's syndrome followed in a multidisciplinary tertiary center for rare diseases: A retrospective cohort study Undergraduate student, Marie Moldt Holmager, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1721 Prevention of depression in patients with atrial fibrillation using a precision medicine approach (HOPE-AF) Professor in Cardiac Psychology, Susanne S Pedersen, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1720 Rapid infusion of Ringer's lactate solution at different temperatures and the effects on circulation and perfusion in healthy volunteers - a randomized crossover trial MD, Peter Biesenbach, Department of Emergency Medicine, University Hospital of South West Jutland |
OP_1719 The amount of maternally derived antibodies against Group B Streptococcus(GBS) in neonates and infants with invasive GBS-disease vs. healthy neonates PhD-student, MD, May Murra, 1) Department of Clinical Microbiology, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle Hospital; 2) Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1718 Municipality-based prevention and rehabilitation as part of integrated care for people with atrial fibrillation in the future: What does it take? PhD student, Caroline Elnegaard, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1711 Retrospective SCLC evaluation 2018-2019 PhD student, MD, Thomas Leth Fink, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1709 A patient-centred care model for patients with complicated multimorbidity - A cluster-randomised pilot study in general practice, municipalities, and hospitals
Senior Researcher and Project manager , Sanne Lykke Lundstrøm, Innovation and Research Centre for Multimobidity |
OP_1708 Perioperative Methadone for ameliorating postoperative pain and reduction in postoperative opioid consumption in hip fracture patients PhD-student, Kevin Heebøll Nygaard, Department of orthopedic surgery, Sygehus Sønderjylland |
OP_1705 Vasoactive substances in cerebrospinal fluid and the effect on cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage MD, Ph.D, associate professor, Sune Munthe, Department of Neurosurgery |
OP_1703 The effects of Menaquinone-7 supplementation in patients with severe coronary calcifications
Acronym: The DANish COronary DEcalcification (DANCODE) trial Professor, Axel Diedeirchsen, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1702 The Multifaceted Impact of COPD on Sexual Health and Well-Being: A Mixed-Methods Study of Individual Experiences PhD-student, Louise Muxoll Grønhaug, Department of Medicine |
OP_1701 Preferences for decision-making and knowledge of recovery in mental health professionals Program Manager, MA, PhD., Lisa Korsbek, Mental Health Services, Region of Southern Denmark |
OP_1699 Outcome after treatment of distal femur fracture, using locking plates. A retrospective single-center cohort study Chief physician and professor, Martin Lindberg-Larsen, Orthopaedic department, OUH |
OP_1698 Pharmaconomists in the clinic at Svendborg Hospital OUH - pharmaceutical issues and patient safety Pharmaconomist, Birgitte Greve Eriksen, Hospital Pharmacy Funen, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1697 Mortality, morbidity, healthcare expenditure and labor market consequences after an osteoporotic spinal fracture Professor, Mikkel Østerheden Andersen , Spine center of Southern Denmark, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_1692 The concentration of cefuroxime and piperacillin in the biliary system Physician and PhD-student, Louise Lerche Pontoppidan, Department of Surgery, Lillebælt Hospital |
OP_1691 Artificial intelligence in risk identification of future chronic kidney disease following cardiac surgery. MD, PhD-student, Sebastian Buhl Rasmussen, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1690 Characteristics and management of acute kidney injury in hospitalized patients with cirrhosis: A multicenter intercontinental observational prospective study |
OP_1689 The Grindsted inquiry Clinical epidemiologist, DVM, PhD, Kim Oren Gradel, Center for Clinical Epidemiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1688 High and Low molecular weight Surfactant protein-D (SP-D) in patients with a Chronic inflammatory disease (CID) before and after treatment with a biologic therapy. Professor, Ph.d., Torkell Ellingsen, Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark |
OP_1685 The impact of sociodemographic and psychosocial factors on Hemoglobin A1c during the COVID-19 pandemic in adults in Denmark with type 1 or 2 diabetes: A cohort study of outpatients at Danish diabetes clinics Team leader, Grete Skøtt Pedersen, Steno Diabetes Center Odense Odense University Hospital Kløvervænget 10, Indgang 112 5000 Odense C |
OP_1682 RESCUE - Effect of supplemental hydrocortisone during stress in prednisolone-induced adrenal insufficiency; A multicentre, randomised, double blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial on health-related quality of life in patients with polymyalgia rheumatic (PMR)/giant cell arteritis (GCA) receiving ongoing low-dose prednisolone treatment Marianne Skovsager Andersen , Marianne Skovsager Andersen, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1681 Prognostic Impact of Age and Frailty in patients undergoing anaesthesia and surgery MD, Phd., Louise Bill, Department of Anaesthesiology, Vejle Hospital, Hospital Lillebælt. |
OP_1680 Serum perfluoroalkyl substances in members of a cow grazing association following long-term meat contamination from firefighting foam in Korsør, Denmark. occupational physician, Janne Julie Møller, Holbæk Sygehus |
OP_1678 Hand use development in infants with cerebral palsy (CP) aged 4 to 18 months PhD-student, Helle Sneftrup Poulsen, HCA Childrens Hospital, Odense University. Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark.Hospital. |
OP_1676 Sacrococcygeal teratomas in children and adolescents Medical student, Line Walther Lundbæk Siggaard, Department of Pediatrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1675 DEPRE-ST: A randomized controlled trial of schema therapy for patients with chronic treatment resistant depression PhD-student, Ida-Marie T. P. Arendt, Institute for Psychology, Southern University of Denmark/Afdeling for Traume- og Torturoverlevere, Southern Region of DenmarkPsychiatry |
OP_1673 Aortic valve-sparing root replacement with David procedure: A single centre observational study Pregraduate research fellow, Emil Johannes Ravn, Hjerte-, lunge-, karkirurgisk afdeling T, OUH |
OP_1670 OPALH omkonvertering fra SAS til STATA Senior Researcher, Mette Korshøj, Department of Occupational and Social Medicine, Holbæk Hospital |
OP_1668 Induction of labour at Odense University Hospital MD, PhD, Camilla Præstegaard, The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, OUH |
OP_1667 The use of correct clinical masking in audiological practice Associate Professor, Christian Brandt, Department of Clinical Research, University of southern Denmark |
OP_1666 TRALULALA - Lung damage, function and qualitiy of life in children born with tracheomalaci related to esophageal atresia Pediatrician, Ph.D. , Elisabeth Søgaard Christiansen, Forskningsenhed for Pædiatri |
OP_1665 Morfinomsætning og effekt hos patienter med obstruktiv søvnapnø og morbid overvægt Senior Physician, PhD-student, Morten Overgaard, Department of Anaesthesia and intensive care, University Hospital of Southern Denmark |
OP_1664 STAIN (Stroke And Inflammation) Attending physician, Martin Wirenfeldt Nielsen, Department of Pathological Anatomy and Molecular Biology, Hospital South West Jutland, Esbjerg, Denmark |
OP_1663 Mentor-Mentee Need assessment Medical student (Master of Science in Medicine), Mohammed Mahmoud Daoud, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark (SDU) |
OP_1662 Patterns of care and oncological outcomes for the treatment of stage I-IV non-small cell lung carcinoma patients in Denmark from 2012-2021" MD, PhD, Ass. Prof., Michael Stenger, Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1661 ZEROCO - Abolition of all or some kinds of psychiatric coercive measures - a European survey Senior researcher, Søren Birkeland, OPEN and Retspsykiatrisk Forskningsenhed Middelfart, and Klinisk Institut and IRS |
OP_1659 My Personal Health Bank - development of data report system Co-founder & Sector Advisor, Anne Mette Bang, My Personal Health Bank |
OP_1658 Sarcopenia, Fall and Osteoporosis in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease PhD-student, Sabina Chaudhary Hauge, Department of Nephrology, Copenhagen University Hospital - Herlev and Gentofte, Herlev, Denmark |
OP_1657 Validation of an algorithm identifying THA dislocations treated with closed reduction in the national patient register MD, Ph.D, post.doc., Lars Lykke Hermansen, Department of Orthopedics, Hospital of South West Jutland, Esbjerg |
OP_1656 Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia and neurovascular manifestations, in the Danish HHT cohort. Medical Doctor, PhD-student., Mikkel Seremet Kofoed, Department of ear, nose and throat surgery and neurosurgical department. |
OP_1655 Improve Pilot Professor and consultant in hematology, Henrik Frederiksen, Department of Hematology, OUH |
OP_1654 Early detection of lung cancer by protease activity - DETECT-PRO Senior consultant, professor, Torben Frøstrup Hansen, Department of Oncology, Lillebaelt Hospital Vejle |
OP_1653 Deciphering the role of adipose tissue in breast cancer: a putative role of PAPP-A and IGF-2 (the ADI-PAP study)
MD, PhD, DMSc, Jan Frystyk, Department of Endocrinology M |
OP_1652 Patient experiences in quality of Chiropractic Care Quality Consultant , Line Lyskjær , Chiropractic Knowledge Hub |
OP_1649 The effect and duration of selective cervical facet joint block Medical student (Master of Science in Medicine), Christine Marie Haarslev Nielsen, Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1648 Screening and intervention for subclinical coronary artery disease in patients with type 2 diabetes:
Professor, Axel Diederichsen, Dep. of Cardiology |
OP_1646 "ROBot assisted physical training of older patients during acUte hospitaliSaTion - a randomised controlled trial (ROBUST)" PhD-student, Ann Sophia Bertelsen, 1Department of Geriatric Medicine, Odense University Hospital, Svendborg Hospital; Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1645 Rheumatic toxicities induced by immune checkpoint inhibitors MD, PhD student, Helene Broch Tenstad, Department of Rheumatology |
OP_1642 HERA - HIPEC kombineret med ERAS til behandling af Kræft i Æggestokkene. Professor, Lone Kjeld Petersen, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics OUH |
OP_1638 DAMTHYR Physician, Consultant, Lars Bastholt, Department of Oncology R |
OP_1637 Assessment of hospitalized patients with stroke and vision problems Physiotherapist, Mette Steenkjaer Lund, Department of Physio- and Occupational therapist, Kolding, hospital Lillebaelt, Denmark |
OP_1636 STRICT/STAR lung, Stereotactic radiotherapy in central and ultracentral located tumors in the lung Consultant, PhD And Consultant, Professor, PhD , Mette Pøhl and Tine Schytte, Depatment of Oncology, Rigshospitalet And Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1634 Identification of Prognostics Factors for Treatment Response and the Development of Fibromyalgia in Inflammatory Arthritis. M.D., PhD-student, Philip Rask Lage-Hansen, South west hospital, Department of rheumatology |
OP_1633 MVU Associate Professor, Malene Roland Pedersen, Department of Regional Health Research |
OP_1632 A national population-based cohort study of management of unexpected malignant colorectal polyps after initiation of colorectal cancer screening in Denmark. PhD-student, Helene Juul Würtz, Center of Shared Decision Making and Surgical Department at Vejle- Lillebaelt University Hospital of Southern Denmark |
OP_1631 Does early screening for risk factors improve pregnancy- and birth outcomes? Professor, Ellen Aagaard Nøhr, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital, |
OP_1629 Stop Medicine Waste - Exploring the Amount of and Knowledge about Medicine Waste in the Population
Pharmacist, PhD, post.doc., Trine Graabæk Hansen, Hospital Pharmacy of Funen, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1627 Colorectal cancer and bacteraemia with anaerobic bacteria Senior consultant, MD, DMSc, Ulrik Stenz Justesen, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1626 Effects of a peripherally acting ?-opioid receptor antagonist on recurrent acute pancreatitis Chief consultant, phd, Maiken Thyregod Jørgensen, Department of Medical Gastroenterology and hepatology, OUH |
OP_1625 The Outreach Study: Barriers in cancer care for patients with mental comorbidity Physician, Astrid Næraa Høeg Vendelsøe, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_1624 The LiverPRO study Katrine Prier Lindvig, Katrine Prier Lindvig, Center for Liver Research, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology |
OP_1623 Lasertreatment of lichen sclerosus in vulva Associate Professor, Finn Friis Lauszus, Department of Gynaecology, Aabenraa Hospital, |
OP_1622 Psychopharmacological treatment in fast-track total hip and knee arthroplasty M.D., PhD-student, Simon Kornvig, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1621 A Randomized Controlled Trial of "Maze out": A serious game to improve self-efficacy, mutual understanding and improved family functioning in people with Eating Disorders. phD-student, Maria Guala, 1. Psychiatric Research Unit, Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, |
OP_1620 Stress in Working Life - Realist Evaluation of a Stress Management Intervention for Patients Referred to an Occupational Health Clinic Due to Work-related Stress PhD-student, Charlotte Brøgger Bond, Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark/ Department of Occupational- and Environmental Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1619 Prevention of oxaliplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy - a randomized controlled trial PhD-student, Nina Lykkegaard Gehr, Dpertment of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1618 COVID-19 among children in Guinea-Bissau Professor, Christine Stabell Benn, OPEN |
OP_1617 Reducing the prevalence of groin wound complications in vascular surgery. PhD-student, Christina Pilgaard Madsen, Department of Vascular Surgery, Kolding Hospital |
OP_1616 Identification of patient-reported barriers to treatment with anti-VEGF for neovascular AMD (I-OPTA) MD, Phd-student, Benjamin Sommer Thinggaard, Department of Ophthalmology |
OP_1615 HPV og cervixcytologisk status hos danske koniserede kvinder ? 60 år. Et registerbaseret studie. Dr. med. , Abir Khalil Bchtawi, Gynækologisk Obstetrisk Afdeling, OUH |
OP_1610 Sonographers perspective on research Lektor, Malene Roland, SLB Røntgen |
OP_1609 Survey on reporting radiographers Dr., Malene Roland V. Pedersen, Department of Radiology, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_1607 Can diabetes distress be reduced by improving entry to care for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus?: A cluster randomized trial
PhD-student, Steffan Holst Hansen, Research Unit of General Practice |
OP_1606 Impact of COVID-19 restrictions on self-poisoning behaviour with mild analgesics in Danish youth Consultant, Mads Damkjær, Department of Paediatrics, Kolding |
OP_1605 IMPACTT - Impact of a patient decision aid intervention for cancer patients. Does timing and format matter? PhD student, Bettina Mølri Knudsen, Center for Shared Decision Making, Hospital of Lillebaelt |
OP_1603 Analysis of coagulation in patients with Hereditary Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) Medical student, Anne Lørup Lyster, Department of Medical Gastrointestinal Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1602 Using Thoracic Ultrasound in a Rheumatological Setting to Detect Interstitial Lung Disease in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Protocol for the Diagnostic Test Accuracy AURORA Study Physician, PhD-Fellow, Bjørk K. Sofíudóttir, Research Unit of Rheumatology, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense University Hospital & Section for Biostatistics and Evidence-Based Research, the Parker Institute, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhagen, Den |
OP_1601 Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segment Spectacle Lenses (DIMS) versus Orthokerathology lenses (OKL) for slowing myopia progression in Danish children aged 6-12 years. The non-inferiority NISDO Study. MD, PhD-student, Lou-Ann Christensen Andersen, Department of Ophthalmology, Vejle Hospital, Hospital of Lillebaelt |
OP_1600 Within subject biological variation of CRP and of quantities in patients with stable rheumatoid arthritis Head of department, Steen Antonsen, Clinical Biochemistry, OUH Svendborg |
OP_1599 Magnetic resonance perfusion imaging for lower limb revascularization. PhD-student, Malene Bisgaaard, Department of Radiology, Hospital of Lillebaelt |
OP_1594 Cross-PALL - A New Cross-Diciplinary Model for palliative care Planning for Patientes with Incurable Cancer MD, PhD-student, Johanna Swenne, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1593 Surgical left atrial appendage closure with and without postoperative anticoagulant therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation undergoing cardiac surgery Dr. med, Ph.D., DMSc, Lars Peter Riber, Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, OUH |
OP_1592 Database for highly specialized functions within orthopedic surgical traumatology Professor, Bjarke Viberg, Department of Orthopedics, OUH |
OP_1591 Reproduction and mental health in Denmark: Trajectories, variation and associations Associate professor, Mette Bliddal, OPEN, Odense University Hospital and University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1590 What matters to patients with severe hip or knee osteoarthritis?
Decisional quality, patient involvement and health outcome
Nurse, PhD-student, Trine Ahlmann Pedersen, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Lillebaelt Hospital - Vejle, Denmark. |
OP_1589 Patient reported outcome after surgery for simple appendicitis physician, Emilie Schultz Hougaard, Department of Surgery OUH |
OP_1588 "Improving pregnancy outcome in women with pre-existing diabetes by establishing the nationwide Danish Diabetes Birth Registry - the DDBR2 registry - including studying the effect of virtual education on pregnancy outcome - the ETOS-DM study" M.D., Researcher, Sine Knorr Johnsen, Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus, Aarhus University Hospital |
OP_1587 Investigation of the associations between psychological factors and health-related factors among patients with an ICD Professor, Susanne S. Pedersen, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital and Department of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1586 Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome Measures integrated in treatment and care of women diagnosed with Breast Cancer: A Feasibility Study Protocol Postdoc, RN, MScN, PhD, Stine Thestrup Hansen, Department of Plastic & Breast Surgery, Zealand University Hospital and Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1585 Thromboembolism in anorexia nervosa (TEAN) - A registry-based study of a national cohort and a case-control study of the hemostatic balance and its association with nutritional status, insulin and cortisol MD, PhD-student, Jeanie Meincke Egedal, Center for Eating Disorders, OUH & Psychiatry in the Region of Southern Denmark |
OP_1583 Predictors of succesful treatment with high flow therapy in infants and young children with respiratory insufficiency. MD, PhD, Signe Vahlkvist, Dep. of pediatric and adolecent medicin, Hospital of Lillebaelt |
OP_1580 Early detection of lung cancer by blood samples - A prospective national observational study Professor , Ole Hilberg, Department of Medicine, Vejle Hospital, University Hospital of Southern Denmark |
OP_1579 Activation of the Contact system and the Immune System in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (AKIM-CKD) Postdoc, Katrine Pilely, Department of Nephrology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1578 Cortisol Associations to depression, anxiety, disease severity and hippocampal and insula volume in Anorexia nervosa. Professor, PhD, René Klinkby Støving, Center for Eating Disorders & Department of Endocrinology. Odense University Hospital and Mental Health Services in the Region of Southern Denmark. |
OP_1577 Influence of nociception level monitor (NOL) guided analgesic delivery on perioperative course in breast surgeries. Associate professor, Senior consultant , rajesh prabhakar bhavsar, South jutland hospital Aabenraa, Denmark |
OP_1576 Diabetes diagnosis, management, prevention and education in Guinea-Bissau
(OP_1576) MD, PhD, post-doc, Morten Bjerregaard-Andersen, Department of Endocrinology, Hospital of Southwest Jutland |
OP_1575 LiPO Teen (the Lifestyle in Pregnancy and Offspring Teenagers): Identification of modifiable risk factors for childhood obesity - a follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Associate Professor, PhD, Consultant, Christina Anne Vinter, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics SDCO - Steno Diabetes Center Odense OUH - Odense University Hospital Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, SDU. |
OP_1573 The meaning of natural elements, aesthetics and homeliness in palliative patient rooms Associate professor, Connie Timmermann , Centre for Research in Patient Communication, Odense University Hospital / Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1571 The Danish Comorbidity in Liver Transplant Recipients Study (DACOLT) - a non-interventional prospective observational cohort study MD , Rozeta Abazi, Department S , OUH in collaboration with RH |
OP_1570 Generic model for documentation of high professional quality for the highly specialized functions at OUH. Medical director, Kim Brixen, OUH |
OP_1569 Upright breech birth at Hospital of Southern Jytland
physician, Christine Ravn Grimm, Department of gynecology and obstetrics, Hospital of Southern Jytland |
OP_1568 Circulating biomarkers in patients with metastatic anal cancer MD, PhD, Birgitte Mayland Havelund, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital, University Hospital of Southern Denmark |
OP_1567 ReumaGravid - pregnancies among Danish patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases. MD, PhD, Associate professor, , Anne Voss, Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1566 Attitudes towards public health research in the Danish community pharmacy sector Alaa Burghle, Alaa Burghle, Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Enviromental Medicine - Department of Public Health - University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1563 "Grief and care in nursing - competence development to care for families with loss and grief" Postdoc, Jette Marcussen, OPEN - Open Patientdata Explorative Network, Institute of Clinical Research, SDU & Faculty of Nursing, Health Science Research Center UCL |
OP_1562 NORDTREAT prospective cohort study.
The Nordic IBD study within personalized medicine - diagnosing and prediction using molecular characterization of inflammatory bowel disease. M.D., PhD student, David Füchtbauer, Department of gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1561 NORDTREAT: The Nordic IBD treatment strategy trial - a randomized controlled trial of access to a protein profile Jens Kjeldsen, Jens Kjeldsen, Department of Medical Gastroenterology |
OP_1560 Childhood morbidity and potential non-specific effects of the childhood vaccination programmes in the Nordic Countries Professor, Christine Stabell Benn, Bandim Health Project, Research Unit OPEN, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, 5000 Odense C, Denmark & Danish Institute for Advanced Study, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1559 Periprosthetic fractures of the knee PhD-student, Stefan Risager, Orthopedic Research Unit OUH |
OP_1558 Validitet, reliabilitet og agreement af ForceFrame til muskelstyrketest af knæekstension og fleksion hos personer med knæskader PhD student, Validitet, reliabilitet og agreement af ForceFrame til muskelstyrketest af knæekstension og fleksion, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Lillebaelt Hospital - Vejle |
OP_1557 Moving emergency care from the hospital to the nursing homes - description of a new emergency department-based mobile acute care service performed within nursing homes Clinical Professor, Annmarie Lassen, Emergency Medicine Research Unit, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1556 Is the new method of left ventricular pacemaker lead implantation in heart failure better than conventional technique? Undergraduate research student , Frederikke Nørregaard Jakobsen , Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital (OUH) |
OP_1555 Immune response following vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 in patients with immunodeficiency MD, Associate professor, PhD, DMSc, Line Dahlerup Rasmussn, Department of Infectious Diseases |
OP_1554 Medial collateral ligament as pulley in the reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament for patients with lateral patellar instability. Consultant, ph.d., associate professor, Bjarke Viberg, Department of Orthopaedics, Kolding Hospital, University Hospital of Southern Denmark |
OP_1553 Intravenous vs. oral hydration to reduce the risk of intravenous contrast-induced acute kidney injury after cardiac computed tomography in patients with severe chronic kidney disease (ENRICH): A randomized controlled trial Physician, Emil Johannes Ravn, Department of Cardiology, Hospital of Southwest Jutland |
OP_1552 Circadian disturbances in people with mental disease PhD-student, Mikkel Kolind, Department of Endocrinology, |
OP_1551 Feasibility study of using "How are you": a PRO questionnaire for Palliative care" (The 'PRO-Pal' study) Associated professor, RN, MCs, PhD, Mette Raunkiær, REHPA, the Danish Knowledge Centre for Rehabilitation and Palliative Care, Odense University Hospital and University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1550 The Danish Pancreas Cancer Group (DPCG)-01 trial - a randomized phase II study of gemcitabine versus reduced-dose combination chemotherapy in fragile patients with non-resectable pancreatic cancer Professor, M.D., Per Pfeiffer, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital, |
OP_1549 Influence of metabolic syndrome on surgical and medical complications, mortality, patient-reported outcome and inflammatory biomarkers in patients having hip and knee replacement surgery M.D., Rasmus Reinholdt Sørensen, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle |
OP_1548 Challenges related to transitioning from hospital to short-term rehabilitation: A descriptive study MSc Pharm., Lene V. Ravn-Nielsen, Hospital Pharmacy Funen, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1546 The importance of Snoezelen room for the birth experience - a qualitative study Midwife with research role,, Karen Bøhrnsen, The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Hospital of Southern Denmark in Aabenraa |
OP_1545 Clinical database on patients with complex late effects after cancer, including patient-reported outcomes Postdoc, Lærke Kjær Tolstrup, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospiatl |
OP_1544 Præhospital måling af laktat i blodet på akutte præhospitale patienter - Hvilke patienter måles der på og har målingen en effekt på deres prognose? Doctor & Ph.D. student, Louise Houlberg Walther, The Prehospital Research Unit in The Southern Region of Denmark |
OP_1542 Deep-learning in diabetic eye screening: detection of sight-threatening proliferative diabetic retinopathy and prediction of long-term diabetic complications. Medical Doctor & ph.d.-student, Sebastian Dinesen, Department of Ophthalmology |
OP_1541 Early interventions to live well with dementia PhD, Senior Lecturer, MHSc, Physiotherapist , Trine Holt Clemmensen, Health Sciences Research Center, UCL University College Denmark |
OP_1540 FRAGINOC study: The impact of FRAilty screening and Geriatric assessment and INtervention in older patients with epithelial Ovarian Cancer Physician, Cristina Daviu Cobián, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1537 Studies on effects of age and diseases on cellular heterogeneity of human bone-marrow stromal stem cells Physician, Shakespeare Jeromdesella, KMEB, department of Endocrinology, OUH |
OP_1536 Monitoring circulating tumor DNA in aggressive large B-cell lymphoma - a tool for personalized medicine, Ph.d. student, Gayaththri Vimalathas, Department of Pathology, OUH |
OP_1534 Pelvic Organ Prolapse/Urinary Incontinence Sexual Questionnaire - IUGA Revised (PISQ-IR) Translation and Validation. Medical doctor, Greta Dubietyte, Department of Gynecology & Obstetrics, Hospital of Southern Jutland |
OP_1530 Coordination of intersectoral pathways for vulnerable persons. Ph.D student, MSc in Economics and Business Admini, Stine Lundstrøm Kamionka, Research Department of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services |
OP_1529 Evaluation of the effect from new criteria for getting a continuous glucose monitor and/or an insulin pump on glycemic level, quality of life and economy. Chief Physician, Ph.D., Karoline Schousboe, Steno Diabetes Center Odense, OUH |
OP_1528 Non-pharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders in a nationwide population Undergraduate student, Sophie Elkrog, Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Environmental Medicine, Department of Public Health |
OP_1526 DAPHNE Study coordinator, Jannie Kirkegaard, Department of Hematology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1525 Treatment of unruptured intracranial aneurysms: microsurgical clipping ver-sus endovascular occlusion and effects on cognitive outcome Medical student, Emma Tubæk Neilsen, Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1524 The IBD-FITT study - Moderate-intensity exercise for patients with inflammatory bowel disease with moderate disease activity: a randomized controlled trial PT, PhD, Postdoc, Ken Lund, Center for Clinical Epidemiology |
OP_1523 Identification and Treatment of Alcohol Problems in Primary Care - The iTAPP study Professor, PhD, Project Director , Anette Søgaard Nielsen, The Unit for Clinical Alcohol Research, Clinical Institute |
OP_1522 A comparative study of the image quality of clincal and teledermoscopy images acquired in primary health care centers versus at a department of dermatology Physcian, Louise Niklasson, Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hosiptal |
OP_1521 Senolytics to Improve Osteoporosis therapy: A randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial
The SENIOR Trial Physician, PhD-student, Shakespeare Jeromdesella, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1519 Fast Acute Sedation at Intensive Care vs. High-dose i.v. Anti-seizure Medication for Treatment of Non-convulsive Status Epilepticus (FAST-trial) Professor, Christoph Beier, Department of Neurology |
OP_1518 Brain Test after Cardiac Arrest PhD student, Anders Wieghorst, Department of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1517 Long-term survival after surgical aortic valve replacement with Carpentier-Edwards Perimount or Mitroflow in Denmark: A single-centre observational study MD, Lytfi Krasniqi, Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1516 A nationwide population-based registry of patients with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP): feasibility and data quality MSc., Dana Audrey Lawrie, Department of Haematology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1515 ADAPT: Arbejdskrav hos Danske Anklagere og Psykisk Trivsel Assistant professor and researcher, Maria Louison Vang, Department of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark and Department for Occupational- and Environmental Health, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1514 Graduating Psychiatric Coercive Measures PhD-student, Camilla Rosendal Lindekilde, Open Patient data Explorative Network (OPEN), Odense University Hospital (SDU) & Department of Clinical Research, SDU & Forensic Mental Health Research Unit (RFM), Middelfart Hospital Region of Southern Denmark, |
OP_1513 Antenatal breastmilk expression from 34 weeks of gestation (The EXPRESS-MOM study) Physician and PhD-student, Marie Bendix Simonsen, Department of Pediatrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1512 Lymphaticovenous anastomosis as a surgical treatment for breast-cancer related lymphedema Medical student, Undergraduate student, Caroline Lilja, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1511 Simulation studies in clinical biostatistics Associate professor and biostatistician, PhD, MSC, Sören Möller, OPEN, Department of Clinical Research, SDU |
OP_1509 the Type ONe dIabetic bone Collaboration Study (TONICS) PhD-student, Inge Gerlach Brandt, Endrocrinologic Dep. M, OUH |
OP_1506 Informational, health care service and support and care needs of women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM): a qualitative study Postdoc, Jori Aalders, Steno Diabetes Center Odense |
OP_1505 Diagnosis and management of patients with headache in chiropractic practice: a questionnaire survey and prevalence registration.
Substudy protocol of the Headache in Chiropractic practice project (HIK project) Senior researcher, Kristina Boe Dissing, Chiropractic Knowledge Hub |
OP_1504 Home visits for children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in vulnerable families. An explorative user involving project. PhD student, Marie Nedergaard Jeppesen, Steno Diabetes Centre Odense |
OP_1503 "How to conceptualize and measure patient-experienced quality in integrated care? Development of a valid and reliable patient reported experience measure." Ph.D. student, Sisse Walløe, OPEN researchunit in Patient Safety and Quality; The research unit PROgrez |
OP_1502 Social nursing - A descriptive inventory on social nursing activities Nurse, Lisa Kvist Antonsen, Emergency Department, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1501 Low back pain in Danish General Practice - A cohort study. Bodil Al-Mashhadi Arnbak, Bodil Al-Mashhadi Arnbak, Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1500 Bronchial Lung Volume Reduction Consultant, Ph.D. , Ass. Prof. , Ingrid Louise Titlesatd, Department of Respiratory Medicine |
OP_1498 Missed opportunities for suicide prevention PhD-student, Sarah Grube Jakobsen, Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1497 Oral care - an essential part of nursing
PhD, Charlotte Nielsen, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Odense University Hospital, Denmark. School of Nursing and Health Science Research Center, University College Lillebaelt, Odense M, Denmark. |
OP_1496 Assessment of Cognition af Preventive Home Visits Ph.d. student, MScN, Tina Bach Hansen, University of Southern Denmark, Department of Regional Health Research; Mental Health Services in the Region of Southern Denmark, Research Unit South-west |
OP_1493 The within-subject biological variation of different measurands in blood of healthy adults Chief Physician , Eva Rabing Brix Petersen, Department of Biochemistry and Immunology, Hospital of Southern Jutland (Hospital Sønderjylland) |
OP_1489 Mapping of time spent on medication management in Danish home health care: A national study Undergraduate student, Heidi Stubmark, Hospital Pharmacy Funen |
OP_1488 Treatment of congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus with fluconazole an antifungal medication Professor, PhD, overlæge Claus Bistrup , MD, PhD Gitte Rye Hinrichs and MD, PhD Line Aas Mortensen, Department of Nephrology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1487 European clinical nurse recommendations for migraine treatment Postdoc, Louise Schlosser Mose , Research Unit of Neurology, University hospital of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg, Denmark and Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark |
OP_1486 The transition of adolescents and young adults with epilepsy from pediatric health-care services to adult health-care services, empowerment and patient involvement, supported by a telehealth solution PhD student, Ole Abildgaard Hansen, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1484 Validation of ICD10 codes for early-onset neonatal infections: A Danish Study PhD student , Mads Andersen, Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital |
OP_1483 Paget's Disease of the Nipple - MRI as a diagnostic tool to identify underlying malignancy MD , Camilla Bille, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1481 OPEN project: OP_1481 "SyRRuP - REHPA survey response and registry data projectREHPA survey response and registry project" Datamanager and Researcher, Tina Broby Mikkelsen, REHPA |
OP_1479 Total Hip Arthroplasty in Teenagers MD PhD, Morten Bøgehøj, Ortopedic dept. OUH |
OP_1477 Retention among young oncologists in Denmark - a prospective survey Physician, PhD-student, Marianne Vogsen, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1476 Effect of community based acute nurses on the amount of medical emergency department contacts, expected preventable acute hospital contact, and acute ambulance transports: An interrupted time series analysis PhD student, Stine Emilie Junker Udesen, Research Unit for Acute Medicine, Southern University of Denmark |
OP_1475 We want to be a family - Children affected by cancer and their relatives PhD Student, Camilla Littau Nielsen, Department of Oncology, Hans Christian Andersen Children and Youth Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1472 Neuroendocrine tumors in children and adolescents MD, subspecialized in pediatric surgery, PhD, Mark Bremholm Ellebæk , Surgical department OUH |
OP_1471 Paediatric patients with ulcerative colitis undergoing J-pouch ileoanal anastomosis; postoperative complications and long-term functional outcomes. A retrospective study in the Nordic countries.
PIPAA Nordic Study. Chief surgeon, Clinical Lector, PhD, Mark Bremholm Ellebæk, The Surgical Department A, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1469 NemPros MD, PhD, Ahmed H. Zedan, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1465 Feminizing treatment in transgender women and non-binary persons
BIC-estrogen (Body Identity Clinic -estrogen)
MD, associate professor, Dorte Glintborg, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital, Kløvervænget 6, 5000 Odense C, Denmark |
OP_1464 Brain+ AlcoRecover: A Randomized Controlled Pilot-Study and Feasibility Study of Multiple-Domain Cognitive Training Using a Serious Gaming App for Treating Alcohol Use Disorders Associate Professor, Angelina Mellentin, Unit for Clinical Alcohol Research, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark |
OP_1463 Hormonal and inflammatory changes during pregnancy in women with glucose metabolic disorders (HI-MET) MD, PhD Student, Anna Sofie Koefoed, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Aarhus University Hospital |
OP_1462 The West Denmark Heart Database. Medical Director, Kim Brixen, Region South Denmark, Region Central Jutland, and Region North Jutland |
OP_1460 Does early knowledge of male's fertility potential affect the outcome of a possible fertility treatment. BSc. Med., Malene Højhus Rasmussen, Medicine, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1459 Preclinical development of next-generation treatment with tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) in pancreatic-, kidney-, ovarian and colonic cancer. MD, Ph.D, post doc, Maj Rabjerg, Department of Clinical Pathology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1458 The effect of dicloxacillin on oral absorption of drugs MSc Pharm, PhD student, Ditte Bork Iversen, Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacy, and Environmental Medicine |
OP_1457 Auditory verbal hallucinations: Dissociation or altered structures of self-consciousness? MD, PhD, Iben Wallstrøm, Clinical department, SDU |
OP_1456 An evaluation of the Patient Enablement Instrument for Back Pain in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain PhD, Dorthe Schøler Ziegler, Medical Spinal Research Unit, Spine Centre of Southern Denmark, Hospital Lillebaelt |
OP_1454 DanAmp - Danish Amputation Database Postdoc, Ulla Riis Madsen, REHPA, The Danish Knowledge Centre for Rehabilitation and Palliative Care |
OP_1451 Early termination of empirical antibiotics in febrile neutropenia in children with cancer - HowLong MD PhD, Pediatrician, Nadja H. Vissing , Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, University Hospital Rigshospitalet |
OP_1449 Optimal Predilatation Treatment before Implantation of the Magmaris bioresorable scaffold In coronary artery Stenosis (OPTIMIS) MD, Kirstine Nørregaard Hansen, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1448 "Paediatric Autism Communication Therapy (PACT) combined with management as usual compared to management as usual alone in Children with Autism spectrum disorder" Professor, Niels Bilenberg, Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Dept., Odense |
OP_1446 Can a differentiated oxygen setup improve embryo quality and increase the number of usable embryos after in vitro fertilization (IVF)? Associate professor and Laboratory leader Tilde Ve, Tilde Veng Eskildsen, Fertility Clinic at Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1445 Immunglobulinbehandling i Region Syddanmark Chief Physician, PhD and Clinical Associate Profes, Mette Marie Hougaard Christensen, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, OUH |
OP_1444 The clinical impact of natural killer (NK) cells and their regulators in metastatic colorectal cancer PhD-student, MD, Natacha Dencker Trabjerg, Department of Oncology, Vejle, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_1442 Cryoablation of renal cancer MD, PhD Ass. Prof., Ole Graumann, Research and Innovation Unit of Radiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1440 Injury prevention in Danish youth handball - a hybrid effectiveness-implementation study PhD student, Amanda Teglhus, Department of Sports Science and Biomechanics |
OP_1439 Use of urinary dip sticks in hospital care: A population-based cohort study Professor, Annmarie Lassen, Emergency Department, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1438 Long-term prognosis of patients with hip dysplasia treated with periacetabular osteotomy Undergraduate research student, Anne Rosendahl Kristiansen, Orthopaedic Research Unit, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1437 Success rates of smoking cessation therapies to patients with mental illness by video consultants or by treatment in the community: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Associate Professor, Peter Hjorth, Psychiatric Hospital of Vejle, Denmark |
OP_1436 Experiences in relation to COVID-19 vaccination among persons with inflammatory arthritis - a qualitative interview study Professor, Jette Primdahl, Danish Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg and Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark |
OP_1435 Using podcasts to prepare patients for hospital consultations Clinical Nurse Specialist, Jannie Christina Frølund, Department of Medicine, Hospital of Lillebaelt, Vejle |
OP_1434 Intraoperative near-infrared imaging techniques for identifying and preserving viable parathyroid glands during total and completion thyroidectomy: a matched cohort study MD, Sanne Høxbroe Michaelsen, Department of ORL, Head and Neck Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1432 Development of solutions for optimizing medications among older patients after discharge from hospital PhD, Thorbjørn Hougaard Mikkelsen, Emergency Department, Hospital Sønderjylland |
OP_1427 CIMPRIL - Circulating methylated DNA as a prognostic marker in curative radiotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer PhD student, MD, Thomas Leth Fink, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1425 Shared decision making on radiation dose for stereotactic body radiotherapy of malignancies located less than 1 cm from the thoracic wall. A randomized trial PhD student, MD, Thomas Leth Fink, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1424 Predictors of recurrent IgA nephropathy after renal transplantation - a role for steroids? A multicenter retrospective study. MD, Mette Øhrstrøm, Department of Nephrology, Aarhus University Hospital |
OP_1423 A coercion database to uncover patterns of occurrences of coercive episodes with delivery to the national coercion database Associated Professor, Jens Peter Hansen, Mental Health Services in Esbjerg |
OP_1420 Clinicians and Shared Decision Making PhD-student, MD, Stine Rauff Søndergaard, Department of Oncology, Hospital of Lillebaelt - Vejle |
OP_1419 The role of Group B Streptococci in severe bacterial infections in children below one year of age in Denmark: immunology and genomic characterization MD, PhD-student, May Murra, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1418 Effects of dietary gluten on gastrointestinal symptoms in ulcerative colitis: a randomized controlled cross-over trial Ph.d.-studerende, Laura Gregersen , Blodprøver, Biokemi og Immunologi, SHS |
OP_1415 Post-Operative Atrial Fibrillation after Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement and the influence of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors MD, Ph.D., DMSc, Lars Riber, Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark |
OP_1414 Treatment of patient with metastasizing colorectal cancer in an unselected cohort at Odense University Hospital. Professor, Per Pfeiffer, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1413 A national randomized non-inferiority trial:
Imaging versus cardiac biomarker monitored HER2 directed therapy in patients with breast cancer
MD, PhD, postdoc., Ann Banke, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1411 Sacral neuromodulation for neurogenic bladder, bowel and sexual dysfunction. Consultant, Hanne Kobberø, Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1409 The effect of spironolactone on calcineurininhibitor-induced nephrotoxicity
MD PhD, Line Aas Mortensen, Department of Nephrology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1406 The IBD-FITT study - Moderate-intensity exercise for patients with inflammatory bowel disease with moderate disease activity: a randomized controlled trial PT, Msc.H., PhD, Postdoc., Ken Lund, Center for Clinical Epidemiology |
OP_1404 The Introduction of Salvage Robot-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy in Denmark MD, PhD, Ass. Professor, Consultant, Mads Hvid Aaberg Poulsen, Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1403 To heal or not to heal - towards personalized allograft transplantation
Associate Professor, Head of Research, Kent Søe, Research Unit of Pathology, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1402 Improved treatment of pulmonary and extrapulmonary Nontuberculous Mycobacterial diseases - a multidisciplinary team approach MD. Ph.D-student, Andreas Arnholdt Pedersen, Department of Medicine, Vejle Hospital, University Hospital of Southern Denmark |
OP_1400 Implementation of smoking cessation support during lung cancer workup: a pragmatic, cluster-randomised controlled trial and an interview-based study of patients' and healthcare professionals' experiences START: Implementation of smoking cessation support, Ingeborg Farver-Vestergaard, Department of Medicine, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1398 Isatuximab in combination with bortezomib and lenalidomide with minimal dexamethasone in transplant-ineligible multiple myeloma (The REST study) Projectmanager, Quality of Life Research Center, Henrik Rode Eshoj, Department of Haematology |
OP_1397 Empagliflozin to elderly and obese patients with cardiovascular disease (EMPIRE II): A randomized controlled trial M.D., PhD., DmSc, Jacob Eifer Møller, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1396 Switching treatment to ravulizumab in patients with paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH): Real world data from Scandinavia Professor, consultant, Henrik Frederiksen, Department of haematology, Odense Universityhospital |
OP_1392 Major lower extremity amputations: Epidemiology, outcome, quality of life and potential for improvement. PhD-student, Anna Trier Heiberg Brix, Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1391 Bacterial interference for preventing recurrent urinary tract infection - New ways of treatment PhD student. Senior consultant in Urology, Karin Andersen, The Department of Urology - Odense University Hospital |
OP_1390 Women's health and recovery living with angina pectoris and no diagnosis of obstructive coronary artery disease Ph.d.-student, Jane Lange Dalsgaard, Department of Cardiology, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Aabenraa |
OP_1388 When Women Become Men PhD-student, Tine Taulbjerg Kristensen, Department of Endocrinology |
OP_1386 Can a termografic picture taken at arrival to the ED predict 30 days mortality? Professor, Head of Research, Mikkel Brabrand, Research Unit in Emergency Medicine, SVS Esbjerg |
OP_1385 Specific and non-specific effects of measles and BCG vaccines for mother and child. Professor, Christine Stabell Benn, Open Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1383 Local anaesthetic thoracoscopy database Md, PhD student, Amanda Dandanell Juul, Department of Respiratory Medicine at Odense University Hospital |
OP_1382 Medical trigger calls in Danish emergency departments. Activation criteria, training and composition of trigger teams. Clinical associate professor, consultant, Stefan Posth, Emergency Department, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1381 Point Of Care Technology to reduce acute hospital admissions among older adults MD, PhD, Professor, Karen Andersen Ranberg, Geriatric Research Unit, Department of Geriatric Medicine, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark; Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark |
OP_1379 Vacuum-assisted closure versus on-demand relaparotomy in patients with fecal or diffuse peritonitis: A retrospective multicenter study Physician, PhD-student, Pooya Rajabaleyan, Research Unit for Surgery, Odense University Hospital & Open Patient Data Explorative Network (OPEN), University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1377 Effect of 24 mg Dexamethasone Preoperatively on Surgical Stress, Pain and
Recovery in Robotic-assisted Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Senior Consultant, PhD student, Karsten Kaiser, Gynecology Department |
OP_1375 Serum infliximab and infliximab antibodies levels during rescue therapy in
patients with acute severe ulcerative colitis, not responding to
intravenous corticosteroids Senior registrar, Lene Nyholm Nielsen, department of gastroenterologi, Hospital of South West Jutland |
OP_1374 Children <2 years in the Southern region of Denmark, examined for Battered Child Syndrome in the period 2017-2020 Physician, Didde Lauritzen, Hans Christian Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1373 Center for fast-track Hip and Knee replacement database M.D., DMSci., Christoffer C Jørgensen, Section for Surgical Pathophysiology, Rigshospitalet, and Dept. of Anaesthesia, Hillerød Hospital |
OP_1371 Phd study: Robotic surgery in gynecology in relation to fast track surgery Specialist gynecologist, Konstantinos Menexakis, Gynecological Department, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1370 Healthcare professionals' experiences with an Emergency Department physician-based nursing home outreach service |
OP_1369 Outcome after bilateral sentinel lymph node biopsy and lymphadenectomy in vulvar cancer close to the midline dr. med. , Liselotte Petersen Due, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1368 The impact of postoperative drainage on complications in bodycontouring surgery Consultant, PhD, Michael Rose, Department of Surgery, Section of Plastic Surgery, Hospital of Southwest Jutland |
OP_1367 REPLACE - A multi-centre, randomised, double-blinded, placebo controlled 1-year study to
compare the effect of hydrocortisone and placebo in patients with Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA)/
Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) with partial adrenal insufficiency after cessation of glucocorticoid
treatment. Marianne Skovsager Andersen , Marianne Skovsager Andersen, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1365 Cardiac arrest survivors - Psychiatric comorbidity and cognitive impairment Medical doctor, Ph.D.-student, Janna Maria Borg, The Research Unit of Mental Health - Children and Adults; Aabenraa and the Department of Regional Health Research (IRS); The University of Southern Denmark (SDU) |
OP_1364 SugarMum: Screening for gestational diabetes mellitus and abnormal fetal growth Biochemist, Associate Professor, Martin Overgaard, Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology |
OP_1360 Screening of Hepatic Arteriovenous Malformations and classification of Gastrointestinal Arteriovenous Malformations in patients with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia PhD-student, Pernille Darre Haahr , Department of ORL - Head and neck surgery |
OP_1359 The chemopreventive effect of carrots on bowel inflammation M.D PhD., Issam al-Najami, Department of surgery |
OP_1357 Significance of follow-up FDG-PET / CT for patients on adjuvant immunotherapy with high-risk melanoma - SOFAIM MD, PhD, Malene Grubbe Hildebrandt, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1356 Congenital Combined Pituitary Hormone Deficiency in Denmark Medical student, pregraduate research year student, Louise Kjersgaard Jakobsen, H. C. Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1355 Early life determinants of skeletal maturation and endocrine health in young adults - A nationwide birth cohort study.
(Knoglesundhed og hormonstatus hos unge voksne, EPIPEAK) Professor, consultant physician, Bo Abrahamsen, Holbæk Hospital and OPEN Research |
OP_1354 Assesment of factors influencing the length of patient delay in patients with ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarctions (STEMI) Pregraduate medical student, Shira Hendin, Department of cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1353 Robotic vs. TaTME Rectal Surgery (ROTA STUDY) Matched Cohort Trial for mid to Low Rectal
cancer Surgery Evaluation Trial in the hands of an experienced surgeon
Internal Reference Number / Short title: ROTA M.D PhD., Issam al-Najami, Department of surgery |
OP_1352 The Effect of COVID-19 vaccination in hemodialysispatients - COVAC-HD MD, Per Bruno Jensen, Dept. of Nephrology, Odense Universityhospital |
OP_1347 Odense University Hospital Post COVID Cohort - clinical database for long COVID symptoms and outcome. Physician, Karen Christiansen, Department of infectious diseases, Odense Universiry Hospital. |
OP_1346 Evaluation of the extent of loss of renal function and survival in diabetic patients operated for renal cell carcinoma, Emil Olsen, Medical student, University of Southern Denmark, Odense |
OP_1345 Development of an evidence-based training curriculum for robotic-assisted surgery
PhD student, Peter Hertz, Department of Regional Health Research |
OP_1344 Immune response in patients with cancer following COVID-19 vaccination Professor, Consultant, Henrik Ditzel, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1343 Treatment of breast cancer and risk of osteoporosis. MD, PhD, Carina Ørts Christensen, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1342 Antibody response in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus after a two-dose regimen with SARS-CoV-2 vaccines MD, Emilie Stavnsbjerg Larsen, Department of Rheumatology / Department of Clinical Immunology |
OP_1341 Effekten af covid-19 vaccination hos organ transplanterede i Region Syddanmark - COVAC-Tx Professor, head of research, DMSc, Isik Somuncu Johansen, Department of Infectious Diseases |
OP_1340 Observational and biomarker studies in MOGAD and NMOSD MD, PhD, Viktoria Papp, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1337 Interleukin-6 inhibitors and drug-drug interactions in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis MD, PhD student, Ann-Cathrine Dalgård Dunvald, Department of Public Health, Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Environmental Medicine, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1336 Clinical Research database for patients with obstetric plexus brachial injury (OBPI) senior registrar, Julie Ladeby Erichsen, Department of Orthopedic surgery and traumatology OUH |
OP_1335 Push the Button: Developing a Personalized psychotherapeutic trauma treatment for victims with complex PTSD PhD student, Lisa Groenberg Riisager, Afdeling for Traume- og Torturoverlevere |
OP_1334 Spiseforstyrrelser i eliteidræt Professor, Mia B. Lichtenstein, Department of Psychology, SDU |
OP_1333 Repeat dose steroid to prevent pain relapse after total knee arthroplasty in patients with high pain response - A randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial Head of the Sector for Hip and Knee Surgery, Claus Varnum, Department for Orthopedic Surgery, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1331 Neurofilament light chain as a biomarker of paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy PhD Fellow, Christina Mortensen, Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Environmental Medicine, Department of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1328 Societal Impact of Research-Based Knowledge in Health Care PhD student, Dimitar Yordanov, University of Southern Denmark, Department of Public Health, Danish Centre for Health Economics |
OP_1326 Agreement between artificial intelligence quantitative EEG analysis and molecular imaging in dementia with Lewy bodies MD, PhD, Thomas Krøigård, Department of neurology |
OP_1325 The effect of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy on wound healing in major amputations of the lower limb Consultant, Lars Grau Lykkeberg, Orthopedic Dept., Regional Hospital of Southern Denmark |
OP_1323 Enteral feed of critical ill infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia in the pre- and postoperative period. MD , Ulla Lei Larsen , Department of Anaesthesiology & Intensive Care, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark; University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark. |
OP_1322 Selinexor with alternating bortezomib or lenalidomide plus dexamethasone in transplant ineligible newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients MD, PhD, Ida Bruun Kristensen, Department of Haematology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1318 Investigating long-term effects of BCG vaccination in childhood on COVID-19 prevalence PhD student, Sebastian Nielsen, Department of Clinical Research, Bandim Health Project |
OP_1317 "VR8 - Psychophysiological monitoring in virtual reality-based exposure for social anxiety disorder" Cand.psych, Mathias Torp Ernst, The Centre for Telepsychiatry in the Region of Southern Denmark |
OP_1316 Treatment of pancreatic cancer patients in an unselected cohort in the region of Southern Denmark. Professor, Per Pfeiffer, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1311 Risk of additional axillary disease in sentinel node positive Breast Cancer after neoadjuvant therapy Doctor, Sandra Jensen, Surgical Department, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1310 Hepatitis C test uptake, prevalence and linkage to care among marginalized populations in the Region of Southern Denmark. The effect of a mobile outreach intervention.
Professor, Consultant, Peer Brehm Christensen, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1309 Digital Vision Post doc and HTA consultant, Kathrine Rayce, Centre for Innovative Medical Technology |
OP_1301 Danish Brachial Plexus Injury Database M.D., Jens Christian Werlinrud, Anders Lorentsen, Thomas Kragh Petersen, Ortopædkirurgisk Afdelinge O |
OP_1300 Shared agenda at hospital ward rounds PhD student , Helle Poulsen, Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Lillebaelt Hospital, Denmark |
OP_1299 Safety and clinical efficacy associated with faecal microbiota transplantation performed in treatment-naïve patients with newly diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis, reactive arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, gouty arthritis, psoriasis, hidradenitis suppurativa, pulmonary sarcoidosis, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative Colitis: a 12-month, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, trial (FRONT trial) MD, Maja Skov Kragsnæs, The Rheumatology Research Unit, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1298 Dansk center for strategisk forskning i type 2 diabetes Program manager, associate professor, Jens Steen Nielsen, Steno Diabetes Center Odense, DD2 |
OP_1297 Women with pathogen variant in high-risk gene or moderate-high-risk gene for lower body cancer from a genetic tree analysis; hereditary ovarian cancer (HOC). An endocrinological and cardiovascular profile, life quality and sexuality before and after risk reducing bilateral saplingo-oopherectomy (RRBSO) - a cohort study. Professor, Pernille Ravn, Department of Gynecology & Obststrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1295 Systemic and peritoneal Inflammatory Response In Robotic-assisted And Laparoscopic Surgery for colon cancer (SIRIRALS-trial): a randomized controlled trial Senior registrar, Pedja Cuk, Department of surgery, Hospital of Southern Jutland, Denmark |
OP_1292 A randomized controlled trial of attentional control training for treating alcohol use disorder Associate professor, clinical psychologist, Angelina Isabella Mellentin, Department of Clinical Research |
OP_1291 Assessment of the prerequisites and consequences of implementing digital pathology PhD student, Minne Line Nedergaard Mikkelsen, Department of Pathology, Odense University Hospital and Centre for Innovative Medical Technology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1289 User Operated Audiometry (UAud) Clinical lector, Jesper Hvass Schmidt, Research Unit for ORL-Head and Neck Surgery and Audiology, Odense University Hospital and University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark |
OP_1286 SIMiTTx: Tailored immune suppression with mycophenolate and intracellular tacrolimus in kidney transplanted patients PhD Student, pharmacist, Katrine Agergaard Sørensen, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Environmental Medicine |
OP_1283 Diagnostic test accuracy of histological muscle and skin biopsies of rheumatoid arthritis
patients revealing chronic widespread pain phenomena related to fibromyalgia. MD, consultant, PhD-Fellow., Philip Rask Lage-Hansen, Department of Rheumatology, Southern West Hospital Esbjerg & Research Unit of Rheumatology, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense University Hospital & The Parker Institute, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhage |
OP_1282 The RESPEKT campaign - does it work? Effects of a mass media campaign to increase treatment seeking and reduce stigma of alcohol dependence Post doc, Clinical psychologist, Sara Wallhed Finn, Unit for Clinical Alcohol Research, University of Southern Denmark & Global Public Health, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden |
OP_1281 Scandinavian Humeral diAphysal Fracture Trial (SHAFT): A Pragmatic Randomized Clinical Trial Medical doctor, Dennis Karimi, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Kolding Hospital |
OP_1280 Danish validation of CIQOL and comparison with NCIQ BSc. Med, Siraj Mounir Sobhie, Oto-Rhino-Laryngo/Hearing Clinic |
OP_1279 STOP Intimate Partner Violence in Pregnancy Midwife, Karen Andreasen, Department of Gynecology and Obstetric, Odense University Hospital |
The Multiple OutcoMe EvaluatioN of radiation Therapy Using the MR-Linac study Consultant, Associate professor, Tine Schytte, Onkologisk Afdeling R, OUH |
OP_1277 Prevalence of comorbidity in hypothyroid patients and association to quality of life. PhD-student , Camilla Bøgelund Larsen, Department of endocrinology |
OP_1276 Treatment with stromal vascular fraction of Peyronie's disease in humans
Physician, Ph.d student, Master in sexology, Majken Højrup Wiborg, Department of Urology, Hospital of Southwest Jutland,Esbjerg |
OP_1275 Covid-19 in labouring women and their newborn Afdelingslæge, PhD, Adjunkt, Stine Yde Nielsen, Klinisk Mikrobiologi |
OP_1274 Non-invasive retinal markers in patients with giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica Student at University of Southern Denmark, Simon Lowater, Department of Ophtalmology |
OP_1272 REHAB - et bedre liv med ADHD REHAB - A Better Life with ADHD, Niels Bilenberg, Department of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Odense Research Unit (University function) Mental Health Services in the Region of Southern Denmark |
OP_1269 Flucloxacillin as an inducer of CYP-enzymes MSc Pharm, PhD student , Ditte Bork Iversen, Institut of Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Environmental Medicine, Hospital of Lillebaelt, Kolding |
OP_1268 Improved diabetes care for patients with type 2 diabetes and schizophrenia: An exploratory study using participatory design' PhD-student, Tanja Juhl Mikkelsen, Steno Diabetes Center Odense, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1267 Post operative drainage in 6, 12 or 24 hours after burr-hole evacuation of chronic subdural hematoma in symptomatic patients (DRAIN-TIME 2): study protocol for a nationwide randomized controlled trial. Staff specialist, MD, Ph.D., Mads Hjortdal Grønhøj, Department of neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1261 Comparison of Nitinol staples and screws/plates in foot surgery Consultant, head of research, associate professor,, Bjarke Viberg, Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology |
OP_1258 Du Står ikke Alene (DUSA)
Et prospektivt kohortestudie om forebyggelse af traumereaktioner blandt ansatte i Ambulance Syd
You don't stand alone:
A prospective cohort study on the prevention of PTSD and sickness absence among the staff in Ambulance South. Head of Research Unit, Jesper Pihl-Thingvad, Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, OUH |
OP_1255 Variation in accommodative convergence to accommodation ratio. MD, Trine Møldrup Jakobsen, Department of ophthalmology, University Hospital of Southern Denmark |
OP_1254 Infant Health - Supporting infants' mental health and healthy weight development through community health nurses' promoting sensitive parenting Professor in Child Psychiatry, Anne Mette Skovgaard, National Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1249 Young Doctors' Well-being Consultant, MD, Ass. Professor, Head of junior doc, Sune Laugesen, Emergency Department, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1248 Development and testing of an information and communication technological supported person-centred rehabilitation process for people with mild stroke and their significant others
- An experience-based co-design study
OP_1247 Biomarkers of blood-brain barrier disruption in inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system Nasrin Asgari Professor, M.D., Ph.D., DMSc , Nasrin Asgari , Institute of Regional Health Research, & Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1244 Melphalan flufenamide (melflufen) and Dexamethasone Re-induction in Daratumumab-refractory Multiple Myeloma as an Adjunct to Continued Daratumumab (MERMAID), EUDRACT number 2020-004349-35 Study protocol version 1 Senior Resident, Agoston Gyula Szabo, Department of Haematology, Hospital of Vejle |
OP_1243 The Triple Whammy Effect - Safe use of Non-steroid Anti-inflammatory Drugs PhD-student, MSc.Pharm., Alaa Burghle, Hospital Pharmacy Funen |
OP_1242 Outpatient clinic visits using telemedicine - For patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus treated with insulin pumps MD, Anders Nikolai Ørsted Schultz, Research unit, Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital of Southern Jutland, Sonderborg, Denmark |
OP_1241 Clinical value of standardized assessment of margin clearance and liquid biopsy in pancreatic cancer MD, PhD student, Trine Aaquist, Department of Pathology, Odense University Hospital and Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1238 Home-based Intervention with Semaglutide Treatment Of Neuroleptica-Related Prediabetes Professor, M.D. , Jan Frystyk, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1236 Nordic 8 Professor, Per Pfeiffer, Dept. of Oncology |
OP_1235 Family-Centered Consultations in Palliative Care (FAM-PC)
A study focusing on cross-sectoral multidisciplinary coordination in COPD and lung cancer MScN, Nina Ingerslev Andersen, Department of Oncology, Palliaitve Care Unit |
OP_1233 The Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) fast-track program in the Region of Southern Denmark Consultant, Associate Professor, Kristine Bjørndal, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery and Audiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1228 Duration of life expectancy in patients in specialized palliative care in Denmark, time-trends and geographical differences: a descriptive register-based cohort study PhD, Donna Lykke Wolff, Medical Research Unit, Hospital of South Jutland, University hospital of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg, Danmark |
OP_1225 Is follow-up with diagnostic radioiodine whole-body scintigraphy following first radioiodine treatment in patients with high risk differentiated thyroid cancer unnecessary? Consultant, Peter Grupe, Department of Nuclear Medicine |
OP_1224 Identification of reasons for late TB presentation and development of a definition for this disease entity Professor, head of research, DMSc, Isik Somuncu Johansen, Department of Infectious Diseases |
OP_1222 ARE YOU ALL RIGHT (AYA)? Association of exposure to traumatic events among Danish police officers with mental health, work environment and sickness absenteeism
Associate Professor/psychologist, Nina Beck Hansen, Occupational and Environmental Medicines, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1221 Translation, cross-cultural validation and psychometric evaluation of the Danish version of the LEE Symptom Scale MSc Nursing, Anne Møller Clausen, Department of Haematology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1219 Intimate partner violence during pregnancy Physician, PhD-student, Lea Bo Sønderlund Ankerstjerne, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark |
OP_1218 Measuring experienced disease burden (ExpBoD): estimating the socio-economic, psychological, healthcare and welfare impacts of diseases in Denmark Assistant Professor, Angela Y Chang, Danish Institute for Advanced Study |
OP_1217 The use of immersive virtual reality in teaching basic point-of-care ultrasound to medical students, pregraduate medical student, Nanna Lind Andersen, Research and Innovation Unit of Radiology |
OP_1216 The efficiancy of combing endoscopic modalities for the diagnosis of solitary pulmonary lung lesion Physician, Amanda Dandanell Juul, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1215 Translational realization in Infection Control Knowledge (TRICK) 1. staff. specialist, Sanne Grønvall Kjær Hansen, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1214 A descriptive study in Clonidin use for Tourniquet-related pain in children
Physician, Save Schröder, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1213 Screening for non-copers to non-surgical treatment after ACL injury ph.d. student, PT, Kamilla Arp, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Vejle Hospital, Lillebaelt Hospital, Denmark. |
OP_1212 Improving out-patient clinic follow-up of patients with IBD: use of an individualized app using PRO measurements Ph.d. student, Janni P. Fallesen, Department of Gastroenterology at Odense University Hospital and Hospital of South West Jutland, Esbjerg |
OP_1209 Forskningsdatabase - Transfusioner i Region Syddanmark MD, Ph.D., Kjell Titlestad, South Danish Transfusion Service, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1203 OUH Pouch Database Staff Specialist, Clinical Associate Professor, Ph, Mark Bremholm Ellebæk, Department of Surgery |
OP_1202 Patient autonomy, wishes and treatment for end-of-life Resident, PhD-Student, Mette Aaby Smith, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Hospital of Kolding |
OP_1201 Assesment of tensile strenght and histological features of cerebral aneurysms. MD, PhD, Troels Halfeld Nielsen, Department of Neurosurgery |
OP_1200 Evaluation of Biopsy methods in the diagnosis of Hirschsprung's Disease. Physician, Niels Bjørn, Department of Pediatric Surgery, A., Odense University Hospital |
OP_1199 Predictors of social outcome of epilepsy patients Consultant, Christoph Patrick Beier, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1198 The South Danish Obesity Initiative (SDOI) - a long-term follow up cohort study Professor MD, Claus Bogh Juhl, Medical Department, Endocrinology, Hospital South West Jutland, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg, Denmark |
OP_1197 RenaKvit - The effect of vitamin K2 (MK-7) on cardiovascular and bone disease in maintenance dialysis patients. Physician, Karin Levy-Schousboe, Department of Medicine, University Hospital of New Zealand |
OP_1195 Intracorporeal vs. Extracorporeal anastomosis in patients undergoing laparoscopic right hemicolectomy for colonic cancer (ICEA) - A prospective cohort study Resident, Benedicte Schelde-Olesen, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital, Svendborg |
OP_1193 Effect of day-to-day variation, glucose-lowering medication and long term follow-up on type 2 diabetes phenotypes Physician, Jacob Volmer Stidsen, Steno Diabetes Center Odense, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1192 The value of bone marrow biopsy in the diagnostic setting in patients with newly diagnosed primary CNS lymphoma.
-A retrospective analysis in the PET/CT era.
MD, PhD, Karen Juul Jensen, Department of Hematology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1191 Using BCG vaccine to enhance non-specific protection of senior citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic. A randomized clinical trial. MD, PhD-Student, Anne Marie Rosendahl Madsen, OPEN Open Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1190 Tele-Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in endometriosis follow-up of patients. The PROMise study RN, MScN, PhD student, Maria Monberg Feenstra, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital, Denmark |
OP_1189 Covid-19 and Type 1 diabetes Chief Physician, Claus Bogh Juhl, Department of Endocrinology, Hospital of Southwest Jutland |
OP_1187 The Psychiatric Cardiovascular Participatory Study Lecturer, Anette Søgaard Nielsen, Research Unit of Psychiatry, Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1186 Home service solution for patients treated symptomatically with intrathecal baclofen (ITB) Clinical Nurse Specialist, Lena Skovgård Petersen, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1185 Shared Decision-making In Oncological Nursing Assistant Professor, Johanna Hrønn Thorn, Department of Applied Health Research, University College Lillebælt, Vejle |
OP_1184 Benefits from bimodal fittings with cochlear implant and hearing aids vs. bilateral hearing aids in patients with asymmetric speech identification scores: A randomized controlled trial. Consultant, Jesper Hvass Schmidt, Department of Audiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1182 The contact activation system and ulcerative colitis Ph.D. student and Senior Registrar, Morten Halling, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, University Hospital of Southern Denmark |
OP_1181 Preferences for discussing life expectancy among geriatric outpatients: A pilot survey Research Assistant, Carina Lundby Olesen, Hospital Pharmacy Funen, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1180 The CHAMPS-study Extension: Early adulthood follow-up of the Danish Childhood Health, Activity, and Motor Performance School Study Händel: Associate professor, PhD, MSc. & Nemholt: , Mina Nicole Händel & Susanne Nemholt, Research unit OPEN, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark; Parker Institute, Bispebjerg-Frederiksberg Hospital, Capital Region; Kommunikationscentret, The Social Division in the Capital Region of Denmark |
OP_1179 Prevalence of Hepatitis C in Psychiatric Populations: A Systematic Review and Metanalysis Physician, Anne Øvrehus, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1178 Adipose tissue dysfunction in type 2 diabetes and its reversibility by bariatric surgery (ADIDYS) Chief Physician, Professor, Kurt Højlund, Steno Diabetes Center Odense, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1175 Sex and gender differences in acute response and PTSD in accident victims PhD, Dorte Mølgaard Christiansen, Research Center for Psychotraumatology, Department of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1172 "The importance of health literacy level for goal setting in team rehabilitation for patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases" PhD-student, Lisbeth Skovly Nielsen, Danish Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Sønderborg |
OP_1171 Identification of novel treatment strategies for renal cell carcinoma Physician, Maj Rabjerg, Department of Pathology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1170 Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy Compared with vaginal Sacrocolpopexy for Vaginal Vault Prolapse Repair Physician, Julie Mantzius Nielsen, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1169 Biomarkers in prostate cancer patients treated with curatively intended radiotherapy (BioProstCur). Chief Physician, Torben Frøstrup Hansen, Department of Oncology, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle |
OP_1168 Oncological and surgical treatment modalities' effect on survival in esophageal and gastric cancer in Denmark 2012-2018: A nationwide registry-based cohort study. Registrar, Jonas Sanberg Ljungdalh, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1167 Online personalized and patient-preferred comprehensive intervention for patients with ischemic heart disease and comorbid depression and anxiety (MY-CHOICE) Head of Department, Professor of Cardiac Psycholog, Susanne S. Pedersen, Department of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1164 Two years noninvasive ventilation in chronic hypercapnic COPD. Consultant, Nathalie Mella Tejeda, Department of Respiratory and Cancer Diseases, Sygehus Sønderjylland |
OP_1160 Tumor microenvironment in stage II colon cancer & Circular RNA as prognostic biomarkers in stage II colon cancer Physician, PhD-student, Maria Pihlmann Kristensen, Department of Clinical Pathology, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle |
OP_1159 Does chronic obstructive lung disease influence the cognitive function? Assessment using a driving simulator and other cognitive tests. PhD-student, nurse, Kristina Kock Hansen, Department of Respiratory Diseases, Unviversity of Southern Denmark, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle |
OP_1158 TechKnow - Welfare Technology of Knowledge Transfer: Cross-Community Knowledge Sharing PhD Assoc Prof/Senior Lecturer, Project coordinato, Jonas Christensen, Malmö University |
OP_1157 Impact of myomectomy on the receptive endometrium - MOM-study MD, Bente Bækhoolm Poulsen, Department of Gynecology-Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1156 Improved relationship and communication in the ultra-brief patient contact. Bioanalytic, Bente Lindberg Callesen, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1154 Randomized comparison of eligible TAVI-valves - The Compare-TAVI trial Professor, Christian Juhl Terkelsen, Department of Cardiology, Aarhus University Hospital |
OP_1153 SWE of rectal adenomas and cancer Physician, Søren Rafaelsen, Department of Radiology, Lillebælt Hospital Vejle |
OP_1152 Quality assurance and research database, Center of Gender Identity, Odense Consultant, Dorte Glintborg, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1149 Tacrolimus as Treatment of Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema Professor, Jens Ahm Sørensen, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1147 CAVE registration of allergies and side effects of medicine in the Electronic patient record COSMIC. consultant, Rudolf Albert Scheller, Internal Medicine, Hospital Sønderjylland |
OP_1146 'Rehabilitation for Life' Postdoc, Inge Hansen Bruun, Physio- and Ergotherapy, Lillebaelt Hospital, Kolding |
OP_1145 Ram Plet Første Gang MD, PhD-student, Anne Sofie Krogh Holdam, Plastic Surgery Section, Department of Surgery, Sygehus Lillebælt Vejle |
OP_1144 Risk of cardiovascular disease after cancers of the lung and esophagus treated with definitve radiotherapy Physician, Agon Olloni, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1143 Can White Tea Prevent Oral Mucositis in Patients, Receiving Neoadjuvant or Adjuvant Therapy with Paclitaxel for Breast Cancer? A Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Nurse Specialist, Hrønn Thorn, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1141 Specialized Palliative Care - Comparing interventions Title, Name, Department |
OP_1140 International Society for the Study of Pleura and Peritoneum (ISSPP) Pressurized IntraPeritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC) Database MD, PhD, Claus Fristrup, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1139 Comparison of CA125 and circulating HOXA9 methylated DNA in the treatment monitoring of recurrent ovarian cancer. Physician, Louise Faaborg, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1138 Venetoclax and Dexamethasone in translocation (11;14) positive relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma (VICTORIA)
Physician, Agoston Guyla Szabo, Department of Medicine, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle |
OP_1137 Does concomitant treatment of atorvastatin with paclitaxel to higher risk of peripheral neuropathy Research Leader, Anton Pottegård, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1136 The effect of Semaglutide (Ozempic) on bone turnover in patients with increased fracture risk: a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial Physician, PhD-student, Morten Steen Svarer Hansen, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1135 Management and care of MRSA carriers Infection Control Nurse, MHSc, RN, Mette Assenholm Kristensen, Infection Control Unit, Department of Clinical Microbiolog, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_1132 COVID-19 pandemic impact on patients with cancer - a Danish survey (COPICADS) Associate Professor, MD, PhD, Stefan Starup Jeppesen, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1128 EXIT20
Extended interval of anti-CD20 therapy and clinical outcomes in multiple sclerosis during COVID-19 Consultant, PhD, Ass. Professor, Tobias Sejbæk, Esbjerg Hospital, University Hospital of Southern Denmark |
OP_1126 To be a relative to an older person admitted with COVID-19 infection - a qualitative study Post doc and clinical nurse specialist, Kirsten Specht, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Hospital of Southern Jutland |
OP_1125 Healthcare professionals experiences of comprehensive organisational changes in three South Jutland hospitals during Covid-19 outbreak in Denmark Postdoc, Kirsten Specht, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Hospital of Southern Jutland |
OP_1123 Diabetic retinopathy as a marker of cognitive dysfunction and depression MD, Frederik Nørregaard Pedersen, Department of Ophthalmology |
OP_1122 Developing and ensuring competence in Cesarean Section Physician, Nicole Elisabeth Ørsted Schultz, Female Disease and birth, Aabenraa Hospital |
OP_1121 Lifestyle habits and screening for cardio-vascular risk factors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis - from register to the patient's perspective ph.d. student, Julie Katrine Karstensen, Danish Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Sønderborg, Denmark |
OP_1119 ImmunoBreast - A phase Ib study to investigate the safety, tolerability and trends of efficacy of ALECSAT treatment as an add-on therapy to carboplatin and gemcitabine in patients with locally advanced inoperable or metastatic triple-negative breast cancer. M.D., Annette Raskov Kodahl, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1117 Where have all the patients gone? A systemwide national study on healthcare-seeking and mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic Associate professor, Søren Bie Bogh, Research unit OPEN, Open Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1116 Using BCG vaccine to enhance non-specific protection of health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. A randomized controlled multi-center trial (BCG-DENMARK-COVID). MD, Phd student, Anne Marie Rosendahl Madsen, Department of Clinical Research, OPEN, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1115 PET/CT for response prediction in lymphoma: PERCIST vs Lugano Consultant, Malene Grubbe Hildebrandt, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1114 Prognostic Revelevance of Geriatric Assessment and Oncogeriatric Screening in Cancer Patients Age Seventy or More (PROGNOSIS) Professor, MD, PhD, Henrik Jørn Ditzel, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1113 The Danish vagInal VAult prolapse (DIVA) study - Operation of choice, risk of recurrence and quality of life Urogynecologist, PhD-student, Dorte Teilmann-Jørgensen, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Odense University Hospital and University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1111 Low Dose Naltrexone for Treatment of Pain in Patients with Fibromyalgia - Effect by a Central Modulation Mechanism? Consultant MD, Kirsten Muller Bested, Friklinikken Grindsted, Region of Southern Denmark |
OP_1110 Consequences of COVID-19 infection for pregnant women, women giving birth and their new-borns Associate Professor, Mette Bliddal, OPEN Open patient Data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1106 Dysfunctional breathing in chidren and adolecents with and without asthma. MD, PhD, Signe Vahlkvist, Department of Pediatrics and Adolecent Medicine, Hospital of Lillebaelt |
OP_1104 LIVELUNG. Impact of CGA on quality of life, overall survival and the need for admission in patients diagnosed with localized NSCLC treated with SBRT - a national randomized study MD, PhD-student, Kristian Kirkelund Bentsen, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1102 "Can serious games play a significant role in eating disorders treatment?" psychiatrist and PhD-student, Maria Guala, Department of Psychiatry Odense Region of Southern Denmark |
OP_1101 Complaints guided quality improvement at hospital Associate Professor, MPH, Ph.D., Lars Morsø, Department of Clinical Research |
OP_1099 BCG vaccination and morbidity Professor, Christine Stabell Benn, OPEN Open Patient data Explorative Network, OUH Odense |
OP_1097 Primary immune defects in chronic rhinosinusitis Staff physician, Anita García Peterson, Department of ENT, Hospital of South Jutland, Vejle |
OP_1096 Resistance to Daratumumab in patiens with multiple myeloma Clinical Assistant, Katrine Fladeland Iversen, Department of Medicine, Hospital of Lillebaelt, Vejle |
OP_1095 Long-term follow-up of resurfacing and stemmed metal-on-metal total hip arthroplasty compared to metal-on-polyethylene total hip arthroplasty - metal ion levels, pseudotumors and patient reported outcome PhD student, MD, Rasmus Tyrsted Mikkelsen, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Lillebaelt Hospital - Vejle, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Denmark and Department of Regional Health Research, Faculty of Health Science, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1092 Udvikling af individualiserede ambulante forløb til patienter med levercirrose- bedre patientoplevet kvalitet og opkvalificering af den palliative indsats. Staff Physician, Mette Munk Lauridsen, Department of Gastroenterology and hepatology, Hospital of South West Jutland, Esbjerg |
OP_1091 First trimester screening for late-onset pre-eclampsia: Evaluation of novel predictive multi-biomarker panel in combination with the FMF algorithm Biochemist, Martin Overgaard, Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1090 Get the children you want while you can - Women's age-related fertility challenges and considerations regarding timing of motherhood. ph.d. student, Camilla Gry Temmesen, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1089 Metabolic syndrome and persistent shoulder pain 1 year after primary diagnosis: The prospective Vejle Hospital Shoulder cohort (VHS Cohort) with focus on prognostic factors. Physiotherapist, Kim Gordon Ingwersen, Fysio and occupational therapy, University Hospital Lillebælt, Vejle |
OP_1088 Improvement of Psoriasis Patients' Adherence to Topical Drugs MD, PhD, Mathias Tiedemann Svendsen, Department of Dermatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1087 Attitudes towards deprescribing among geriatric patients using psychiatric medication Pharmaconomist, Trine Simonsen, Sygehusapotek Fyn, Odense Universitetshospital |
OP_1086 DIACOR - Personalized medicine and coordinated care versus usual care in patients with concomitant type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease MD, PhD, Anne Merete Boas Soja, Department of Cardiology, Holbæk Hospital |
OP_1084 Estimation of the intracranial pressure using non-invasive fundoscopy M.D. PhD-student, Mikkel Schou Andersen, Department of Neurosurgery |
OP_1083 Estimation of intracranial pressure using non-invasive fundus images Physician, Frantz Rom Poulsen, Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1082 Viscoelastic properties of Meningiomas: relations to their qualitative consistency by Magnetic Resonance Elastography and Rheometry PhD. Student, Viscoelastic stuides of meningiomas , Neurosurgery |
OP_1080 Delivery failures of medications at community pharmacies Research Assistant, Alaa Hassan Burghle, Sygehusapotek Fyn, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1078 The severity of rectal inflammation and pouch surgery outcome Physician, Mie Dilling Kjær, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1075 Impact of Afterload Reduction in Left Ventricular Function in Patients with Aortic Stenosis - Can We Assess Contractility? Pregraduate Research Student, Kristian B. Laursen, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1074 Hepatitis C among persons connected to Drug Treatment Centers - Test and treatment outcome Professor, Consultant, Peer Brehm Christensen, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1073 Emergency Room Testing for Hepatitis C as an intervention in the C-Free-South Project Chief Physician, Anne Øvrehus, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1072 Patients for Cholecystectomy in Day Surgery - postoperative pain management after discharge Quality Coordinator, Susanne Olsen, Department of Anesthesiology, University Hospital Odense |
OP_1071 Quality of Life for patients in The REMNANT study - RElapse from Mrd Negativity As iNdication for Treatment study - changing the approach to relapse myeloma treatment MSc, Tine Rosenberg, Quality of Life Research Center, Department of Hematology |
OP_1070 Transfusionskvalitetsregisteret for Region Syddanmark MD, Ph.D., Kjell Titlestad, South Danish Transfusion Service, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1069 The Impact of Post-thyroidectomy Neck Stretching Exercises on Improving Short Term Quality of Life: A Randomized Prospective Clinical Trial Resident, Jesper Roed Sørensen, Department of ORL Head & Neck surgery and Audiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1067 Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes as predictor of treatment response to curative chemoradiotherapy in rectal cancer MD, Phd student, Edina Dizdarevic, Department of Oncology, Sygehus Lillebaelt |
OP_1066 Does the effect of drugs decrease when patients with type 2 diabetes initiate antidiabetic treatment? PhD-student, Ann-Cathrine Bach Dunvald, Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1065 Safety Of ColoRectal Assessment and Tumor Evaluation by Colon capsule endoscopy (SOCRATEC) PhD-student, Ulrik Deding, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital, Svendborg |
OP_1064 Decision-making in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: The Ethics in Resuscitation Physician, Louise Milling, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, University Hospital Odense |
OP_1063 Outcomes of completion surgery after local excision in early rectal cancer M.D PhD., Issam al-Nakjami, Department of surgery |
OP_1062 Analysis of infiltrating immune cells in colorectal cancer by multiplex immunofluorescence Physician, Natacha Dencker Trabjerg, Department of Oncology, Hospital of Lillebaelt, Vejle |
OP_1061 Available clinical information for clinical decision-making within inflammatory bowel disease: A Danish nationwide registry study (R-IBD) cand. scient. san. publ., Nathalie Fogh Rasmussen, Department of Immunology, Aabenraa Hospital |
OP_1060 Incidence of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis in a population of patients referred for assessment of possible malignancy in the chest Laboratory Technician, Medical Student, Rasmus Rønberg Schmidt-Nielsen, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1058 Prospective observational study and biobank in all persons referred to Body Indentity Clinic Odense Consultant, Dorte Glintborg, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1057 CAMONCO 2- The efficacy of open dialogue about complementary alternative medicine integreated in conventional oncology care Nurse, Mette Stie, Department of Oncology, Hospital Lillebælt, Vejle |
OP_1056 Systematisk review af valideringsstudier af Charlsons komorbiditetsindeks Statiscian, Sören Möller, OPEN, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1053 In vitro effect of endogenous retroviral envelope protein derived peptide in patients with acute moderate to severe ulcerative colitis Consultant, Jens Kjeldsen, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1052 Adjuvant pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PIPAC) during laparoscopic resection in high-risk gastric cancer patients: A Multicentre Phase-I Study - The PIPAC-OPC4 study Physician, Signe Bremholm Ellebæk, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1051 E-learning in obstetric anaesthesia - does e-learning improve knowledge, performance and satisfaction of course participants? Doctor, Mette Legaard Andersson, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care |
OP_1047 Translation and validation of Urinary Stent Symptoms Questionnaire Consultant, Helene Ulrik Jung, Department of Urology, Lillebaelt Hospital Vejle |
OP_1044 Using virtual-reality simulation to ensure basic competence in transthoracic echocardiography student, Martine Siw Nielsen, Department of Clinical Progress, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1043 Speckle tracking ultrasonography for assessment of skeletal muscle strain in m. triceps surae Consultant, Lars Henrik Frich, Department of Orthopeadic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1041 Modification of endometrial receptivity after vaginal seminal plasma application PhD student, Laura Catalini, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1040 VIDEO CONSULTATIONS IN AMBULANT GERIATRIC MEDICINE - A PILOT AND FEASIBILITY STUDY Professor, Jesper Ryg , Department of Geriatrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1038 Polycystic ovary syndrome and intrauterine programming of child body composition, physical activity, strength, and autism spectrum disorder PhD-student, Camilla Viola Palm, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism |
OP_1036 Development and Psychometric Evaluation of New BREAST-Q Scales to Measure Lymphedema Outcomes Consultant, Jens Ahm Sørensen, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1034 Aspects of cartilage metabolism and innate immune defence in relation to clinical phenotype and disease activity. Consultant, Heidi Lausten Munk, Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1032 Clinical utility of circulating tumor specific DNA in pre-operative risk classification of colon cancer - A retrospective analysis Physician, Louise Raunkilde Larsen, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1031 GPs in quality clusters. An analysis of importance and effect Ph.d. student, Maria Bundgaard, Research Unit for General Practice, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1030 Autologous Fat Grafting as Treatment of Postherpetic Neuralgia A randomized clinical trial Physician, Martin Sollie, Department of Plastik Surgery, University Hospital Odense |
OP_1029 WORK-ON - work rehabilitation for persons with inflammatory arthritis PhD-student, Christina Merete Tvede Madsen, Danish Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases |
OP_1027 Implementation of genotyping of the DPYD gene in patients treated with 5-fluorouracil. Consultant, Per Damkier, Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1026 A comparative study of magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and capsule endoscopy of the small and large intestine for assessing treatment response in known Crohn's disease Consultant, Michael Dam Jensen, Department of Internal Medicine and Acute Medicine, Hospital of Vejle |
OP_1025 Blended Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder - BLEND-A. Development and evaluation of a blended treatment intervention for alcohol use disorder in Denmark Lecturer, Anette Søgaard Nielsen, Research Unit of Psychiatry, Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1022 Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplant and immunotherapy Physician, PhD, Thomas Stauffer Larsen, Department of Haematology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1020 Preeclampsia and contact activation Physician, PhD student at Unit for Thrombosis Rese, Anne Cathrine Meldgaard Godtfredsen, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Esbjerg Hospital |
OP_1019 Oral laxatives after hip fracture surgery: A randomized controlled trial M.S. (Pharm), PhD, DMSc., Anton Pottegård, Anton Pottegård, Research Unit, at Hospital Pharmacy Funen, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1017 Shared decision making with breast cancer patients MD, PhD-Student, Stine Rauff Søndergaard, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1016 Polypharmacy and medication safety in vulnerable older immigrants with cognitive disorders - A multi method study PhD-student, Camilla Puggaard Lynnerup, Department for Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1015 Alcohol consumption among elderly patients Physician, Birgitte Godskesen Tougaard, Department of Internal Medicine, Lillebaelt Hospital, Kolding |
OP_1014 A randomized controlled trial of a virtual reality based, approach-avoidance training program for alcohol use disorder Associate professor, clinical psychologist, Angelina Isabella Mellentin, Research Unit of Psychiatry, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1013 Early detection of substance use in pregnancy Doctor, Nete Lundager Klokker Rausgaard, Research Unit of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_1012 Methylated circulating tumor DNA in first line endocrine treatment for metastatic breast cancer Consultant, Troels Bechmann, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1011 Follow-up based on methylated circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in breast cancer Consultant, Troels Bechmann, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1010 PRISMA-PET - Primary Staging of Prostate Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing 18F-PSMA-1007 PET/CT to Conventional Imaging Physician, Karen Middelbo Buch-Olsen, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1008 Intrapleural fibrinolysis and DNase versus video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) for the treatment of pleural empyema (FIVERVATS): a national, multicenter, randomised controlled trial Professor, Christian B. Laursen, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark |
OP_1007 Lenient rate control versus strict rate control for atrial fibrillation. The Danish Atrial Fibrillation (DanAF) randomised clinical trial MD, Joshua Buron Feinberg, Department of medicine, cardiology section, Holbæk Hospital |
OP_1006 Acute Disease among Nursing Home Residents - Knowledge, Development and Intervention Physician, Gitte Schultz Kristensen, Emergency Department, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1005 Re-prescribing in the Danish community pharmacies: exploring scope and practice Research Assistant, Alaa Hassan Burghle, Sygehusapotek Fyn, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1004 PCOS and blood pressure Student, Julie Hougaard Nielsen, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_1003 Clonidine for Tourniquet-related Pain in Children (CLOTCH) -Study: A Pilot study
Ph.d., post doc, Nicola G. Clausen, Dept Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Section Paediatric Anaesthesia |
OP_1001 Ascites and pleural effusion-derived tumoroids for disease modeling Ass. Professor, Lars Henrik Jensen, Department of Oncology, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Vejle Hospital |
OP_1000 Tocotrienol and bevacizumab in metastatic colorectal cancer: A randomized phase II marker trial Doctor, Natacha Dencker Trabjerg, Department of Oncology, Hospital of Lillebaelt, Vejle |
OP_998 Cross-sectional study of 1200 recreational athletes with former or current use of performance and image enhancing drugs, focusing on androgenic anabolic steroids Professor, Jan Frystyk, Department M, Odense University Hospital |
OP_997 Monitoring of methylated, circulating tumor DNA in patients undergoing treatment for lever metastases from colorectal cancer - a prospective biomarker study. Short title: Liver ctDNA physician, Louise Raunkilde Larsen, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_996 Point-of-care ultrasound in the diagnostic work-up of suspected pulmonary embolism - a multicenter randomized controlled trial MD, PhD-student , Casper Falster, Odense Respiratory Research Unit (ODIN), Odense University Hospital |
OP_994 The value of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient as a prognostic biomarker in brain metastases treated with radiosurgery Medicine student, Emma Elvira Burgdorf, Department of oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_993 Identifying and prioritising ideas on how to enhance young adult cancer survivors in participation in everyday activities postdoc, Marc Sampedro Pilegaard, REHPA |
OP_990 Optimizing the use of laboratory tests - A study on the applicability and efficacy of different interventions to reduce over-utilization chemist, Serena Lillo, Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital Svendborg |
OP_988 Distribution of hydrochlorothiazide and bendroflumethiazide in the skin Associate Professor, Tore Bjerregaard Stage, Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_987 Communication at community pharmacies between pharmacy staff and older immigrants Research assistant, Alaa Hassan Burghle, Sygehusapotek Fyn, Odense University Hospital |
OP_986 Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the Region of Southern Denmark 2015 - 2020 PhD student, Louise Linde, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_985 Identifikation af nye risikofaktorer for blodpropper lecturer, Else Marie Bladbjerg, Department of Clinical Diagnostics, Esbjerg Hospital |
OP_982 CIMPRIL Circulating methylated DNA as a prognostic marker in curative radiotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer physician, Sara Witting Christensen, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_981 PROMIL Plasma methylated DNA as a prognostic marker of minimal residual disease in non-small cell lung cancer physician, Sara Witting Christensen, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_980 Early detection of lung cancer in general practice - a prospective observational study DETECT physician, Sara Witting Christensen, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_979 Diagnostic performance of PET/MRI compared with PET/CT for staging and restaging of cervical cancer: a prospective study physician, Mie Holm Vilstrup, Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Odense |
OP_978 Primary Sjogren's Syndrome in a Danish cohort. Clinical characteristics and disease evaluation utilizing ultrasound, patient reported outcome and disease activity score. student, Nanna Surlemont Schmidt, Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_977 Prolonged QTc in psychiatric in-patients receiving psychotropic medication MD, Anja Friis Elliott, psychiatric department, Esbjerg |
OP_976 Preterm birth and diabetes related complications in women with pre-gestational diabetes and co-existing depression/anxiety student, Anna Emilie Rosbach, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Steno Diabetes Center Odense |
OP_975 Music therapy versus treatment as usual for refugees diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Researcher, Torben Moe, Clinic for Traumatised Refugees |
OP_974 Management of people with dementia in Danish General Practice. Professor, Frans Boch Waldorff, Research Unit of General Practice, Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_969 Medication use and quality of life among older people PhD Student, Carina Lundby Olesen, Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_968 Geriatric patients' attitudes towards deprescribing PhD Student, Carina Lundby Olesen, Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_967 Talk About Medication Researcher, Helen Schultz, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_965 Diagnostic impact of low-dose Dobutamine echocardiography in Low-flow low-gradient aortic stenosis - DALLAS. PhD student, Nils Sofus Borg Mogensen, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_964 PCR and cultivation of the peritoneal fluid at operation for appendicitis and postoperative enteral antibiotic treatment. A feasibility and non-inferiort study student, Ditte Bro Sørensen, Psychiatric Department, Odense University Hospital |
OP_961 Validation of Nijmegen Cochlear Implant Questionnaire in Danish Stud. Med., Charlotte Skov Neumann, University of Southern Denmark, Odense |
OP_960 Foot problems in people with rheumatoid arthritis, validation of a patient-reported outcome measure professor, Ann Bremander, Dansk Gigthospital |
OP_959 Randomized trial of standard dose versus high dose of radiotherapy in rectal preservation with chemo-radiotherapy to patients with early low and mid rectal cancer. The Watchful Waiting 3 trial. WW3 Consultant, Lars Henrik Jensen, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_957 The ROCE study: Risk factors of epithelial ovarian cancer among women with endometriosis MD, ph.d.-student, Line Holdgaard Thomsen, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Southern Denmark & Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital, Svendborg Sygehus |
OP_956 Injury rate and severity sustained during training in Danish mixed martial arts Doctor, Bo Bregehof, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_954 Recurrent and Metastatic Prostate Cancer: Impact of 18F-PSMA-PET/CT on clinical decision making and response monitoring Physician, Jorun Holm, Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Odense |
OP_951 Improved identification and management of granulomatous and lymphocytic interstitial lung disease (GLILD) among patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) PhD, DMSc, MD, Line Dahlerup Rasmussen, Department of Infectious Diseases |
OP_950 Clinical aspects of circulating tumor specific methylated DNA and NK cell activity in lung cancer physician, Sara Witting Christensen, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_949 AKF-393 Fase 1 PK-analyser af NS3728 clinical lector, Troels Bergmann, Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology |
OP_947 Self-collected blood sampling in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. A pilot study biochemist, Trine Rennebod Larsen, Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology |
OP_946 Can pre-training on abstract training modules affect the learning-curve in virtual vitreoretinal surgery? Doctor, Anna Stage Vergmann, Department of Ophthalmology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_944 Early extracorporeal shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction in radically prostatectomised men student, Ali Moumneh, Department of Urology |
OP_942 Digital Individualized and Collaborative Treatment of T2D in General Practice Based on Decision Aid (DICTA) Associate Professor, Jens Steen Nielsen, Steno Diabetes Center, Odense University Hospital |
OP_941 Early stage EGFR adenocarcinoma Consultant, Erik Jakobsen, Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_939 Morbidity in transgender persons in Denmark Consultant, Dorte Glintborg, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_938 Person-family-centred Acute Care planning in Emergency departments (The ACE study) Nurse, Christina Østervang, The Emergency Department, Odense University Hospital |
OP_937 Longterm individual and societal consequences of untreated vertebral fractures Registry Specialist, Michael Kriegbaum Skjødt, Hospital and Health Care, Holbæk Hospital |
OP_935 Exposure in virtuel reality for social anxiety disorder - an RCT Ph.d., Per Trads Ørskov, The Centre for Telepsychiatry in the Region of Southern Denmark |
OP_934 What we don't know about wrist fractures: Correlation of radiographs and RadioStereometric Analysis Radiographer, Janni Jensen, Department of Radiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_932 An analysis of the impact of implementing PRO in the outpatient clinics for epilepsy patients in the Region of Southern Denmark Cand.scient., Camilla Tykgaard Clausen, Department og Quality and Improvement, Sydvestjysk Sygehus, Esbjerg |
OP_931 Age-adapted classificatory diagnostics for older adults in psychiatric care post doctoral researcher, Silke Behrendt, Center for Clinical Alcohol Research |
OP_930 Protection from food induced anaphylaxis by reducing the serum level of specific IgE Consultant Doctor, Carsten Bindslev Jensen, Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital |
OP_929 Immunotherapy Empowerment in Denmark - Database on immune related toxicity Consultant, Christina H. Ruhlmann, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_928 Centrale-line-associated bloodstream infections in the NICU at OUH Student, Camilla Littau Nielsen, H. C. Andersen Children and Youth hospital |
OP_927 What is important to GPs when discussing statin deprescribing? PhD Student, Wade Thompson, Research Unit of General Practice, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_925 Quality Database for Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery Senior Resident, Julie Ladeby Erichsen, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Kolding Hospital |
OP_923 Repurposing disulfiram as treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer Physician, Line Schmidt Tarpgaard, Department of Oncology, University Hospital Odense |
OP_922 Preoperative localisation strategies in primary hyperparathyroidism Doctor, Sanne Høxbroe Michaelsen, Department of ORL, Head & Neck Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_921 Involvement of Relatives Scientist, Marianne Kirstine Thygesen, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital, Svendborg |
OP_920 The clinical potential of artificial intelligence in early detection of lung cancer Physician, Margrethe Høstgaard Bang Henriksen, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_919 Early mobilization of critically ill patients undergoing mechanical ventilation. Clinical Associate Profesor, Thomas Strøm, Department of Intensive Care, Odense University Hospital |
OP_918 Valvular and Myocardial affection in Patients with ANCA-Associated Vasculitis (AAV) Physician, Thomas Guterbaum, Department of Medicine |
OP_917 Hypertension in type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease - comparing measurement techniques Physician, Anne Daugaard Thuesen, Department of Internal Medicine, Kolding Hospital |
OP_916 FamilieTrivsel i Almen Praksis. A general practice-based cluster-randomised trial of the impact of the Resilience Programme on early child development Professor, Frans Boch Waldorff, Research Unit of General Practice, Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_915 Follow up for preterm infants Consultant, Anne Rikke Ruager, Gitte Zachariassen, Hans Christian Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_914 Biological substrates of social exchange in autism spectrum disorder Consultant, Niels Bilenberg, Department of Psychiatry, the Region of Southern Denmark |
OP_913 Importance of aortic valve calcifications, a DANCAVAS substudy Professor, Axel Diederichsen, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_912 Fitness for all - fitness for people with physical disability PhD Student, Helene Nikolajsen, Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_911 Using BCG vaccine to strengthen the immune system in the elderly and improve the response to influenza vaccine. A randomized clinical trial. Professor, Christine Stabell Benn, OPEN |
OP_910 Testosterone treatment in transgender men and non-binary persons BODY IDENTITY CLINIC Consultant, Jan Frystyk, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_909 The SEAVATS Study - Supplementary Epidural Analgesia in Video Assisted thoracic Surgery" Physician, Jimmy Højberg Holm, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Odense University Hospital |
OP_908 One year mortality in patients presenting with PR interval prolongation in the emergency department: a multicentre cohort study of prevalence and prognosis professor, Annmarie Lassen, Emergency Department, Odense University Hospital |
OP_907 Impact of red and processed meat and fibre intake on risk of chronic inflammatory diseases: a prospective UK Biobank cohort study on prognostic factors and personalised medicine in the UK Biobank Professor, Vibeke Andersen, Unit for Molecular Diagnostics and Clinical Research |
OP_906 Revisions of knee arthroplasties due to pain; prosthesis survivorship, use of analgesics, patient reported outcome and validation of the indication Medical Doctor, MD Kristine Bollerup Arndt, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_905 Identification of risk patients in the Emergency Department - SVS consultant, Mikkel Brabrand, Emergency Department, Odense University Hospital |
OP_904 Identification of risk patients in the Emergency Department - OUH professor, Annmarie Lassen, Emergency Department, Odense University Hospital |
OP_903 ICG-evaluation in necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) patients Doctor, Ester Gill, Department of Surgery |
OP_902 CISTRON - Impact of stereotactic body radiation therapy on the coagulation system in patients with non-small cell lung cancer Senior Consultant, Stefan Starup Jeppesen, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_901 Bone Healing During Ninlaro Exposure (BONE) Consultant Doctor, Thomas Lund, Department of Hematology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_900 Bevacizumab and tocotrienol in recurrent ovarian cancer. A marker based phase II trial Physician, Louise Faaborg, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_899 Live and non-live vaccines and long-term mortality in the Glasgow University Student Cohort Professor, Christina Stabell Benn, OPEN Open Patient data Explorative Network, OUH Odense |
OP_897 DANVIR Dansk database for virus hepatitis test (Danish database for viral hepatitis tests) Peer Brehm Christensen , Signe Freja Storgaard, Department of Infectious diseases |
OP_896 Shared decision-making in facial non-melanoma skin cancer care Medical Student, Anna Skovsbo Vamdrup, Department of General and Plastic Surgery, Vejle Hospital |
OP_894 SOFT - a phase 2 study of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SBRT) of infra-diaphragmatic soft tissue metastases Doctor, Mette van Overeem Felter, Department of Oncology, Herlev Hospital |
OP_893 Metabolic risk in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Consultant, Dorte Glintborg, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_892 Living with Multiple Sclerosis: An Anthropological Study of Care Practices in Everyday Life Senior Reseacher, Nina Nissen, Danish Knowledge Centre for Rehabilitation and Palliative Care, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_889 Improving early mobilization in the Intensive Care Unit: A participatory approach Nurse, Lene Lehmkuhl, Department of Anestesiology and Intensive Care, Odense University Hospital |
OP_888 Do women in Denmark have unequal access to the gynecological specialist? A study of the socio-demographic influence on equal access to health in Denmark. Professor and Consultant, Jan Blaakær, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_886 Correlation between catheter-related infections and the length of catheter tunnel in patients with home parenteral nutrition. Prospective observation study Consultant, Anton Bilenko, Department of Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_885 Prehospital blood analyses in acute patients at the Medical Emergency Care Unit in Odense Doctor, Louise Houlberg Hansen, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care |
OP_884 Assessing Walking Performance in Patients With Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Using an Accelerometer - a Method Development Study Consultant, Malin Eleonora av Kàk Gustafsson, Rygcenter Syddanmark, Middelfart Hospital |
OP_882 The effect of bupropion in peripheral neuropathic pain - A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Physician, Melissa Dall Kreutzfeldt, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_881 The Child's way in blood sampling medical laboratory technician, Bente Moos Lindberg Callesen, Department of Biochemistry and Immunology, Kolding Hospital |
OP_880 Creating a Buttonhole Tunnel Track by Repeated Needling of the arteriovenous fistula (AVF) in Patients undergoing Hemodialysis (HD) Clinical Nurse Specialist, Mette Kirtstine Mølgaard Axelsen, Department of Hemodialysis, Esbjerg Hospital |
OP_879 Late-term shoulder pain and shoulder function after breast cancer surgery. Clinicoepidemiological and socioeconomic aspects of physiotherapeutic rehabilitation, and the effect of an individualized rehabilitation program. PhD student, Kim Michéle Feder, Physiotherapy, Lillebaelt Hospital - Vejle & UC SYD |
OP_877 Video consultations in oncology nursing outpatient clinic Nurse, Lene Vedel Vestergaard, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_876 The Danish experience of alemtuzumab treatment in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis: based on registry data PhD Student, Ásta Milthers Theódórsdórttir, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_873 Effects of systematic proprioceptive-tactile stimulation with use of the Protac MyFit® ph.d. student, Ann Natasja Nielsen, Department of Public Health, General Practice, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_872 Prognostic utility of functional flow reserve derived from CT coronary angiography in patients with severe coronary calcifications Undergraduate student, Jeanie Meincke Egedal, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_871 Translation, cross-cultural validation and psychometric evaluation of the Danish version of the Haematological Malignancy Project Manager, Henrik Eshøj, Department of Hematology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_870 Shared decision-making for patients with recurrence of a high grade glioma; development and alfatesting of a patient decision aid Nurse, Helle Sørensen von Essen, Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_869 Screening for cervical cancer in vulnerable pregnant women Physician, Anne-Marie Helt, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_868 Non-invasive retinal markers of ocular sarcoidosis Professor and Consultant, Jakob Grauslund, Department of Ophthalmology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_867 Dry-needling as treatment of post-herpetic neuralgia Doctor, Martin Sollie, Department of Plastic Surgery, University Hospital Odense |
OP_866 Kvalitativ studie af immunsupprimerede patienters oplevelse af, at have vorter på hænder og fødder Clinical Nurse Specialist, Nadja Trier Munk, Department of Dermatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_865 Effekten af postoperativ peroral antibiotika efter rektal biopsi i udredning for Mb. Hirschsprung. Physician, Niels Bjørn, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_864 The impact of laser thermal ablation on quality of life in patients with simple nodular goiter Physician, Jesper Roed Sørensen, Department of ORL Head & Neck surgery and Audiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_863 Comparison of short-time clinical and oncological outcomes of colonic and rectal cancer surgery in robotic versus laparoscopic surgery - a case control study Physician, Pedja Cuk, Department of Surgery, Aabenraa Hospital |
OP_862 Diagnosing minimal hepatic encephalopathy - Association between continous reaction time test (CRT) and EEG-indices Doctor, Mette Munk Lauridsen, Department of Gastroenterology and hepatology, Hospital of South West Jutland, Esbjerg |
OP_861 Point-of-care strategies to improve tuberculosis care among severely immunosuppressed HIV-infected patients PhD Student, Johanna Maria Åhsberg, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_860 "Propofol and Thiopental for intravenous induction in neonates: a dose-finding study" Physician, Kristian Nørholm Jensen, Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care |
OP_859 PREcision medicine in Cancer in Odense, DEnmark (PRECODE) MD, PhD, MA personalized medicine, Annette Raskov Kodahl, Dept. of Oncology |
OP_857 Indocyanine green fluorescent imaging during Minimal Invasive OesophagectomyIndocyanine green fluorescent imaging during Minimal Invasive Oesophagectomy Physician, Pernille Øhlenschläger Larsen, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_856 Data-driven Quality Development of Acute Team Odense cand.scient.san.publ, Stine Emilie Junker Udesen, Department of Emergency Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_855 Predictors of physical activity levels in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy PhD student . MScPT, Christina Esmann Fonvig, The Orthopaedic Research Unit, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Odense University Hospital & Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_854 Is arthroplaSty bEtter than interNal fixation in the undiSplaced femoral nEck fractures? A national pragmatical RCT - the SENSE trial Physician, Bjarke Løvbjerg Viberg, Department of Orthopeadic Surgery, Lillebaelt Hospital, Kolding |
OP_853 Patient-reported data as a predictor of functioning in patients with hand-related diagnoses - an exploratory, prospective cohort study Occupational therapist, , Alice Ørts Hansen, Department of Rehabilitation, Odense University Hospital |
OP_852 The old's perspective: Important factors at end of life, treatment preferences and stability of those PhD Student, Stine Hanson, Department of Emergency, Esbjerg Hospital |
OP_851 Tidlig opsporing af hjertekarsygdom hos patienter behandlet for kræft i barndommen Physician, Mathias Rathe, H.C. Andersens Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_848 Conditioned Pain Modulation (CPM) - en undersøgelse af flere test paradigmer til bestemmelse af CPM, samt forekomst og stabilitet af CPM hos raske og patienter med perifere neuropatiske smerter. Physician, Melissa Dall Kreutzfeldt, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_847 Introducing a special designed, healthy and nourishing nutritional product to reduce the risk of preterm birth - a pilot and feasibility study. Consultant, Jan Stener Jørgensen, Research Unit for Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_846 Validation of ESS in patients with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Consultant and Professor, Anette Drøhse, Department of Otolaryngology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_845 Improved PCR diagnostics in Borrelia infections PhD Student, Trine Andreasen, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_844 TOFAC: Treatment with Omalizumab in Food Allergic Children Consultant, Carsten Bindslev-Jensen, Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre |
OP_843 Exploring life after cardiac arrest Consultant and Professor, Ann Dorthe Olsen Zwisler, REHPA, Knowledge center for rehabilitation and palliative care, Odense University Hospital and the University of Southern Denmark |
OP_842 The AMETO Database - A Quality Assessment |
OP_841 Operativ eller ikke-operativ behandling af plantar fasciopati (hælsporesyndrom) - Et klinisk lodtrækningsstudie Associate Professor, Carsten Jensen, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_840 SVS-retroLE Consultant, Anette Drøhse Kjeldsen, Ear-Nose-Throat and Hearing Clinic, Odense University Hospital |
OP_839 Prevention of breast cancer-related lymphedema with topical tacrolimus Physician, Mads Gustaf Jørgensen, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_838 Coherent patient pathways for recent diagnosed patients / citizens having COPD Associate professor, Lars Morsø, OPEN - Odense Patient data Explorative Network |
OP_837 What is important to patients when discussing continuing or discontinuing medications? PhD Student, Carina Lundby Olesen, Hospital Pharmacy Funen, Odense University Hospital |
OP_836 Forekomsten af iskæmisk hjertesygdom hos patienter med type 2 myokardieinfarkt eller myokardieskade undersøgt konsekutivt og prospektivt ved hjerte-MR i en dansk sygehuspopulation Physician, Lotte Saaby, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_835 Evaluation of diagnostic procedures for vocal fold paresis. Need for a new revision? Consultant, Bahareh Bakhshaie Philipsen, Department of Otorhinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_834 The potential of HOXA9 methylation for prediction of interval debulking surgical outcome after neoadjuvant chemotherapy Physician, Louise Faaborg, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_833 The predictive value of HOXA9 methylation in ovarian cancer patients undergoing palliative treatment for recurrence of disease Physician, Louise Faaborg, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_832 Danish National Randomized Study on Early Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients with Asymptomatic Severe Aortic Stenosis. Consultant, PhD, Jordi Sanchez Dahl, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_831 Complications and everyday life experiences of two different intravenous catheters in patients with colon cancer receiving chemotherapy at home Clinical Nurse Specialist, Mette Stie, Department of Oncology, Hospital Lillebælt, Vejle |
OP_830 GAstro-intestinal Imaging Database PhD-student, Lasse Kaalby Møller, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_829 Monitoring patients with acute dyspnea with serial focused ultrasound of the heart and the lungs (MODUS): a randomized, controlled, open-label, pragmatic, and multicenter trial Consultant, Michael Dan Arvig, Emergency Department, Slagelse Hospital, Region Zealand |
OP_828 Re-infection and outcomes in patients treated for hepatitis C with recent injecting drug use or on Opiate Substitution Therapy Head of department, Consultant, Associate Professo, Anne Lindebo Holm Øvrehus, Department of Infectious Diseases |
OP_827 MRI staging in Colon cancer patients PhD student, Malene Roland Pedersen, Department of Radiology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_826 Bone metastases' interaction with the bone marrow environment Associate professor, Thomas Levin Andersen, Department of Pathology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_825 Predictors and prevalence of longterm woundcare i Denmark Postdoc, Ulla Riis Madsen, REHPA, Odense University Hospital |
OP_824 Identification of patients at risk for cerebral damage after status epilepticus Consultant, Christoph Beier, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_823 Årsager til øget langtidsmortalitet efter status epilepticus Consultant, Christoph Patrick Beier, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_822 The effect of perioperative dexamethasone administration on postoperative pain in patients undergoing periacetabular osteotomy: A randomised double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Professor, Dr. Med., Consultant, Søren Overgaard, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_821 Towards a Model for Co-production of Healthcare services with immigrant patients PhD Student, Christina Radl-Karimi, OPEN Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_820 Fibromyalgia and Naltrexone: The FINAL study Consultant, Karin Bruun Plesner, Department of Anesthesiology, OUH Svendborg |
OP_819 Validation Study of an Alcohol Component in a New Urine Dipstick PhD student, Nete Lundager Klokker Rausgaard, Research Unit of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_818 The buddy study - et kollegialt støtteprogram for medarbejdere Post Doc, Katja Schrøder, Gynaecology and Obstetrics Research Unit, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_817 PReTT - Rehabilitering til tiden - en undersøgelse af behov for fase-specifik rehabilitering ved Parkinsons sygdom i Danmark Research Associate, Tina Broby Mikkelsen, REHPA - Knowledge center for Rehabilitation and palliation |
OP_815 LON-GAS TRIFLURIDINE/TIPIRACIL (FTD/TPI) with or without bevacizumab in patients with platinum-refractory esophago-gastric adenocarcinoma. A randomized phase III study Consultant, Per Pfeiffer, Deparment of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_814 FortiColos: Bovine Colostrum to Fortify Human Milk for Preterm Infants in China A Randomized Controlled Trial in China Consultant, Gitte Zachariassen, H. C. Andersen Children's hospital |
OP_813 Will titrated oxygen flow to a peripheral oxygen saturation of 88-92% compared with oxygen flow to a saturation >94% reduce mortality in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patients? Consultant, Mikkel Brabrand, Emergency Department, Odense University Hospital |
OP_812 Improved diagnosis and classification of amyloidosis (AmyDiag) Professor, Niels Abildgaard, Department of Haematology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_810 Effekten af Binge Eating Disorder (BED) behandling Psycologist, Jakob Linnet, Occupational and Environmental Medicines, Odense University Hospital |
OP_809 Findings at surveillance colonoscopy in colorectal cancer screening Physician, Rasmus Krøijer, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_808 Prenatal diagnostics: Results of non-invasive and invasive diagnostics in cases of abnormal prenatal findings and their future use in counseling pregnant women Consultant, Geske Sidsel Bak, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_806 Cardiac MRI for the detection of the treatment effect on cardiac AL amyloidosis Physician, Redi Pecini, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_805 Shared agenda during ward rounds Clinical Nurse specialist, Helle Poulsen, Department of Surgery, Kolding Hospital |
OP_804 Fear of Cancer Recurrence in colorectal cancer survivors - A population based study and intervention Doctor, Johanne Damn Lyhne, Department of Oncology, Hospital of Vejle |
OP_803 The PRISM study-Prostate Radiotherapy with simultaneous MRI Consultant, Tine Schytte, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_802 MR adapted radiotherapy FEASIBILITY study FOR MR LINAC - OUH Consultant, Tine Schytte, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_800 The Danish Brain Collection - Biobank & Database for Future Research Clinical Associate Professor, Martin Wirenfeldt Nielsen, Department of Pathology OUH, Department of Clinical Research SDU |
OP_799 Quantitative Sensory Testing and PET/CT scanning in assessment of surgical outcome for Lumbar Disc Herniation PhD student, Christian Støttrup, Rygcenter Syddanmark, Middelfart, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_798 Progressive Resistance Training Versus Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients with End-stage Hip Osteoarthritis PhD Student, Thomas Frydendal, Fysiotherapy, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle |
OP_797 Parental experiences of prenatal information regarding the birth of a child with congenital abdominal malformation Clinical Nurse Specialist, Gitte Mikkelsen, Department of Anestesiology and Intensive Care, Odense University Hospital |
OP_796 Self-reported work ability following tibial shaft fractures treated with intramedullary nailing Physician, Lars Grau Lykkeberg, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_795 Prehospital administration of antibiotics at the Mobile Emergency Care Unit in Odense - a retrospective quality study Medical Student, Vibe Sommer Mikkelsen, Department of Anaestesiology and Intensive Care, Odense University Hospital |
OP_793 Addiction Treatment in Greenland Project director, Anette Søgaard Nielsen, Research Unit of Psychiatry, Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_792 Subtyping male breast cancer Physician, Lene Gaardsmand Christensen, Department of Pathology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_791 Can a web-based questionnaire optimize the detection of prenatal alcohol exposure? PhD student, Louise Katrine Kjær Weile, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_790 Testosterone therapy of men with type 2 diabetes mellitus - a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial Physician, Line Velling Magnussen, Department of Endocrinology, Esbjerg Hospital |
OP_789 Towards more appropriate use of drugs: Testing models for discontinuation of unnecessary treatment with proton pump inhibitors Research assistant, Alaa Hassan Burghle, Sygehusapotek Fyn, Odense University Hospital |
OP_788 A study in optimizing follow-up for postmenopausal women with breast cancer treated with adjuvant endocrine therapy ph.d. student, Cathrine Lundsgaard Riis, Institute of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_787 Cryoneurolysis for the Management of Chronic Pain in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis; A Randomized Controlled Trial Research Employee, Niels Peter Brøchner Nielsen, Unit of health research, Hospital of southwest Jutland |
OP_786 Dual PETOvac - Dual Time PET/CT in preoperative assessment of ovarian cancer Consultant, Mie Holm Vilstrup, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_785 Follow-up practices and patient empowerment among gynecological cancer survivors - A cross-sectional study in Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands Consultant, Professor, Pernille Tine Jensen, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_784 Resilient healthcare Researcher, Bettina Ravnborg Thude, Department of Medicine, Sønderborg Hospital |
OP_782 SimLEARN: Reducing adverse events through transfer of non-technical skills PhD Student, Malte Lebahn, Department of Language and Communication, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_781 SimLEARN: Reducing adverse events through transfer of non-technical skills PhD student, Lotte Abildgren, Department of Anaestisiology and Intensive Care, Odense University Hospital |
OP_780 A prospective investigation of infections after transrectal biopsies of the prostate using Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid in combination with Mecillinam as antibiotic prophylaxis PhD Student, Anders Frey, Department of Urology, Esbjerg Hospital |
OP_779 Værdien af PET/MR skanning for patienter med mistanke om hoved-halskræft Physician, Chadi Nimeh Abdel-Halim, Department of Otorhinology |
OP_778 My Course (Mit Forløb) as a Health Technology Tool to identify Patients with a weak "Sense of Coherence" prior to Anesthesia and Surgery Clinical Research Nurse, Dorthe Hasfeldt-Hansen, Department of Anaestesiology and Intensive Care, Odense University Hospital |
OP_777 A prospective study (audit) in patients found eligible to bariatric surgery Physician, post doc, Line Velling Magnussen, Departments of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital and Hospital of Southwest Jutland |
OP_776 Screening of depressive and anxious patients in the outpatient alcohol treatment center, Odense Professor, Bent Nielsen, Department of Phyciatry, Odense University Hospital |
OP_775 PRO-MR-RT Pilot Study Clinical Nurse Specialist, Pia Krause Møller, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_774 To Learn and to practice basic stimulation in intensive care nursing Development Nurse, Eva Lærkner, Department of Anestiology and Intensive Care, Odense University Hospital |
OP_773 A comparative study of the diagnostic validity of ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging and capsule endoscopy of both the small and large intestine in suspected Crohn's disease Physician, Jacob Broder Brodersen, Department of Gastroenterology, Esbjerg Hospital |
OP_772 The effectiveness of a stratified care model for non-specific low back pain in Danish primary care compared to current practice Associate professor, Lars Morsø, OPEN - Odense Patient data Explorative Network |
OP_771 The qSOFA score as a predictor of mortality stratified across etiology in the Emergency Department: A three-year hospital based cohort study at Odense University Hospital Professor, Annmarie Lassen, Emergency Department, Odense University Hospital |
OP_770 Genetic markers predictive of Familial Pancreatic Cancer and Hereditary Pancreatitis PhD student, Ming Tan, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_769 The validaty of the youth depression diagnosis in the Danish Psychiatric Research Registry Professor, Niels Bilenberg, Department of Psychiatry, the Region of Southern Denmark |
OP_768 Predicting Prostate Cancer by Plasma and Urine Biomarkers Combined in an Algorithm for elderly men Consultant, PhD and associate professor , Mads Hvid Aaberg Poulsen, Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital and Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_767 Hearing loss and dementia: Towards a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms Associate professor, Jesper Hvass Schmidt, Department of Audiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_766 Do people with mental health problems have an increased risk to develop diabetes mellitus? PhD student, Nanna Lindekilde, Department of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_765 Monitoring of circulating tumor DNA in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer treated with first line chemotherapy Physician, Caroline Brenner Thomsen, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_764 Skeletonized versus pedicled internal tho-racic artery - A Randomized Study The Skeletonization trial (TST) Physician, Sofie Laugesen, Cardiac, thoracic and vascular surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_763 Nephspare Func - Renal function after nephron sparing treatment of renal cancer Physician, Louise Aarup Duus, Department of Radiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_762 Nephspare PRO - Patient reported outcome after nephron sparing treatment of small renal tumours PhD student, Theresa Junker, Department of Radiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_761 Time trends of the clinical presentation and diagnosis of celiac disease Undergraduate student, Thora Marie Høegh-Andersen, H.C. Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_759 Laser database Physician, Lina Zeraiq, Department of Dermatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_757 The effect of gastric bypass surgery on glucose metabolism, gestational weight gain and fetal growth in subsequent pregnancy ph.d. student, Louise Laage Stentebjerg, Steno Diabetes Center |
OP_756 BOB-HEP Brugeroplevelser af behandling for Hepatitis C Physician, Anne Øvrehus, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_755 Occurrence of treatment-requiring lower respiratory tract infection after tracheotomy Nurse, Susanne Djernes Bird, Department of Ear, Nose, Throat Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_754 Improved algorithms for liver stiffness measurements (Fibroscan) PhD student, Jacob Søholm, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_753 Trafik- og voldsofre: Ser man et ekstraordinært øget og kronisk forbrug af stærke analgetika samt varigt erhvervsevnetab hos traumeramte? Professor and consultant, Claus Manniche, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University o Southern Denmark |
OP_752 Congenital Hand Database Consultant, Karina Liv Hansen, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_751 Impact of myomectomy on complications rate Physician, Martin Rudnicki, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_750 Algorithms for detection of patients with a high risk of drug-related problems Research assistant, Trine Graabæk Hansen, Hospital Pharmacy of Funen, Odense University Hospital |
OP_749 Treatment of breast cancer-related lymphedema with adipose-derived regenerative cells and lipotransfer Physician, Mads Gustaf Jørgensen, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_748 Personalized tuberculosis risk profile in a prospective cohort study in Denmark Professor, Isik Somuncu Johansen, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_747 DECODE-EYE Professor and Consultant, Jakob Grauslund, Department of Ophthalmology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_746 DECODE-EYE Professor and Consultant, Jakob Grauslund, Department of Ophthalmology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_745 DECODE-EYE Professor and Consultant, Jakob Grauslund, Department of Ophthalmology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_744 DECODE-EYE Professor and Consultant, Jakob Grauslund, Department of Ophthalmology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_743 DECODE-EYE Professor and Consultant, Jakob Grauslund, Department of Ophthalmology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_742 DECODE-EYE Professor and Consultant, Jakob Grauslund, Department of Ophthalmology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_741 Verruca Vulgaris database Nurse, Nadja Trier Munk, Department of Dermatology and Allergy, Odense University Hospital |
OP_740 Colour and Motion Magnification of Squamous Cell Carcinoma Surgery of the Head and Neck Resident, PhD-Student, Simon Mylius Rasmussen, Department of Oto-, Rhiono- and Laryngology, Hospital of Lillebaelt, Vejle |
OP_739 VIO18 Vaccination mod influenza på OUH 2018 Project Nurse, Susan Hansen, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_738 Ultrasound examination in patients with hip osteoarthritis PhD student, Stine Haugaard Clausen, Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_737 How frequent is carpal tunnel syndrome associated with amyloidosis in DK? Undergraduate student, Rasmus Bastkjær, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_736 Learning small bowel capsule endoscopy Doctor, Anders Bo Nielsen, Simulation Center SimC - Odense Univeristy Hospital |
OP_734 Development, implementation and evaluation of approaches to encourage participation in meaning-ful occupations for people with dementia - An Action Research project PhD student, Kamilla Kielsgaard, Research Unit of Rehabilitation, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_733 Patella Instability Database Physician, Bjarke Løvbjerg Viberg, Department of Orthopeadic Surgery, Lillebaelt Hospital, Kolding |
OP_732 What happens 20 years after conservative and operative treatment for an ACL-rupture Physician, Bjarke Løvbjerg Viberg, Department of Orthopeadic Surgery, Lillebaelt Hospital, Kolding |
OP_731 Non-operativ ACL-treatment Physician, Bjarke Løvbjerg Viberg, Department of Orthopeadic Surgery, Lillebaelt Hospital, Kolding |
OP_730 The Effect of Rehabilitation Using Kneehab Bandage After Knee Injury Physician, Bjarke Løvbjerg Viberg, Department of Orthopeadic Surgery, Lillebaelt Hospital, Kolding |
OP_729 TeleNeo Database Nurse, Kristina Garne Holm, H. C. Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_728 Palliative Care - Oncology treatment in patients with lung cancer PhD student, Tine Møller Ikander, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_727 How well does the Danish version of MOXFQ, SEFAS, OMAS and FJS evaluate patients with ankle fractures? Physician, Julie Ladeby Erichsen, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Kolding Hospital |
OP_726 Role of endothelial inflammation in demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system Physician, Tobias Sejbæk Mathiesen, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_725 Perimesencephal subarachnoidal blødning uden kendt blødningskilde, diagnosticering, udredning og komplikationer Physician, Sune Munthe, Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_724 Profermin®: Prevention of progression in alcoholic liver diseases by modulating dysbiotic microbiota - a randomised controlled clinical trial Professor, Aleksander Krag, Department of Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_723 Bedside ultrasonography in acute patients with suspected kidney involvement Undergraduate student, Pernilla Goldberg Borggaard, Emergency Department, Odense University Hospital |
OP_722 Neo-appendikostomi til antegrad kolon skylning hos børn med kronisk obstipation grundet myelomeningocele Physician, Helle Attermann Abildgaard, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_721 Improving the efficacy of CAR T cells formed from blood cells from patients with blood cancer Professor, Torben Barington, OPEN - Odense Patient data Explorative Network |
OP_720 Postoperative agitation in paediatric outpatiens - a randomized clinical trial with heart frequence variability and EEG monitoring Physician, Line Gry Larsen, Anaesthesia and Intensive, Hospital of Southern Jutland |
OP_719 Information search before pharmacy visit Research assistant, Alaa Hassan Burghle, Hospital Pharmacy of Funen, Odense University Hospital |
OP_718 Dysregulation among infants and toddlers, and development of mental health problems at 5-6 years: A longitudinal cohort study of risk and resilience factors for progression to ADHD Physician, Jette Asmussen, Psychiatry in the Region of Southern Denmark |
OP_717 Characterization of bone marrow adipose tissue in lean healthy, obese and obese insulin resistant individuals Post doc, Michaela Tencerova, Department of Molecular Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_716 Kemoterapeutisk behandling af colorektal cancer i Danmark Professor, Anton Pottegård, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_715 Danish trial of beta blocker treatment after myocardial infarction without reduced ejection fraction (DANBLOCK) Professor, Eva Prescott, Department of Cardiology, Bispebjerg Hospital |
OP_714 Wound-QoL - a quality of life questionnaire for people with hard to heal wounds. Project Manager, Henrik Sunne Eshøj, Department of Hematology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_713 AB0-Blood type and postoperative Bleeding in Cardiac Surgery Physician, Søren Mose Hansen, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Odense University Hospital |
OP_712 Epidemiological analysis of patients with an alcohol use disorder seeking treatment at the alcohol treatment center in Odense (The clinical database) Project director, Anette Søgaard Nielsen, Research Unit of Psychiatry, Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_711 Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) in patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer (LAPC) Consultant, Per Pfeiffer, Deparment of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_710 Antibiotikaudskrivning i almen praksis: motivation, arbejdspres og behandlingsadfærd PhD-student, Rikke Vognbjerg Sydenham, Research Unit of General Practice, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_709 A new Cancer Risk Assessment Model (CRAM) based on public health registries Professor, Dorte Ejg Jarbøl, Research Unit of General Practice, Odense University Hospital |
OP_708 Muscle strenght and -mass after bariatric surgery - a possible effect of testosterone replacement therapy? Randomized, placebocontrolled Ultimo september 2018 Physician, Line Velling Magnussen, Department of Endocrinology, Esbjerg Hospital |
OP_707 LESS - Levonorgestrel endometrial surgery study - Combined endometrial surgery and Levonorgestrel Device treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding Psysician, Martin Rudnicki, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_706 IBD-TCR-SUR - Tissue biobanking and pilot study in IBD immunogenetics Consultant, Vibeke Andersen, Unit for Molecular Diagnostics and Clinical Research |
OP_705 Melatonin - production and release in children and adolescents with ADHD and chronic sleep problems Physician, Allan Hvolby, Child- and Adolescent Psychiatry, Esbjerg, Psychiatry in the Region of Southern Denmark |
OP_704 Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the revised Patients' Attitudes Towards Depresrecing (rPATD) questionnarie Pharmacist, Carina Lundby Olesen, Hospital Pharmacy of Funen, Odense University Hospital |
OP_703 Accuracy of PET/MRI in Diagnosis and Treatment Evaluation of Children and Adolescents with Inflammatory Bowel Disease PhD student, Sina Dalby, HC Andersen Childrens Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_702 Højre og venstre testiklers volumina som prædiktorer for at kunne finde sædceller i testiklerne hos mænd med azoospermi Professor, Consultant, Jens Fedder, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_701 Predictive value of in-vitro testing anti-cancer therapy sensitivity on tumoroids from patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer Consultant, Lars Henrik Jensen, Department of Oncology, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle |
OP_700 Open dialoue about complementary alternative medicine integrated in conventional oncology care Clinical Nurse Specialist, Mette Stie, Department of Oncology, Hospital Lillebælt, Vejle |
OP_699 A cohort assessment of gestational antidepressant exposure on long-term psychiatric outcomes Associate Professor, Anton Pottegård, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_698 Combined endometrial resection (TCRE) and Levonorgestrel device treatment for heayvy menstrual bleeding against only TCER Physician, Martin Rudnicki, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_697 At the forefront of older people's care PhD student, Eva Hoffmann, Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_696 Lateral flow urine lipoarabinomannan assay for detecting active tuberculosis in HIV-positive adults - Updated Cochrane Review Physician, Stephanie Bjerrum, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_694 Treatment of insomnia with Ball Blanket - a randomized, controlled study Physician, Peter Nørregaard Hansen, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_693 Elderly Wellbeing and Alcohol - A Tricky Cocktail Professor, Søren Harnow Klausen, Department for the Study of Cultures, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_692 Internet-based treatment of depression and anxiety in patients with ischemic heart disease (eMindYourHeart) Professor, Susanne Schmidt Pedersen, Department of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_691 Utilization of implantable cardioverter DEFIBrillator therapy in the treatment of heart disease: Clinical and psychological outcomes in WOMEN The DEFIB-WOMEN Study Professor, Susanne Schmidt Pedersen, Department of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_690 Phase IIa trial of PD-L1 peptide vaccination as monotherapy in high risk smoldering multiple myeloma Project Manager, Henrik Rode Eshøj, Department of Hematology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_689 Risk of revision for primary and secondary THA in patients with hip fractures. Physician, Dominika Elzbieta Butowska, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_688 Women with Migraine with Aura Neuroimaging (WOMAN) study Professor and consultant, David Gaist, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_687 The Danish Fracture Database: Completeness and validity PhD student, Anders Bo Rønnegaard Hansen, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Kolding Hospital |
OP_686 Navigated laser In branch Retinal Vein occlusion study (NIRVANA) PhD student, Katrine Hartmund Frederiksen, Department of Eye Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_685 The influence of pregnancy, birth and childhood on short- and long-term health. A follow-up study of mothers and children in the cohort 'Healthy Habits for Two' Professor, Ellen Aagaard Nøhr, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_684 FDG-PET/CT in cancer of unknown primary tumor (CUP) Physician, Sara Elisabeth Wallenius, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_683 The WOUND-Q: Phase 2 study PhD student, Lotte Poulsen, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_682 Tocotrienol in combination with chemotherapy in breast cancer Physician, Troels Bechmann, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_681 Patient Self-determination Senior researcher, Søren Birkeland, Odense Patient data Explorative Network |
OP_680 A one size fits all approach to implantable cardioverter defibrillator - do women derive the same benefits as men? PhD student, Vivi Frydensberg, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_679 Selection of adjuvant chemotherapy for colon cancer patients - a prospective biomarker study. SELECT Pro Consultant, Lars Henrik Jensen, Department of Oncology, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle |
OP_675 AgeCare biobank Professor, Consultant, Henrik Ditzel, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_674 Laser treatment of Vulva Lichen Sclerosis et atroficus Consultant, Sidsel Elisabeth Bøggild Ipsen, Department of Female Diseases and Births, Kolding Hospital |
OP_673 PEB ARNiAMI PhD student, Peter Hartmund Frederiksen, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_672 DIAabetic CArdioVAscular Screening and intervention trial - DIACAVAS Consultant, Axel Diederichsen, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_670 LAPC-03 Professor, Per Pfeiffer, Deparment of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_669 FAMKO - EARLY INTERVENTION TO REDUCE INEQUALITY IN HEALTH Midwife, Lene Nygaard, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_668 AIT Children Physician, Josefine Gradman, HC Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_667 Metagenomic analysis of faecal microbiome in breast cancer: Biomarkers and biological insight. Physician and Professor, Henrik Ditzel, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_663 Soulful Childbirth - upgrading communication skills on existential matters in maternity services Lecturer, Christina Prinds, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_662 DACOACH - dataguidet health coaching Post doc, Gitte Thybo Pihl, Research Unit for Health Research, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle |
OP_660 Patient Perspectives on Communication in Healthcare Physician, Else Dalsgaard Iversen, Department of Health Research, Vejle Hospital |
OP_659 Communicative processes and decision making in relation to patients with advanced prostate cancer PhD student, Mette Margrethe Løwe Netsey-Afedo, Urological Research Center, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle |
OP_658 Uncertainty tolerance pilot study PhD student, Trine A. Gregersen, Department of Health Research, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle |
OP_657 Clinical trial or standard treatment. Shared decision-making at the department of oncology PhD student, Trine A. Gregersen, Department of Health Research, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle |
OP_656 The effect of a heel-unloading orthosis in short-term treatment of calcaneus fractures on physical function, quality of life and return to work - a randomized controlled trial Physician, Lasse Pedersen, Department of Orthopeadic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_655 ProBioM - Developing a multivariable diagnostic prediction model for prostate biopsy outcome using biomarkers and mpMRI as prediction variables in biopsy naïve men Physician, Torben Brøchner Pedersen, Department of Urinary Tract Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_654 Muscle strain in multiple sclerosis patients measured by ultrasound speckle tracking PhD student, Maria Thorning Christensen, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_653 Evaluation and treatment strategies for non ruptured cerebrale aneurysms treated in 2014, 2015 and 2016 in all four neurosurgical departments in Denmark. Physician, Sune Munthe, Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_652 Twentyfour or 48 hours closed passive subdural drainage after burr hole evacuation of chronic subdural hematoma? A national randomized controlled study Professor and consultant, Frantz Rom Poulsen, Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_651 Shared decision making in care for the gynecologic cancer patient Project manager, Karina Olling, Shared decision making, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_650 Spinal Infections Research Database in Region of Southern Denmark Consultant, Michala Kehrer, Department of Infectious Diseases |
OP_649 The diagnostic and prognostic value of three quantitative clinical tests in patients with Lumbar Disc Herniation PhD student, Johanne Brinch Larsen, Spinal Center Middelfart, Region of Southern Denmark |
OP_647 Influence of post discharge nutrition on growth, allergy and development in childhood among very preterm born infants Consultant, Gitte Zachariassen, H.C. Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_646 The impact of antibiotic stewardship on the use of antibiotics in hospital Professor and Consultant, Annmarie Lassen, Department of Emergency Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_645 Cross sectional study of multiresistant bacteria in Danish Emergency Departments: prevalence, patterns and risk factors for carrier stage (AB-RED project) Consultant, Christian Backer Mogensen, Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_644 Evaluation and implementation of teledermoscopy in General Practice Consultant, Tine Vestergaard, Department of Dermatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_643 Safety, tolerability and immunological effects of BM41 compared to placebo and to treatment with standard immunotherapy in patients with allergic rhinitis/rhino-conjunctivitis caused by birch pollen Professor and Consultant, Carsten Bindslev-Jensen, Department of Dermatology and Allergy, Odense University Hospital |
OP_642 Epidemiologisk undersøgelse af helbredsforhold hos professionelle musikere med fokus på bevægeapparatssymptomer og relation til specifikke psykosociale forhold og livsstilsfaktorer Physician, Helene Martina Paarup, Department of Clinical Immunology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_641 Psychiatric Live Animotion Intervention Psychology student, Nadia Rønn Nørgaard, Child- and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychiatry in the Region of Southern Denmark |
OP_640 Training thoracic ultrasound skills: a multicentre, blinded, randomized controlled trial of simulation-based training versus training on healthy figurants PhD student, Pia Iben Pietsersen, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_639 Coaching of adolescents with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes. A randomized controlled study. PhD student, Jane Valentin Thomsen, Department of Paediatrics, Kolding Hospital |
OP_638 General practice: An opportunity for early identification of people living with undiagnosed Common Varibale Immunodeficiency Undergraduate student, Frederik Veitland Antonsen, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_637 Traditional bed bath with soap and water or disposable wet wipes: patientŽs perspective, effect on skin flora and cost effectiveness. PhD student, Pia Lysdal Veje, Kong Christian X's Gigthospital, Gråsten |
OP_636 The effect of gambling disorder treatment Phychologist, Jakob Linnet, Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicines, Odense University Hospital |
OP_634 Intracorporeal anastomosis in right hemicolectomy for colon cancer. Short term outcomes with the DaVinci Xi robot Consultant, Hans Rahr, Deparment of Organ- and Plastic surgery, Vejle Hospital |
OP_633 Organizational skills training for children with ADHD Lecturer, Aida Bikic, Department of Child- and Adolescent Psychiatry, Aabenraa Hospital |
OP_632 COS-P for Parents of Children Referred to Child Psychiatric Services Lecturer, Aida Bikic, Department of Child- and Adolescent Psychiatry, Aabenraa Hospital |
OP_631 Sammenhængende rehabilitering på tværs af sektorer - en etnografisk analyse Professor, Jette Primdahl, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_630 What effect does Incisional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy after Mastectomy have on the formation of Seroma compared to conventional wound dressing? Physician, Anne Kristine Larsen, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_628 Risk of arterial calcification by conventional vitamin K antagonist treatment consultant, Axel Diederichsen, Department of Cardiology |
OP_627 Plasma concentration of erlotinib and cell-free DNA as markers for adverse events and effects of erlotinib for biliary and lung cancer Consultant, Lars Henrik Jensen, Department of Oncology, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle |
OP_625 Surfactant Protein D (SP-D) og Mikrofibril-Associeret Protein 4 (MFAP4) som mulige biomarkører for astmatisk bronkitis og astma bronkiale hos børn PhD student, Helene Marlies Rasmussen, HC Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_623 FIPeC - Development and test of Feedback-Informed Person-centered Communication: a concept to strengthen the person-centered communication Professor, Jette Ammentorp, Dapartment of Health Research, Vejle Hospital |
OP_622 Brystrekonstruktion og patientinddragelse - fælles beslutninger i rekonstruktiv brystkirurgi Consultant, Bekka Christensen, Department of Organ Surgery |
OP_619 The potential role of infectious agents in ovarian carcinogenesis PhD student, Kasper Hjort Ingerslev, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_618 Graviditetsforløb af flerfoldsfødsler (GRAF-projektet) Associate professor, MD, PhD, Mohammed Rohi Khalil, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_616 Effect evaluation of the Patient Deterioration Warning System Professor, Annmarie Lassen, Emergency Department, Odense University Hospital |
OP_615 Readmission rate and quality of life among elderly patients who are acutely admitted and receive homecare PhD student, Mette Elkær, Emergency Department, Aabenraa Hospital |
OP_614 Maternal alcohol intake and adverse pregnancy outcome PhD student, Louise Katrine Kjær Weile, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_613 Support women's decision making - developing and testing a decision aid for women with urogenital prolapse PhD student, Mette Hulbaek, Department of Gynaecology, Aabenraa Hospital |
OP_612 End of life anticancer treatment in Danish clinical oncology - an overview of the use in the period of 2010-2015 Post doc, PhD, Thea Otto Mattsson, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_610 The FLARA study - Patient-reported flares in rheumatoid arthritis patients with low disease activity PhD student, Dorota Paulina Küttel, Institute of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_609 Patient Reported Outcome and Quality of Life in newly diagnosed transplant eligible multiple myeloma patients treated with ixazomib, lenalidomide plus dexamethasone (IRd-study) Project Manager, Henrik Sunne Eshøj, Department of Hematology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_608 Magnolia Study. Prolonged Protection from Bone Disease in Multiple Myeloma Consultant, Thomas Lund, Department of Hematology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_607 Non-invasive markers of retinal microvascular structure and metabolism in relation to functional, structural and biochemical arterial alterations in cardiovascular disease Medical student, Sebastian Dinesen, Department of Ophthalmology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_606 Long-gap esophageal atresia Gross type C and D; a retrospective study of surgical management and post-operative complications in the Nordic countries Student, Ann Christine Waarkjær, University of Southern Denmark, Odense |
OP_605 Five-year cohort study ZOL446H2422 using health registries to compare safety of Aclasta® against oral bisphosphonates and untreated population controls Professor, Bo Abrahamsen, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_604 Evaluation of biomarkers of sensitivity/resistance to endocrine therapy and CDK4/6 inhibitor in ER+ breast cancer Professor, Consultant, Henrik Ditzel, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_602 At FRONTEDGE - The Health Care Professionals' Perspectives on How to Improve Intersectoral Collaboration around Elderly Acutely Admitted Patients PhD student, Maiken Hjuler Persson, Hospital of Southern Jutland |
OP_601 HPV-testing as follow-up after conization Physician, Lærke Valsøe Bruhn, Department of Pathology, Hospital of Southern Jutland |
OP_598 A prospective clinical trial evaluating the combined effect of low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy (LI-ESWT) and vacuum erectile device on peyronies disease. Professor and Consultant, Lars Lund, Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_596 Prostate cancer: Can bone biomarkers be used for diagnostics and monitoring? "BoneProst" Associate professor, Kent Søe, Department of Clinical Cell biology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_595 Can diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of bone disease in breast cancer patients be improved? A combined effort using biomarkers, genetic information and translational research - "BoneBio" Associate professor, Kent Søe, Department of Clinical Cell biology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_594 Peripheral neuropathic pain. Treatment with cannabis based medication PhD student, Kanita Zubcevic, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_593 Short-term side effects to palliative thoracic radiotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer patients and its impact on quality of life Consultant, Olfred Hansen, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_592 Can low-energy extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) prolong the survival og kidney allografts? Undergraduate, Ronja Niemann Lundrup, Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_590 KIDSTAGE- Staging of Kidney Cancer using Dual Time PET/CT and other bio-markers PhD student, Louise Geertsen, Department of Urinary Tract Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_589 How to prevent the metabolic syndrome in Danish forensic psychiatric patients PhD student, Anne Louise Winkler Pedersen, Department of Psychiatry, Middelfart |
OP_588 Dosing of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants in clinical practice Physician, Maja Hellfritzsch Poulsen, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_587 MomIT: An Innovative IT solution to maternal weight loss after birth Projekt manager, Mette Maria Skjøth, Center for Innovativ Medicinsk Teknologi og Center for Sundhedsøkonomisk Forskning |
OP_585 Kongenit Diafragmahernie Database Physician, Ulla Lei Larsen, Department of Anesthesiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_584 Mortalitet, kardio-pulmonal morbiditet og livskvalitet hos børn med Kongenit diafragmahernie behandlet på børneintensiv afdeling, OUH i perioden 1998 - 2015 Physician, Ulla Lei Larsen, Department of Anesthesiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_583 Impact of red and processed meat and fibre intake on risk of chronic inflammatory diseases: a pro-spective cohort study on prognostic factors using the Danish "Diet, Health and Cancer" cohort Consultant and professor, Vibeke Andersen, Molecular Diagnostics & Clinical Research, Hospital of Southern Jutland, Aabenraa |
OP_582 Audiometric Self-test at home Associate professor, Jesper Hvass Schmidt, Department of Audiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_581 Analysis of surgical complications in women treated with either mastectomy or mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction with silicone implants. Consultant, Camilla Bille, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_579 Biomarkører og cellulært immunrespons ved enzalutamid-behandling af patienter med metastaserende kastrationsresistent prostatacancer (ENZ) Physician, Ahmed H. Zedan, Department of Urology, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_578 Biomarkører ved docetaxel behandling af patienter med metastaserende, symptomgivende, hormonrefraktær prostatacancer (HRPC) Physician, Ahmed H. Zedan, Department of Urology, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_577 Biomarkører ved abrirateron-behandling af patienter med metastaserende, kastrationsresistent prostatacancer (mCRPC) Physician, Ahmed H. Zedan, Department of Urology, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_576 PerPros (Personalized Management of Prostate Cancer) Physician, Ahmed H. Zedan, Department of Urology, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_575 Den kliniske betydning af microRNA ved prostatacancer PhD student, Ahmed H. Zedan, Department of Urology, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_574 Four weeks treatment for chronic hepatitis C in patients be-low 50 years of age with no significant liver fibrosis PhD student, Anne Øvrehus, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_573 A patient-reported outcome measurement tool for patients with hip fractures - based on Patient and relatives' involvement in the development and implementation process Postdoc, Charlotte Abrahamsen, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_572 Use of transbronchial cryobiopsy to diagnose interstitial lung diseases Associate Professor, Specialist Chief Consultant, , Jesper Rømhild Davidsen, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_571 At Front Edge - the acute admitted elderly patient's perspectives on the Danish Health Care System. PhD student, Lilian Keene Boye, Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_570 Orthokerathology contact lenses for the treatment of myopia in a group of Danish children PhD student, Trine Møldrup Jakobsen, Department of eye diseases, Vejle Hospital |
OP_569 Opgørelse af udkommet af kurativt anlagt strålebehandling af ikke-småcellet lungekræft ved onkologisk afdeling Professor and Consultant, Olfred Hansen, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_568 Effects of GLP-1 receptor agonist treatment on pulmonary function and quality of life in obese patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease PhD student, Ayse Dudu A. Dogan, Deparment of Internal Medicine, Esbjerg Hospital |
OP_567 Prediabetes and chest pain study (PREDICT study) Consultant, Kenneth Egstrup, Department of Internal Medicine, Odense University Hospital, Svendborg |
OP_566 Bacteraemia in Southern Denmark Professor, Court Pedersen, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_565 The pharmacogenetic profile of patients diagnosed with porphyria cutanea tarda PhD student, Anne L Christiansen, Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_564 Dementia friendly hospital - Improvements in treatment, care and approach across professions Associate professor, Annemarie Toubøl, Nurse education, University College Lillebaelt |
OP_563 Studying reorganisation of emergency departments (STREED) Researcher, Søren Bie Bogh, Odense Patient data Explorative Network |
OP_562 A study of fetal and infant survival in term and postterm pregnancies. Is risk associated with maternal BMI, smoking, age, parity and a history of cesarean section? Midwife, Julie Anja Ribe Bagge, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_561 Myocardial infarction in patients with chronic kidney disease in emergency departments in the Region of Southern Denmark Physician, Jan Dominik Kampmann, Department of Medicine, Sønderborg Hospital |
OP_558 Antenatal hypnosis training and cortisol Midwife, Anette Werner, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hosptial |
OP_557 Verbal dyspraxia - symptoms, diagnostics, and occurrence in Denmark. Audiologoped, Trine Printz, Department of Otolaryngology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_555 Meal-induced thrombin generation in obese women and men before and after gastric bypass - a model of intentional weight loss Research assistant, Line Espenhain Andersen, Clinical Biochemistry, Hospital of South-West Jutland |
OP_554 Blend-A Project director, Anette Søgaard Nielsen, Research Unit of Psychiatry, Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_553 CATCH study. Prevention of CArdioToxic-related CHest pain in cancer patients treated with 5-fluorouracil Consultant, Lars Henrik Jensen, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_552 A comparison of dexmedetomidine vs placebo effect on sleep-quallity in mechanical ventilated critical ill patients Consultant, Jakob Oxlund, Department of Anaestesia, Esbjerg Hospital |
OP_551 Prognostic Signifcance of Fatty Liver Disease in Bariatric Patients (PROMETHEUS) MD, PhD, Postdoc researcher, Mette Munk Lauridsen, Department of Gastroenterology and hepatology, Hospital of South West Jutland, Esbjerg |
OP_550 Kan måling af Parathyroideahormon inden for det første døgn reducere indlæggelsestiden for totalthyroidektomerede patienter? Consultant and associate professor, Anders Rørbæk Madsen, Department of Ear-nose-throat Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_549 Access to diagnostic reports through personal electronic health records: A mixed-method study from the perspective of the cancer patient. Radiographer, Christina Baun, Department of Nuclear medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_548 Use of video consultations for patients with hematological diseases from the perspective of patients and healthcare professionals - A Danish qualitative study Project Nurse, Nina Primholdt Christensen, Department of Hematology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_547 Risk of seizure development in patients before and after neurosurgical treatment Professor and consultant, Frantz Rom Poulsen, Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_546 Improving mortality, function and quality of life in hip fracture patients Physician, Bjarke Løvbjerg Viberg, Department of Orthopeadic Surgery, Lillebaelt Hospital, Kolding |
OP_545 To eat is to practice - everyday challenges after head and neck cancer Research assistant, Marianne Boll Kristensen, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_544 Etiology of treatment, readmission and revision of ventriculo-peritoneal shunts: A single center 10-year retrospective study from 2007-2016. Professor and consultant, Frantz Rom Poulsen, Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_543 A comparison between extent of resection of high grade gliomas using peroperative 5-ALA or Fluore-scein Professor and consultant, Frantz Rom Poulsen, Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_542 Solo mothers - How to support them during pregnancy and prepare them for childbirth and parenthood Midwife, Anette Werner, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hosptial |
OP_541 Genetic Variation in Organic Cation Transport 1 (OCT1) and Its Significance for Morphine Pharmacokinetics PhD student, Ida Robertsdottor Berglund Kuhlmann, Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_540 Association between sound exposure and hearing problems in freelance non-classical musicians Medical student, Agnete Torp Hoffmann-Petersen, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_539 Danish Evaluation of Your Heart Forecast (DANY). A study among Danish general practitioners and patients in the blood pressure control program. PhD student, Anders Elkær Jensen, Research Unit of General Practice, IST, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_538 Interpretation in Health Care - Challenges and solutions with language barriers Research nurse, Dorthe Nielsen, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_537 Intracerebral haemorrhage and use of drugs Professor and consultant, David Gaist, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_536 Metabolic and molecular abnormalities in response to insulin and exercise in obesity and type 2 diabetes Physician, Maria Houborg Petersen, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_535 Inhibition of inflammation for prevention of posttraumatic osteoarthritis after acute intraarticular fractures Physician, That Minh Pham, Department of Orthopedics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_534 Interval colorectal cancer among participants in Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) screening Medical Student, Lasse Kaalby Møller, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_533 Patient involvement in evaluation of items from patient reported outcome measures - Study based on interviews of patients undergoing primary total hip arthroplasty Medical Student, Camilla Holmenlund, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_532 Screening for liver fibrosis. A population-based study in European countries. The "LiverScreen" project Postdoc, Maja Thiele, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_531 Importance of left atrial size derived from Cardiac CT - a DANCAVAS substudy Physician, Maise Høigaard Fredgart, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_530 AVADEC - The Aortic Valve DECalcification trial: The effects of Menaquinone-7 supplementation in patients with aortic valves calcification Consultant, Axel Diederichsen, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_529 Patient Reported Outcome and Quality of life in relapsed or progressed multiple myeloma patients treated with Carfilzomib, Elotuzumab and Dexamethasone after 1-3 prior treatment lines Project leader, Henrik Sunne Eshøj, Department of Hematology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_528 EGFR og EGFR-liganders rolle i brystkræft PhD Student, Ina Mathilde Kjær, Department of Biochemistry and Immunology, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_527 NUTRI-HAB Which head and neck cancer patients should be offered posttreatment rehabilitation of nutrition impact symptoms? Research assistant, Marianne Boll Kristensen, REHPA, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_526 Interactions between progressing pathology and health measurement scales in the domains of the International Classification and Function in progressive Multiple Sclerosis PhD student, Ásta Theódórsdóttir, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_525 Intracorporeal laparoscopic anastomoses in segmental colonic resections Physician, Mark Bremholm Ellebæk, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_524 Brug af hjertestartere og frivillige førstehjælpere ved hjertestop uden for hospital Physician, Laura Sarkisian Jangaard, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_523 Diabetes in Denmark; Monitoring of prevalence, treatment and trends in diabetes - a National Diabetes Database Professor, Katrine Hass Rubin, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_522 Scabies Database Nurse, Bettina Trettin, Department of Dermatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_521 The Impact of Age and Comorbidity on Effect of Treatment, Adverse Effects and Quality of Life in Danish Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Immunotherapy. PhD student, Birgitte Bjørnhart, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_520 Variation I axonal nerve function and clinical neurological function in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) Physician, Peter Nørregaard Hansen, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_519 Allergy Database H C Andersen Children Hospital Consultant, Josefine Gradman, HC Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_518 Future health and Gestational diabetes - the FUDGE-study Midwife, Maria Hornstrup Christensen, Steno Diabetes Center, OUH |
OP_517 Health care professionals, patients, and relatives' attitudes towards deprescribing in older patients with limited life expectancy: a qualitative study Clinical Pharmacist, Anton Pottegård, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_516 Treatment packages in chiropractic practice and treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis using the Boot Camp Program Senior researcher, Rikke Krüger Jensen, Nordic Institute of Chiropractic and Clinical Biomechanics (NIKKB), University of Southern Denmark |
OP_515 Correlation between FDG-uptake and enzyme activity/expression in lung cancer and renal cell carcinoma Physician, Sofie Bæk Christliep, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_514 Evaluation of response to antiplatelet therapy using a score based on microRNA and platelet distribution width Biochemist, PhD student, Helle Glud Binderup, Department of Biochemistry and Immunology, Kolding Hospital |
OP_513 CRAFT Associate professor, Anette Søgaard Nielsen, Research Unit of Psychiatry, Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_511 STACY - STroke And CYtokines Associate professor, Kate Lykke Lambertsen, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_510 Inter- og intraindividuelle variationer i metformins farmakokinetik - betydning af gener og lægemiddelinteraktioner PhD Student, Ida Robertsdottor Berglund Kuhlmann, Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_509 MESTARretro (Molecular Evaluation in Metastatic Breast Cancer - A Clinical Study of Accuracy and Response Assessment - A retrospective study of the clinical impact of the PERCIST criteria) Physician, Marianne Vogsen, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_508 DANGER-emesis Physician, Christina H Bruvik Ruhlmann, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_507 Gluten sensitivity and the gut microbiome, in a population perspective PhD student, Cæcilie Crawley, Hans Christian Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_506 Development of a needs assessment instrument for post-diagnostic support among family carers in families with dementia PhD student, Trine Holt Clemmensen, University College Lillebaelt |
OP_505 Development of a model for pharmaceutical re-prescribing in community pharmacies Pharmaconomist, Anne Vejrum Nielsen, København Sønderbro Pharmacy, Copenhagen |
OP_504 Knowing and honoring patients' and nursing home residents' wishes for end-of-life Associate professor, Hanne Irene Jensen, Department of Anestesiology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_503 Do biomarker levels and their changes in adult haematological malignancy patients mainly reflect infectious episodes and what is their prognostic utility? Epidemiologist, Kim Oren Gradel, Center for Clinical Epidemiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_502 Right-sided endocarditis: A Retrospective Register-based Study at Odense University Hospital Consultant and Professor, Isik Somuncu Johansen, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_501 SCREENS -The acute effect of reduced or restricted screen-time on physical activity, mental health, sleep and circadian rhythm in subjects with excessive screen-time use Associate professor, Anders Grøntved, Department for Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_500 Non-invasive structural and metabolic retinal markers of disease activity in non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy Undergraduate student, Gwen Weisner, Department of Ophthalmology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_499 Adjuvant Pressurized IntraPeritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC) in resected high risk colon cancer patients - The PIPAC-OPC3 CC trial Physician, Martin Graversen, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_498 Effect of compression therapy on postoperative swelling and pain, among patients with a BMI over 30 kg/m2, after total knee arthroplasty, a randomized controlled pilot study. Nurse, Linda Mie Røhmer Christensen, Center for Planned Orthopedic Surgery, Næstved Hospital |
OP_497 The epidemiology of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin infections after intravesical instillation in Denmark 2000-2017 Medical student, Emilie Stavnsbjerg Larsen, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_495 Bone mass, bone structure and bone quality in children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Medical student, Gitte Bjerg Fuusager, Hans Christian Andersen's Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_493 Danish validation of fibromyalgia criteria in a cohort of patients with chronic pain Consultant, Karin Bruun Plesner, Department of Anesthesiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_490 One-stage Versus Two-stage Revision of the Infected Knee Arthroplasty Physician, Martin Lindberg-Larsen, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_489 Reduktion af forventede postoperative følger og komplikationer med impulsiv kompression af fodens vene kompleks hos patienter med insitu bypass for kronisk ben iskæmi Physician, Tenna Kure Klit, Department of Vascular Surgery, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_488 Physical therapy for in-patients with severe anorexia nervosa: a randomized feasibility study Physiotherapist, cand.stud.phys., Susan Demant Carlsson, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_487 Hip dislocation after Total Hip Arthroplasty - Incidence and patient reported outcome PhD student, Lars Lykke Hermansen, Department of Orthopaedics, Hospital of South West Jutland |
OP_486 The use of First Aid Volunteers and Automated External Defibrillators in Out-of-Hospital-Cardiac-Arrest Physician, Laura Sarkisian Jangaard, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_485 Autologous fat transplant as treatment for Post Mastectomy Pain-Syndrome. A randomized controlled trial Physician, Martin Sollie, Department of Plastic Surgery, University Hospital Odense |
OP_484 Genetic characterization of B cell neoplasms Professor, Charlotte Guldborg Nyvold, Department of Hematology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_483 Neurobiological effects of work-related adjustment disorder Head of Research, Physician, PhD, Malene Grubbe Hildebrandt, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_482 Development of a Decision Aid to Facilitate Ovarian Cancer Patient's Choices Regarding Biomarker CA125 Physician, Anette Stolberg Kargo, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_481 Quality of life during KRd consolidation in myeloma patients with a positive PET-CT after standard first line treatment. A phase II study (the CONPET trial) Project manager, Henrik Sunne Eshøj, Department of Hematology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_480 ProCaRe Prostate Cancer Rehabilitation. Prehabilitation and early Rehabilitation in Prostate Cancer Patients - a randomised study Research nurse, Karin Brochstedt Dieperink, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_479 Long term outcomes of colorectal cancer screening Professor, Gunnar Baatrup, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_477 Predictive value of in-vitro testing anti-cancer therapy sensitivity on tumorspheres from patients with metastatic colorectal cancer Consultant, Lars Henrik Jensen, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_475 SIPHON Screening at-risk populations for hepatic fibrosis with non-invasive methods PhD student, Maria Kjærgaard, Department of Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_474 Generiske navne på lægemiddelpakninger: Konsekvenser for anvendelsen af generiske lægemidler Physician, Morten Andersen, Research Unit of General Practice, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_473 Molecular Evaluation in Metastatic Breast Cancer: A Clinical Study of Accuracy and Response Assess-ment (MESTAR) PhD Student, Marianne Vogsen, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_472 Undersøgelse af de molekylære aspekter af blodtryksreguleringen og elektrolyttransport i den humane nyre Professor and Consultant, Lars Lund, Department of Urological Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_468 Can telephone contact after discharge between geriatrician, clinical pharmacist and general practi-tioner about medication review in hospital improve the medication in older patients? Research assistant, Trine Graabæk Hansen, Hospital Pharmacy Funen |
OP_467 Progressive heavy shoulder resistance training vs. active following for patients with Generalised Joint Hypermobility and Shoulder Pain: A randomised controlled trial PhD student, Behnam Liaghat, Musculosceletal Function and Physiotherapy, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_466 Long-term Antiarrhythmic drug treatment of atrial fibrillation at Odense University Hospital Medical student, Andrea Enerstad Bolle, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_465 Filaggrin expression and immuno-pathomechanisms in eczema and asthma Physician, Millie Basu, Research Unit of Pediatrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_464 Vitamin K status in the background population and in diabetics Chemist, Ida Bøgh Andersen, Department of Immunology and Biochemistry KIBA, Lillebaelt Hospital |
OP_463 Lonsurf (TAS-102) with or without bevacizumab in patients with chemo-refractory metastatic colorectal cancer. A randomized phase II study Professor, Per Pfeiffer, Deparment of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_462 Bovine Colostrum to Fortity Human Milk for Preterm Infants Consultant, Gitte Zachariassen, H.C. Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_461 The prognostic importance of systolic blood pressure in patients with verified myocardial injury Medical Student, Sara Nørgaard Søgaard, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_460 Thumb Arthroplasty Register Study Physician, Jens Christian Werlinrud, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_459 Antibody repertoires and rearrangement mechanisms elucidated through next generation sequencing Professor, Torben Barington, OPEN - Odense Patient data Explorative Network |
OP_458 Imminent Osteoporotic Fracture Risk - Epidemiological study of short term risk of osteoporotic fractures Professor, Bo Abrahamsen, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_457 Patient-centered medication counseling upon discharge: A randomized controlled trial Pharmaconomist, Julia Filipsen, Hospital Pharmacy of Funen, Odense University Hospital |
OP_454 GLA:D® Back - Process and effect evaluation of implementation of standardised care for back pain Associate Professor, Alice Kongsted, Nordic Institute of Chiropractic and Clinical Biomechanics (NIKKB) |
OP_453 Obstetric and Neonatal Outcomes in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A population-based register study Undergraduate, Line Strand Andersen, Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_452 Experiences with patient involvement among health care professionals Professor, Susanne Schmidt Pedersen, Department of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_451 The Momentum Trial: The efficacy of using a smartphone application to support shared decision making for people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia in an outpatient treatment setting. Senior researcher, Lisa Korsbek Christensen, Center of Competence for rehabilitation and recovery, Psychiatry in the Capital Region |
OP_450 Ligament reconstruction arthroplasty (Weilby Technique) versus simple trapeziectomy for primary thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis: A randomized double-blinded clinical trial Associate professor, Carsten Jensen, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_449 Optimization of hospitalization for patients with femur and crus amputations Associate professor, Carsten Jensen, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_448 Neurobiology of autism spectrum disorders revealed by in vivo PET PhD student, Lotte Bo Petersen, Department of Psychiatry, Odense University Hospital |
OP_447 The Individually-Marked PanrEtinal laser phoTocoagUlation for proliferative diabetic retinopathy Study: IMPETUS 2018 - TREAT PhD Student, Anna Stage Vergmann, Department of Ophthalmology |
OP_446 Development of anti-reflux surgery and course of illness leading to reoperation in a nationwide population-based cohort PhD student, Jonas Sanberg Jensen, Department of Surgery, Kolding Hospital |
OP_445 Treatment of newly diagnosed gastroesophageal reflux disease in a national population-based cohort PhD student, Jonas Sanberg Jensen, Department of Surgery, Kolding Hospital |
OP_444 Instrumented vs. non instrumented posterolateral spinal fusion, in patients with spinal stenosis and degenerative listhesis PhD student, Andreas Duch Kiilerich, Centre for Spinal Surgery and research, Sygehus Lillebaelt |
OP_443 Prenatal exposure to alcohol and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders and school performance in childhood. A long-term follow-up study PhD student, Louise Katrine Kjær Weile, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_442 Direct to implant extracellular matrix hammock based pre- or retropectoral breast reconstruction Physician, Diana Lydia Dyrberg, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_441 The Heart Valve Clinic Study PhD student, Britt Borregaard, Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_440 MRI of Kidney Tumors Medical student, Janni Lynggård Bo Madsen, Department of Radiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_439 Disease control in pediatric and adolescent patients with inflammatory bowel Clinical epidemiologist, Ken Lund, Centre for Clinical Epidimiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_438 Primary Breast reconstruction with acellular matrix - a single surgeon, retrospective cohort study on outcome and complications Consultant, Camilla Bille, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_437 Salivary gland carcinoma in Denmark 1990-2015: A national study with focus on diagnostic imaging, surgical treatment of the neck and prognosis PhD Student, Marie Westergaard-Nielsen, Department of Ear-Nose-Throat Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_436 The effect of a Measles Vaccination Campaign on General Morbidity and Mor-tality among Children aged 9-59 months in Rural Guinea-Bissau - a cluster randomized controlled trial (RECAMP) PhD-student, Anshu Varma, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_434 Epidemiology of chronic haemolytic anaemia MD, Dennis Lund Hansen, Department of Hematology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_433 Variation in physiological uptake of DOTA-TATE and DOTA-NOC in the liver- and the impact on Krenning score and treatment planning. Physician, Karen Middelbo Buch-Olsen, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_432 Prevention of seroma following inguinal lymph node dissection with Incisional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy: A randomized controlled open-labelled multicenter trial PhD student, Mads Gustaf Jørgensen, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_431 OPEN project: OP_1429 ''Clinical characteristics in patients with benign thyroid nodules treated with laser ablation'' Master students, Nanna Cederholm Knage & Rebecca Marie Nytofte Hemmingsen, Department of Endocrinology, OUH |
OP_430 Bedside monitoring of cerebral energy state during the peri-cardiac arrest period - Blood pressure targets in post resuscitation care Staff specialist, Simon Mølstrøm, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Odense University Hospital |
OP_429 The effectiveness of a nationwide school-based health initiative in promoting physical activity and preventing obesity in Danish public schools Postdoc, Kristian Traberg Larsen, Department for Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_428 A retrospective study of the treatment of patients with multiple myeloma diagnosed between 2006 and 2017 at Vejle Hospital Physician, Agoston Gyula Szabo, Department of Medical Diseases, Vejle Hospital |
OP_426 Liver involvement in Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency. Postdoc, Linda Sevelsted Møller, Department of Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_425 MethylphenIdate for fatigue in haematological cancer. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, CROssover trial - the MICRO trial Consultant, Henrik Frederiksen, Department of Hematology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_423 Low-flow Low-gradient Aortic Stenosis - Diagnostic Usefullness of Ivabradine Pre-graduate research student, Louise Linde, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_421 Cancer as risk factor for thromboembolic complications following urological procedures Professor and Consultant, Lars Lund, Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_420 Health related quality of life for patients with anorexia nervosa in Denmark, (QOLAN-DK) Physician, Laura Al-Dakhiel Winkler, Department of Psychiatry for Children and Adolescent |
OP_419 Faktorer af betydning for behandling af perifer PsA med DMARD og biologisk medicin - Josephine Thusgaard Ruhoff Professor, Torkell Ellingsen, Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_418 Bovine colostrum versus preterm formula as the first supplemental nutrition for very preterm infants, a randomized, controlled trial Associated professor, Gitte Zachariassen, H.C. Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_417 Identification of pseudoresistant patients among patients with uncontrolled epilepsy - a prospective intervention Consultant, Christoph Patrick Beier, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_415 Intimate partner violence during pregnancy, perinatal depression and impaired child growth in Tanzania: A cohort study Pre-graduate research students, Frederikke Kjerulff Madsen & Christina Elise Holm-Larsen, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_414 Bone mineral density, microarchitecture, biomechanics and fracture risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus: The DiabOsteo Study Post doc, Vikram Vinod Shanbhogue, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_413 GCP Evaluering af øre-EEG apparatet til registrering af hypoglykæmi-inducerede forandringer i EEGet i patienter med type 1 diabetes professor, Henning Beck Nielsen, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_412 Predictors of prolonged length of stay in patients treated with radical cystectomy: a Danish single center study Clinical Pharmacist, Anton Pottegård, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_411 Individual survivorship program for ovarian cancer patients based on PROM's and shared decision making - PROMova Physician, Anette Stolberg Kargo, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_410 Projekt Collabri Flex - The effect of a Danish model for collaborative care for people with anxiety and depression in general practice Research Consultant, Lene Falgaard Eplov, Mental Health Centre, Capitol Region of Denmark |
OP_409 Langtidsfollow-up på recidivforekomst og komplikationer ved operationer af benigne spytkirteltumorer i Danmark Professor, Christian Godballe, Department of Otolaryngology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_408 Individualized prediction of rupture risk of abdominal aortic aneurysms based upon clinical variables and aneurysmal morphology Professor and Consultant, Jes Sanddal Lindholt, Department of cardiac, thoracic and vascular surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_406 Database "Children with a hearing loss" Project manager, Ulla Carl, Center for Kommunikation og Velfærdsteknologi, Center for Høretab, Fredericia |
OP_405 Musculoskeletal pain and diseases in Danish patients with diabetes pre-graduate student, Amalie Frost Stammerjohan, Department of Sports Science and Biomechanics, SDU |
OP_404 Hepatitis B, C, HIV infection and liver stiffness among prisoners in Denmark (Hepstiff-DK) PhD student, Jacob Søholm, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_403 Long-term consequences of juvenile Graves' disease Specialist registrar, Rikke Havgaard Kjær, H.C. Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_402 The risk of developing epilepsy due to primary brain tumors and benign meningiomas before and after neurosurgical treatment Medical student, Katrine Tholstrup Bech, Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_401 Applying long-term follow-up to improve patient selection in laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery PhD-student, Jonas Sanberg Jensen, Department of Surgery, Kolding Hospital |
OP_400 The Esbjerg Cohort Study Consultant, Gert Frank Thomsen, Department of Occupational and Environmental medicine |
OP_399 The use of mobile phone interviews to obtain health information on children in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa: A validation study Medical student, Elise Brenno Stjernholm, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_397 Surgery, treatment and rehabilitation of cancer in the oral cavity: Database for monitors of treatment, rehabilitation and research Professor, Jens Ahm Sørensen, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_396 Intraoperative low field MRI and transsphenoidal pituitary surgery Professor, Frantz Rom Poulsen, Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_394 The effect of myoinositol vs. metformin on anthropometric values, glucose metabolism, bleeding patterns and quality of life in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Consultant Gynaecologist, Pernille Ravn, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_393 Birth weight in Rural Guinea-Bissau: Does maternal BCG scarification affect birthweight? Medical student, Alexander Dahl Stjernholm, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_391 DOBUSTRESS - Renal and cardiac effects of terlipressin and dobutamine in patients with chronic liver disease - a randomized trial PhD-student, Mads Bastrup Israelsen, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_390 Immunization of immunosuppressed patients - Knowledge, practice and serological response Physician, Lykke Larsen, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_389 PEQ KCVI Consultant, Sigurdur Skarphedinsson, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_388 Surgical treatment of complex anal fistual. Retrospective cohort study Physician, Karam Matlub Sørensen, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_387 The NEOLAR Trial - NEOadjuvant chemotherapy only compared with standard treatment for Locally Advanced Rectal cancer Consultant, Lars Henrik Jensen, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_386 Statin treatment and peripheral neuropathy - a cohort study PhD-student, Toke de Koning Svendsen, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_384 Fra kontrol til opfølgning: Udarbejdelse, implementering og evaluering af et individualiseret opfølgningstilbud for kvinder med gynækologisk kræft- et randomiseret, kontrolleret studie Postdoc, Stinne Holm Bergholdt, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics |
OP_383 Stereological Quantification of Immune-Competent Cells in Biopsies from Painful Achilles Tendons of Psoriatic Arthritis Patients with Ultrasonic Verified Enthesitis PhD student, Maja Skov Kragsnæs, Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_380 Improved diagnosis and management of hereditary palmoplantar keratoderma PhD student, Stine Bjørn Gram, Department of Clinical Geneticcs, Odense University Hospital |
OP_379 Research Database and Biobank of rare genodermatoses Professor, Anette Bygum, Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital |
OP_378 Hyperhidrosis Database Clinical nursing specialist, Julie Hansen, Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital |
OP_377 Hyperhidrosis: a longitudinal study exploring patient-reported quality of life through derma-tology- and disease specific Quality of Life Instruments Clinical nursing specialist, Julie Hansen, Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital |
OP_376 END-HEP Early detection of blood borne infections in persons aged 18-30 who seek treatment or advice for drug dependency. PhD-student, Anne Lindebo Holm Øvrehus, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_375 DIATAST - The Diabetes Patient Takes Responsibility Consultant, Claus Bogh Juhl, Department of Medicine, Hospital of Southwest Denmark, Esbjerg |
OP_373 NACOS PhD-student, Pernille Kempel Ellegaard, Research unit of Psychiatry, Region of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg |
OP_372 Disease Specific Voice Assessment before and after Surgery for Benign Voice Fold Lesions PhD-student, Trine Printz, Department of Otolaryngology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_369 Validation of a comorbidity index for use in obstetric patient in a national cohort Postdoc, Mette Bliddal, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_368 The mDIARY study Psychologist, Stig Helweg-Jørgensen, Research Unit for Telepsychiatry and E-mental Health, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_367 Central and Peripheral Nervous System Changes as Markers of Disease Progression in Multiple Sclerosis PhD student, Sepehr Mamoei, Department of Neurology, Sønderborg Hospital |
OP_366 Indocyanine Green enhanced Fluorescent Angiography Staff specialist, Pernille Øhlenschläger Larsen, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_365 ONROCAD Incidence Analysis Professor, Anders Green, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_364 Clinical Research Database - Developmental Psychopathology in Child- and Adolescents Psychiatry, Odense Professor, Niels Bilenberg, Department of Child- and Adolescent Psychiatry, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_363 Patient reported outcomes in patients with spondyloarthritis treated with biological agents: A prospective cohort study from southern Denmark PhD-student, Rikke Asmussen Andreasen, Department of Medicine, Section of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital, Svendborg |
OP_361 Liquid biopsy as a tool for detection of circulating tumor DNA in high grade serous ovarian carcinomas Pregraduate research student, Christine Fribert Sørensen, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_356 Breastfeeding, breast milk components, cardiovascular health and growth in early childhood Specialist registrar, Signe Bruun, H. C. Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_355 CIEDRI - Cardiovascular Implanted electronic device relatede infection Physician, Thomas Olsen, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_354 Electrocardiographic findings and autoantibody profile in myositis Associate Professor, Louise Pyndt Diederichsen, Department of Reumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_353 Optimizing Colon Capsule Endoscopy in follow up program on patients with colorectal polyps as-sessing three booster procedures for motility enhancement Professor, Gunnar Baatrup, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_352 Treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis with Pressurized IntraPeritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy - PIPAC-2 trial PhD-student, Martin Graversen, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_351 Effect of age on Paclitaxel exposure in patients with gynecological cancer Postdoc, Trine Lembrecht Jørgensen, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_349 Affection of the peripheral somatic- and autonomic nervous system in patients who have had Parkinson's disease for less than 5 years Medical student, Thomas Agerbo Gaist, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_348 Intracerebral hemorrhage: Diagnosis code validity in two nationwide Danish registers Physician, Stine Munk Hald, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_347 CARFI: Quality of life during observation or maintenance with carfilzomib and dexamethasone in patients with relapse multiple myeloma after high-dose melphalan with autologous stem cell support. PhD-student, Lene Kongsgaard Nielsen, Haematological Research Unit, Odense University Hospital |
OP_346 Familial Mediterranean Fever in Denmark: new insights into epidemiology and molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis Biologist, Sussi Bagge Mortensen, Department of Clinical Immunology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_344 Endophenotypification of patients with genetic generalized epilepsy (GGE) A population based study Physician, Joanna Gesche, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_343 Non-invasive retinal makers of disease activity in patients with neovascular age-related macular de-generation (nAMD) Medical student, Ditte Borup Jakobsen, Department of Ophthalmology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_341 south DANish PAIN research Biobank (DANPAIN Biobank) Postdoc, MD, PhD, Morten Blichfeldt-Eckhardt, Pain Research Group, Pain Center, Odense University Hospital |
OP_339 Prognostic value of vitamin D metabolite levels for 10 year cardiovascular events and mortality in rheumatoid arthritis patients from the CIMESTRA study Professor, Torkell Ellingsen, Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_338 Bone turnover markers (BTMs) as predictors for treatment response Pregraduate research students, Michael Schønemann Rand & Søren Bønløkke Pedersen, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_337 InterWalk Project manager, Jens Steen Nielsen, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_336 Cutaneous lupus erythematous - a regional cohort Medical student, Martine Prütz Petersen, Department of Reumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_335 Functional and Anatomical testing in intermediate risk chest pain patients with severe Coronary Calcium score (FACC) Staff specialist, Kristian Altern Øvrehus, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_334 COMPASS - Chronic Patient in Several Setting Researcher, Donna Lykke Wollf, Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital Sønderjylland |
OP_332 Impact of red and processed meat and fibre intake on treatment outcomes among patients with chronic inflammatory diseases Professor, Vibeke Andersen, Molecular Diagnostics & Clinical Research, Hospital of Southern Jutland, Aabenraa |
OP_331 Variations of frailty, functional deficits, comorbidity and perceived rehabilitation needs in an older population with gastrointestinal cancer receiving chemotherapy Physiotherapist and postdoctoral researcher, Eva Jespersen, Department of Rehabilitation, Odense University Hospital |
OP_330 Dicloxacillin: Clinical relevance of drug-drug interactions by induction of drug metabolizing enzymes Professor, Per Damkier, Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_329 SafeCare Development nurse, Maria Monberg Feenstra, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_328 Mental health perspective on children's double bereavement of parental divorce and parental death by Jette Marcussen PhD-student, Jette Marcussen, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_327 The Odense TEVAR Database. Registration of patients treated with Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair at Odense University Hospital. Consultant, Francois Baudier, Department of Heart, Lung and Vascular Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_326 AlcoChallenge: Alcohol Challenge on liver and gut measured by liver vein catheterization - a patho-physiological intervention trial PhD-student, Mads Bastrup Israelsen, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_325 TAILOR - a randomized clinical trial PhD student, Anne Emilie Stürup, Psychiatry, Region of Copenhagen |
OP_324 Attitude to chemotherapy - a questionnaire-based study regarding attitude to chemotherapy among older and younger patients with gastrointestinal cancer PhD-student, Stine Brændegaard Winther, Deparment of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_323 Inhibition of aldosterone to reduce diffuse myocardial firbosis in preventing recurrent episodes of atrial fibrillation - the INSPIRE-AF trial PhD-student, Dragana Rujic, Internal Medicine & Emergency Department, OUH Svendborg Hospital |
OP_322 Lung ultrasound for assessment of chronic lung allograft dysfunction after lung transplantation Associate Professor, Specialist Consultant, MD, Ph, Jesper Rømhild Davidsen, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_320 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli: Epidemiology, virulence and clinical characteristics PhD-student, Rune Micha Pedersen, Deparment of Clinical Microbiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_319 GastroPed. A pediatric surgical research database Professor, Steffen Husby, H.C. Andersens Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_318 Recurrence rates and survival in a Danish cohort with renal cell carcinoma (DaRenCa_s16) Consultant, Nessn Htum Azawi, Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_317 PARATHYKIR - Surgical treatment of diseases of the parathyroid glands Professor, Christian Godballe, Department of Otolaryngology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_316 Vascular challenges in dialysis and renal transplantation Consultant, Lene Langhoff Clausen, Department of Otolaryngology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_315 Advanced Lung Ultrasound for Assessment of Malignant Diseases in the Chest Consultant, Christian Borbjerg Laursen, Department of Lung Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_313 Chronic right ventricle failure - an independent risk factor of circulatory failure in the course of valve repair/replacement in the aortic or mitral position? Medical Specialist, Kasper Enevold Nielsen, Department of Anesthesiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_312 The Danish Chiropractic low back pain Cohort (ChiCo) Associate Professor, Alice Kongsted, Nordic Institute of Chiropractic and Clinical Biomechanics (NIKKB) |
OP_311 The use of PRO-CTCAE by patients receiving immunotherapy for the treatment of malignant melanoma in routine cancer care PhD-student, Lærke Kjær Tolstrup, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_310 Preventing Coercion among psychiatric outpatients by Early Recognition Method PhD-student, Kirsten Johansen Katballe, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_308 The use of chewing gum for xerostomia and hyposalivation after radiotherapy for oral and oropharyngeal tumors PhD-student, Julie Killerup Kaae, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_307 NEXT - Center for Respiratory Diseases Consultant, Ingrid Louise Titlestad, Department of Lung Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_306 Investigation of dose response relationships in the use of low dose naltrexone (LDN) for patients with fibromyalgia Consultant, Karin Bruun Plesner, Department of Anesthesiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_303 Hip fracture in individuals under 60 years of age - A prospective multi-centre study of the epidemiology, treatment, outcome and patient satisfaction Postdoc, Bjarke Løvbjerg Viberg, Department of Orthopeadic Surgery, Lillebaelt Hospital, Kolding |
OP_302 Feasibility and Diagnostic Accuracy of Ultra Low dose Computed Tomography of the Chest Clinical Associate Professor, Christian Borbjerg Laursen, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_301 Health and disease in mothers and children studied in a life course perspective. A cohort study of 92,000 women and their children Professor, Ellen Aagaard Nøhr, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_300 Identification and characterization of new clinical and biological markers with diagnostical, therapeutical, and prognostical relevance in patients with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH) Consultant, Dagmar Beier, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_299 CareforCOLON-100: Incomplete colonoscopy a comparison of colon capsule endoscopy and CT colonography Biologist, Morten Kobæk Larsen, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital, Svendborg |
OP_298 Cochlear Implantation at Odense University Hospital - Risks and advantages Consultant, Christian Emil Faber, Department of Otolaryngology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_297 Baseline vitamin D metabolite levels as predictor of progression of cardiovascular and pulmonic comorbidity in newly diagnosed Rheumatoid Arthritis patients PhD-student, Mette Herly, Department of Reumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_296 Association of Polyfarmacy, Drug-drug Interactions, and Potential Inappropriate Medication on Tox-icity to Anti-Neoplastic Treatment Postdoc, Trine Lembrecht Jørgensen, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_295 A reduced-carbohydrate diet high in monounsaturated fats in type 2 diabetes: A six-month study of changes in metabolism, liver- and cardiovascular function (reduction) Professor, Aleksander Krag, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_294 Quality of life in Danish multiple myeloma patients PhD-student, Lene Kongsgaard Nielsen, Haematological Research Unit, Odense University Hospital |
OP_293 Beta-2-agonist treatment of peripheral neuropathic pain PhD-student, Mimmi Forsberg-Gillving, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_292 Coronary artery plaque burden in asymptomatic Danish men aged 65-74 years and the relationship to glycemic status. A Coronary CT-angiography study PhD-student, Johanna Larsson, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_291 Motor skills in PreSchools Associate Professor, Lise Hestbæk, Research Unit for Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_288 Getting home and feel good Development nurse, Anni Nørregaard, Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_287 Database for Urological procedures Consultant, Nessn Htum Azawi, Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_286 Odense HPN cohort PhD-student, Sine Roelsgaard Obling, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_284 Hypothyroidism and Breast Cancer Clinical Oncologist, Jeanette Dupont Jensen, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_283 Clinical characteristics and patient-reported outcomes in patients with spondyloarthropathies PhD-student, Rikke Asmussen Andreasen, Department of Medicine, Section of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital, Svendborg |
OP_282 Intussusception in children Specialist registrar, Martin Kobborg, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_281 Temporary loop-ileostomy for restorative proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis in pa-tients with colitis ulcerosa Specialist registrar, Mark Bremholm Ellebæk, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_280 Long term results after Ileal Pouch-anal Anastomosis Physician, Mie Dilling Kjær, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_278 Better Hearing Rehabilitation (BEAR) Head of Research Department, Jesper Hvass Schmidt, Department of Audiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_277 Vulnerability in Life with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Patients' Perception of Illness, Treatment, Sexuality and Social Life Development nurse, Laila Twisttmann Bay, Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_276 Cardiogenic shock complicating myocardial infarction in southeast Denmark 2010-2017 - From epidemiology to translational research PhD-student, Ole Møller-Helgestad, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_274 The value of polyp size in colorectal cancer screening Physician, Maria Magdalena Buijs, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital, Svendborg |
OP_273 Rotator cuff disorder. A new approach to the management of impingement and rotator cuff lesion Consultant, Lars Henrik Frich, Department of Orthopeadic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_272 Virtual consultations for control and treatment of diabetes: a new, patient-driven approach for outpatient clinics Postdoc, Claudia Cangemi, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_271 DNA Fragmentation: Effect on Pregnancy Rate PhD-student, Anne Sofie Rex, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_268 MET-PET-study - A comparative study of Tc-99m- sestamibi SPECT/ldCT and C-11-L-Methionin PET/diagnostic CT and their ability to locate paratyroid adenomas preoperatively Staff specialist, Sys Vestergaard, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_265 Early initiated individualized physical training in patients newly diagnosed with multiple myeloma patients. Effects on physical function, physical activity, quality of life, pain, and bone disease PhD-student, Rikke Faebo Larsen, The Haematological Research Unit, Odense University Hospital |
OP_264 Is sideeffects and treatment response to methotrexate associated to comorbidity in early rheumatoid arthritis? Stud.Pharm, Kathrine Lykke Pedersen, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_263 Effect of Intensive Re-nutrition on Eating Disorder Psychopathology, Cognitive Functions, Anxiety, Depression, and Cortisol Level in Severe Anorexia Nervosa (RE-SAN) Professor, René Klinkby Støving, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_262 Lung ultrasound to diagnostics and monitoring of acute complications in the postoperative recovery phase after lung transplantation Associate Professor, Specialist Consultant, MD, Ph, Jesper Rømhild Davidsen, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_261 Integrated Mental Health Care and Occupational Consultation Intervention to individuals on sick leave due to minor psychiatric illness Research consultant, Lene Falgaard Eplov, Mental Health Centre, Capitol Region of Denmark |
OP_259 Is primary anastomosis and open abdomen with VAC a viable treatment for peritonitis caused by intestinal perforation? Specialist registrar, Rie Overgaard Jensen, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_257 Chronic non-malignant pain patients and opioid therapy in Denmark, predictors and demographics of long-term opioid therapy: a national register based cohort study - The NOMAC-PAIN study Postdoc, Carrinna Hansen, Department of Neuroanesthesiology, Neurocenter, Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet |
OP_256 Circulating tumor DNA as a new tool for non-invasive assessment of tumor load and dissemination in upper gastrointestinal cancer patients Research assistant, Kristina Magaard Koldby, Department of Human Genetics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_255 Evaluation of the extent of loss of renal function and survival in diabetic patients operated for renal cell carcinoma PhD-student, Sune Møller Jeppesen, Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_254 A patient-centered intervention study to improve medical adherence in psoriasis patients treated with topical corticosteroid/calcipotriol preparations PhD-student, Mathias Tiedemann Svendsen, Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital |
OP_252 Atypical femoral fractures - A population-based study of risk factors and relationship to bisphosphonate exposure and discontinuation Professor, Bo Abrahamsen, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_250 A randomized investigation of side effects to FOLFOXIRI in combination with tocotrienol or placebo as first line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer Specialist registrar, Louise Raunkilde Larsen, Department of Oncology, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle |
OP_249 The Liver Cohort Physician, Bjørn Stæhr Madsen, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_247 Large spontaneous portosystemic shunts (SPSSs) in patients with liver cirrhosis. Clinical and radiological characteristics Consultant, Annette Dam Fialla, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_245 Detection of subclinical atrial fibrillation in high-risk patients (above 65 years, hypertension, diabetes mellitus) using implantable loop recorder (DETECT-AF) PhD-student, Tine Jensen Philippsen, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_244 Everyday violence: Under what conditions does occupational violence become harmful to mental health? PhD-student, Jesper Pihl-Thingvad, Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_243 Patient Reported Outcome after Oncoplastic and Breast conserving Cancer Surgery Consultant, Michael Rose, Department of Surgery, Section of Plastic Surgery, Hospital of Southwest Jutland |
OP_242 Telemedical training in an everyday perspective for patients with severe COPD: a cross-sectoral study PhD-student, Kathrine Rayce, Centre for Innovative Medical Technology (CIMT) |
OP_241 NGAL-Study Staff Specialist, Josefine Thomsen, Department of Anesthesiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_239 Gut And Liver axis in Healthy Population (GALA-HP) Specialist registrar, Suganya Ganesalingam, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_237 Optic neuritis: Clinical, Immunological and experimental aspects. A translational research project in the Region of Southern Denmark PhD-student, Kerstin Soelberg, Department of Neurology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_236 Can an intensive rehabilitating program improve the quality of life after renal surgery? Consultant, Nessn Htum Azawi, Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_235 Can Fat Derived Stem Cells (SVF) be Used in the Treatment of Erectile Dys-function After Prostatectomy? PhD-student, Martha Kirstine Haahr, Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_233 Porphyria cutanea tarda: Relations to iron overload, metabolic and cardiovascular diseases PhD-student, Anne Lindegaard Christiansen, Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_232 Treatment of benign biliary stenoses with covered antimigrating self-expandable metal stents Postdoc, Stig Borbjerg Laursen, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_231 Motherhood transition through an existential lens - meaning-making among Danish first time mothers Postdoc, Christina Prinds, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_229 The prognostic impact provided by the tumour micro-environment in patients with colon cancer stage 2 PhD-student, Ann Christina Eriksen, Department of Clinical Pathology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_228 Familial multiple sclerosis: A clinical genetic and epidemiological study of etiology and subtypes PhD-student, Maria Steenhof, Department of Clinical Genetics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_227 Fibrocytes in early and longstanding Rheumatoid Arthritis PhD-student, Søren Andreas Just, Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_226 Invasive hemodynamic stress test in symptomatic and asymptomatic mitral regurgitation - HEMI PhD-student, Rine Bakkestrøm, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_225 Standardization of the Phonetogram for Clinical and Research Purposes PhD-student, Trine Printz, Department of Otolaryngology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_224 DanShock - Danish Cardiogenic Shock Trial Consultant, Jacob Eifer Møller, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_221 Implementation and evaluation of PIPAC for the treatment of patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis PhD-student, Martin Graversen, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_220 Cognitive, behavioral, neuroimaging and molecular correlates of the 15q11.2 rearrangements and clinical related CNVs PhD-student, Aia Elise Jønch, Department of Clinical Gentics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_219 BioTX - Immunological risk stratification and tailored immunosuppression by use of genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics in kidney transplant patients Consultant, Helle Charlotte Thiesson, Department of Nephrology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_218 Individualised tailored treatment of type 2 diabetic patients (Individuel Diabetesbehandling i Almen-praksis - IDA) Project Manager, Jens Steen Nielsen, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_216 Fecal Microbiome Transplantation in Patients with Peripheral Psoriat-ic Arthritis: A 6-months Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial - The FLORA trial PhD-student, Maja Skov Kragsnæs, Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_215 iNCREMENTAL - Increasing access to evidence based psychotherapy to improve mental health through the use of Internet interventions PhD-student, Kim Mathiasen, The Research Unit for E-mental Health, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_214 Crystalloid versus Colloid for Goal Directed Haemodynamic Optimization in Major Abdominal Cancer Surgery Specialist Registrar, Rasmus Madsen, Department of Anesthesiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_212 Predicting the natural course of paediatric asthma - a longitudinal study investigating the signif-icance of novel prognostic markers PhD-student, Benjamin Hoffmann-Petersen, H.C. Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_210 Prevalence of self-reported shoulder pain, level of shoulder function and quality of life in manual wheelchair users with spinal cord injuries Postdoc, Camilla Marie Larsen, Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_208 The endometrial impact of myomectomy and embolization of uterine fibroids - a gene expression and secretomics study PhD-student, Kamilla Kannegård Karlsen, Research Unit for Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_206 Lymphadenectomy in Urothelial Carcinoma in the renal pelvis and ureter PhD-student, Nessn Htum Azawi, Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_205 Colon Capsule Endoscopy of immunochemical fecal occult blood test (IFOBT) positive individuals in a national colorectal cancer screening program PhD-student, Rasmus Krøijer, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_204 A RCT on early, integrated, specialized palliative rehabilitation for patients with newly diagnosed advanced cancer PhD-student, Lise Nottelmann, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_202 Risk factors predisposing to a fall in BMD during drug holidays in patients previously treated with intravenous Zoledronic acid during drug holidays, Simone Dorthea Christoffersen, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_199 Quantitative real time PCR of mRNA of genes after kidney transplantation Professor, Martin Tepel, Department of Nephrology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_198 The Intersectional Screening Program in the Municipal of Viborg: Cost-(effectiveness) of screening for diabetes, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases Professor, Jes Sanddal Lindholt, Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_197 REHPA - The Research Database for Rehabilitation and Palliative Care for people with life- threatening diseases in Denmark Head of REHPA, Consultant, Ane Bonnerup Vind, REHPA, The Danish Knowledge Centre for Rehabilitation and Palliative Care, Odense University Hospital |
OP_194 Diagnosis and management of chronic polyneuropathy Professor, Søren Sindrup, Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_193 Neoadjuvant chemotherapy versus standard treatment in patients with locally advanced colon cancer (NeoCol) Professor, Anders Kristian Møller Jakobsen, Department of Oncology, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle |
OP_192 EUREKA - Evaluation of ultrasonic role in patients with suspected extracranial and cranial giant cell arteritis Consultant, Stavros Chrysidis, Department of Rheumatology, Hospital of Southwest Denmark, Esbjerg |
OP_189 Identification of components in the gut microbiota with effects on inflammation in the gut PhD-student, Lina Almind Knudsen, Molecular Diagnostics & Clinical Research, Hospital of Southern Jutland, Aabenraa |
OP_188 Mastopexy with Autologous Augmentation in Women After Massive Weight Loss Specialist registrar, Peder Ikander, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_187 Sentinel Node Mapping in Women with Cervical and Endometrial Cancer (SENTIREC) PhD-student, Sara Elisabeth Sponholtz, The Research Unit for Gynecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_186 Safety and effect of bisphosphonates and other osteoporosis medications in relation to differences in clinical biochemical variables including renal function - Odense Bisphosphonate Safety Study Professor, Bo Abrahamsen, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_185 Effect of bovine colostrum on toxicity and inflammatory responses during chemotherapeutic treatment of childhood cancer PhD-student, Mathias Rathe, H.C. Andersens Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_183 PTH and Vibration in Osteoporosis (PaVOS) Study PhD-student, Ditte Beck Jepsen, Department of Geriatrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_182 NaviCan - Navigation and support to cancer patients: A randomized controlled study Adjunct, Marianne Kirstine Thygesen, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital, Svendborg |
OP_181 Early and late complications to anastomotic leakage after rectal cancer surgery Specialist registrar, Mark Bremholm Ellebæk, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_180 Aflibercept anD navigateD vErsus coNvensional laser in Diabetic macUlar edeMa (ADDENDUM) PhD-student, Søren Leer Blindbæk, Department of Ophthalmology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_177 Real-Time 2D Shear Wave Elastography To Diagnose Portal Hypertension And Predict Clinical Outcomes In Patients With Cirrhosis Postdoc, Maja Thiele, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_176 Vectorborne infections in Denmark PhD-student, Nanna Skaarup Andersen, Clinical Microbiology research unit, Odense University Hospital |
OP_174 Low Energy Shockwave Therapy (LE-SWT): A novel treatment for chronic kidney disease PhD-student, Sune Møller Jeppesen, Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_173 Connected to Care: Use of Mobile Short Message Services to Improve HPV Care PhD-student, Ditte Søndergaard Linde, Institute of Clinical Research, Odense University Hospital |
OP_172 Use of pathological samples to clarify the interplay of gastrointestinal infl. and colorectal cancer PhD-student, Katrine Svenningsen, Research Department of Molecular Diagnostics and Clinical Research, Institute of Regional Health Research, Hospital of Southern Jutland |
OP_171 Neonatal Homecare supported by telemedicine PhD-student, Kristina Garne Holm, Research Unit, H. C. Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_170 Quality and research data base for specific bronchial and nasal challenge patients Consultant, David Sherson, Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_169 GDT in Urgent Abdominal Surgery - A Randomized Clinical Trial (GAS-ART) Physician, Anders Voldby, Department of Surgery, Holbaek Hospital |
OP_168 Patient-reported experience and symptom measures on prophylactic use of Mepitel Film during post-operative breast irradiation Clinical Nurse Specialist, Pia Krause Møller, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_167 The PAPPIR Study Professor, Court Pedersen, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_166 Laryngeal intraepithelial neoplasia (LIN): epidemiology, pre-operative assessment and markers of malignant transformation Clinical Associate Professor, Camilla Slot Mehlum, Department of Otolaryngology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_165 Life after the Loss: a study on parents who loose a child during pregnancy or loose a newborn baby Lecturer, Dorte Hvidjørn, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_164 Hirschsprungs Disease - full-thickness biopsy Physician, Niels Bjørn, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_163 Patients with dementia admitted to somatic hospital wards - a focus on dementia care and the use of psychosocial methods in the caring for patients with dementia PhD-student, Anders Møller Jensen, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_161 National Experimental Therapy Partnership (NEXT) for dermatology Professor, Anette Bygum, Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital |
OP_160 The longterm effects of sialoendoscopy for diagnosis and treatment of obstructive disease in Denmark Consultant, Peter Schousboe, Department of Otolaryngology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_159 Ultra sonographic in the Emergency Department - A Randomized Controlled Multicenter Study PhD-student, Minna Riishede, Research Unit Department A, Svendborg Hospital |
OP_158 AnAnkle Trial: Peripheral nerve block vs. Spinal anaesthesia for ankle fracture surgery - implications on pain profile and quality of recovery Clinical Assistant, Rune Sort, Department of anaesthesiology, Herlev Hospital |
OP_156 The elder acute medical patient: clinical characteristics and feasibility of a hospital at home supported by technology PhD-student, Anette Tanderup, Department of Geriatric Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_154 The effect of testosterone replacement in patients with hypogonadotroph hypogonadism due to opioid treatment for non-malignant disease Consultant, Dorte Glintborg, Deparment of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_153 Whole gut microbiome sequencing in patients with anorexia nervosa Professor, René Klinkby Støving, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_152 Coagulation in patients with atrial fibrillation, the effect of dabigatran PhD-student, Pernille Just Vinholt, Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_150 DANSAC: Danish Nausea Study in Advanced Cancer Physician, Signe Ladegaard Harder, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_149 Onco-Geriatric Database - Geriatric assessment, intervention and treatment in cancer patients Clinical Associate Professor, Lars-Erik Matzen, Department of Geriatric Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_147 Long-term non-specific effects of BCG and smallpox vaccinations PhD-student, Andreas Rieckmann, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_146 Resource consumption and cost of gynecological cancer surgery in obese women PhD-student, Malene Korsholm, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_145 Anorectal abscesses and complex fistula-in-ano Colorectal Surgeon, Karam Matlub Sørensen, Department of Surgical Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_142 WW2 - Curative chemoradiation of low rectal cancer - A prospective multicenter observational study Consultant, Lars Henrik Jensen, Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital |
OP_141 Significance of Geriatric Assessment for Optimal Treatment of Older Cancer Patients PhD-student, Sambavy Nadaraja, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_139 Coronary plaque morphology and plaque progr. in patients w. newly diagnosed type-2 diabetes mellitus PhD-student, Monija Mrgan, Department of Cardiology, Hospital of Southwest Denmark |
OP_138 Delayed Breast Reconstruction with Skin Flap from the Back - A Randomized Clinical Trial PhD-student, Mikkel Børsen-Koch, Department of Body Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_137 An interdisciplinary randomized controlled outpatient rehabilitation trial in primary glioma patient PhD-student, Anders Hansen, Department of Rehabilitation, Odense University Hospital |
OP_136 Clinical markers for assessment of disease activity and phenotyping in interstitial lung diseases Associate Professor, Specialist Consultant, MD, Ph, Jesper Rømhild Davidsen, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_135 Long-term outcome in patients with anorectal malformations PhD-student, Thomas Bjørsum-Meyer, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_134 Evaluation of the non-specific effects of routine vaccines (BCG, DTP and Measles) on child survival in Northern Ghana PhD-student, Paul Welaga, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_133 Morbus Hirschsprung PhD-student, Nina Højer Hansen, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_132 Systemic lupus erythematosus in Southern Denmark Consultant, Anne Voss, Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_130 Performance of the Mitroflow bioprosthesis Consultant, Jacob Eifer Møller, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_129 Aberrant urine protease activity for hypertension & graft survival in kidney transplant patients PhD-student, Gitte Rye Hinrichs, Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_128 Hereditary Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia in Denmark. Surveillance - manifestations of the disease Professor, Anette Kjeldsen, Department of Otolaryngology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_127 Application of innovative technologies in skin ulcer treatment: 3D photooptical scanning PhD-student, Line Bisgaard Jørgensen, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_126 A personalized and interactive web-based health care innovation to AdvanCe the QualIty of life and caRE of patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ACQUIRE-ICD) Professor, Susanne Schmidt Pedersen, Department of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_125 Investigation of exosomes as circulating and urinary markers of renal cancer Physician, Anders Frey, Department of Urology, Esbjerg Hospital |
OP_124 Validation of diagnosis codes in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Consultant and professor, Vibeke Andersen, Molecular Diagnostics & Clinical Research, Hospital of Southern Jutland, Aabenraa |
OP_123 GLP-1 Agonist and Bone: Effects of Exenatide on Bone Metabolism (GAB-E) Postdoc, Morten Frost Nielsen, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_122 The Danish Cardiovascular Screening (DANCAVAS) Trial Consultant, Axel Diederichsen, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_121 Validation of The Body-Q in Denmark - a new Patient-Reported Outcome Measure PhD-student, Lotte Poulsen, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_120 Patient and Doctor's Partnership Cancer Study PhD-student, Theis Bitz Trabjerg, Research Unit of General Practice, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_118 Early Environmental Exposures and Risk of Celiac Disease. The Significance of Early Gut Colonization PhD-student, Stine Dydensborg Sander, H. C. Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_117 Endometrial cancer and robotic surgery: Survival and quality of life PhD-Student, Siv Lykke Jørgensen, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_115 EMR randomized: Efficacy and safety of trans-anal resection of benign tumors with EMR/ESD vs. TEM Clinical Associate Professor, Rozy Eckardt, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_114 Remote Ischemic Conditioning's effect on inflammation. Remodelling of extracellular matrix proteins PhD-student, Line Elberg Godskesen, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_113 Perineal Tear Infection and Long-term Maternal Morbidity PhD-student, Ditte Gommesen, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_111 Prenatal detection of anomalies and follow-up after diagnosis in the Region of Southern Denmark PhD-student, Karina Hjort-Pedersen, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_108 Patient reported quality of life in lung cancer patients. The use of PROMs as performance indicators PhD-fellow, Majken Munk Brønserud, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_106 NARLAL 2 - Novel Approach to Radiotherapy in Locally Advanced Lung cancer Consultant, Olfred Hansen, Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_104 NORDIC 9 Professor, Per Pfeiffer, Deparment of Oncology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_103 Effect of physical training on weight loss and cardiovascular risk factors after gastric bypass PhD-student, Lene Hymøller Mundbjerg, Department of Endocrinology, Hospital of Southwest Jutland |
OP_102 Follow-up of children referred with precocious puberty in Southern Denmark in the period of 2005-2014 Consultant, Dorte Hansen, H.C. Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_100 Acute Medical Admission of Elderly Patients (over 75 years) PhD-Student, Camilla Strøm, Department of Acute Care, Holbæk Hospital |
OP_098 Cellular and molecular characterization of spinal fluid from patients with connective tissue disease patients and central nervous system disorders Staff Specialist, Kjeld-Erik Byg, Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_097 Low-intensity blood-flow restricted muscle exercise - patients with sporadic inclusion body myositis Consultant, Louise Pyndt Diederichsen, Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_095 The Home Life Intervention - everyday activities and quality of life in people with advanced cancer Project manager, Åse Brandt, Research Initiative for Activity Studies and Occupational Therapy, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_093 Can rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular co-morbidity be predicted in anti-CCP and/or IgM RF positive persons with arthralgia using PET/CT and clinical/metabolic variables (PETRACOR)? Professor, Torkell Ellingsen, Department of Reumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_092 Development and implementation of a client-centered perspective - welfare technology for elderly PhD-student, Stina Meyer Larsen, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_091 Biobank with surplus serum from the Calmette Study in Kolding Professor, Poul-Erik Lund Kofoed, Department of Pediatrics, Kolding Hospital |
OP_090 Exposure to mercury among pregnant Danish women Pre-graduate Student, Line Evald Kirk, Department of Environmental Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_089 ANCA associated vasculitis in Southern Denmark Consultant, Helle Laustrup, Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_087 The BIO-CAC study - DanRisk 5 year follow-up PhD-student, Mette Hjortdal Sørensen, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_086 Cardiotoxicity in medical breast cancer treatment PhD-student, Ann Bøcher Secher Banke, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_085 Evaluation of liver disease in patients receiving home parenteral nutrition Consultant, Jens Kjeldsen, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_084 Loperamide vs. Placebo's Effect on Ileostomy Output: A Randomized Patient-Blinded Crossover Study Consultant, Niels Qvist, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_083 Pneumococcal vaccination of rheumatoid arthritis patients in immunomodulatory therapy PhD-student, Mai Nguyen, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_081 Biomarkers for small airways in COPD PhD-student, Anders Christiansen, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_080 Anti-fibrotic and molecular aspects of rifaximin in alcoholic liver disease Physician, Bjørn Stæhr Madsen, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_079 Assessment of polyethylene wear, migration and clinical outcome in total hip replacement Professor, Søren Overgaard, Department of Orthopaedics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_076 Schizophrenia for life - a registry and interview study among elderly with lifelong schizophrenia MD, PhD-student, Maria Brink, Research Unit for Psychiatry, Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_075 Risk factors for death and other outcomes of hip fracture patients Consultant, Henrik L. Jørgensen, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Bispebjerg Hospital |
OP_074 Fertility Biobank for Future Research Professor and Consultant, Peter Humaidan, Fertility Center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_073 Assisted reproduction and the early luteal phase Professor, Jens Fedder, Fertility Clinic, Odense University Hospital |
OP_072 Biomarkers for diagnosing and monitoring inherited and rare cardiac disease Research Professor, Jens Mogensen, Department of Cardiology, Odense Univeristy Hospital |
OP_071 Left Atrial Volume Index, impact on LV remodeling, LV function and functional capacity PhD-student, Nicolaj Lyhne Christensen, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_070 AMFAST - Assessement of Myocardial Fibrosis PhD-Student, Rasmus Carter-Storch, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_069 Best Nutritional Care in Cancer Patients PhD-student, Sine Roelsgaard Obling, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_068 Diabetes Impact Study 2013 Professor, Anders Green, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_066 The ROSE study (Risk-Stratified Osteoporosis Strategy Evaluation) Professor, Katrine Hass Rubin, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_065 Detection of individuals at risk of osteoporosis through registers Professor, Katrine Hass Rubin, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_063 The chronic autoimmune thyroiditis quality of life selenium trial (CATALYST) Associate Professor and Chief Physician, Steen Joop Bonnema, Department of Endocrionology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_060 CanEpid - Cancer in Denmark: Epidemiological characteristics and prognosis Professor, Anders Green, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_059 Organic dust in greenhouses - a health problem? Clinical Associate Professor, Jesper Bælum, Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_058 Biomarkers in sepsis Professor, Court Pedersen, Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital |
OP_056 Characteriasation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with Cirrhosis of the Liver... Postdoc, Maja Thiele, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_054 Prevention of Postoperative Infections following Caesarean Section (PICO) in women with BMI>30 PhD-student, Nana Hyldig, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_053 Use of pathological samples to identify biological mechanisms of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) Professor, Vibeke Andersen, Molecular Diagnostics & Clinical Research, Hospital of Southern Jutland, Aabenraa |
OP_052 Can genetic markers predict the response of TNF inhibitor therapy Professor, Vibeke Andersen, Molecular Diagnostics & Clinical Research, Hospital of Southern Jutland, Aabenraa |
OP_051 Human Papillomavirus and Pregnancy Staff specialist, Ulla Bonde van Zwol, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_050 Different separation of blood, after subarachnoid haemorrhage, in liquor collected respectively ... Physician, Peter Birkeland, Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_049 RESCueH - CUE EXPOSURE - Regaining control over cue reactivity by integrative cue exposure Professor, Bent Nielsen, Department of Phyciatry, Odense University Hospital |
OP_048 RESCueH - SELF-MATCH - Patient self-matching in alcoholism treatment - A single-blind randomized .. Head of Project Administration, Anette Søgaard Nielsen, Research Unit of Psychiatry, Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_047 RESCueH -ELDERLY - Motivational Enhancement Therapy and Community Reinforcement Approach... Professor and Chief Consultant, Kjeld Andersen, Department of Psychiatry, Odense University Hospital |
OP_046 RESCueH - RELAY MODEL for recruiting alcohol dependent patients in general hospitals Professor, Bent Nielsen, Department of Phyciatry, Odense University Hospital |
OP_044 Cerebral metabolism in community acquired severe meningitis Professor and consultant, Frantz Rom Poulsen, Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_041 Morbidity and mortality in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Consultant, Dorte Glintborg, Deparment of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_040 Incidence of liver disease in persons with current or previous alcohol overconsumption Postdoc, Maja Thiele, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_037 RAV II - Risk factors for Asthma in Adults II - A follow-up on the RAV cohort Clinical Associate Professor, Jesper Bælum, Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Odense University Hospital |
OP_034 Retinal detachment: A clinical, prospective study of patients undergoing surgery for retinal detach PhD-student, Christina Døfler Poulsen, OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital |
OP_033 THD or Open Pile Procedure - The TOPP trail Staff specialist, Jesper Clausen Nielsen, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital, Svendborg |
OP_032 ProCEDE Prospective evaluation of Celiac Disease Diagnosis Professor, Steffen Husby, H.C. Andersens Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_031 Nurseled follow-up after total knee replacement - a randomized trial Associate Professor, Kirsten Szøts, Research Unit of Nursing, Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_030 OPENTHYRO - Odense Patient data Explorative Network Thyroid Status and Register Outcomes Senior Hospital Physician, Mads Nybo, Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_029 Nordacool - Nordic database for newborn infants suffering from HIE treated with hypothermia Consultant, Rikke Ruager, H.C. Andersens Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital |
OP_028 Importance of Genes and Risk Factor Interactions for Target Organ Damage in Hypertension HyperTOD Professor, Michael Hecht Olesen, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_027 The use of eHealth in communicating with patients about prenatal diagnosis - An intervention study PhD-student, Mette Maria Skjøth, Research Unit for Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital |
OP_026 Antibiotic Prophylaxis and Intervention for Postpartum Infections following Caesarean Section PhD-student, Nana Hyldig, Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_025 The Danish EMR Registry - Endoscopical Mucosa Resection Clinical Associate Professor, Rozy Eckardt, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_024 Caesarean delivery and risk of rheumatoid arthritis, DM, and coeliac disease among the off-spring Professor, Vibeke Andersen, Molecular Diagnostics & Clinical Research, Hospital of Southern Jutland, Aabenraa |
OP_023 PROTECCT-M - PROgnosis, TrEatment and Course of events of COPD and The use of bioMarkers Professor, Frans Boch Waldorff, Research Unit of General Practice, Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_022 Retrospective report and follow-up of adult patients with autoimmune diabetes Research Assistant, Mette Wod, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_021 GEMINAKAR II - Sleep, work and their consequences for human metabolic disorders Professor and Head of Institute, Kirsten Ohm Kyvik, Institute of Regional Health Services Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_020 Diabetes mellitus, metabolic risk factors and autoimmunity in women with previous gestational DM Clinical Associate Professor, Dorte Møller Jensen, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_019 Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) - Clinical and Biochemical Aspects Professor, Anette Bygum, Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital |
OP_018 Epidemiological, Clinical and Immunologic Aspects of Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) PhD-student, Nasrin Asgari, Institute of Regional Health Services Research, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_017 Early Risk Stratification in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Physician, Rebecca Broe, Research Unit of Ophthalmology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_016 Family Focused Nursing for outpatients with heart failure, a randomized multicenter trial Associate Professor, Birte Østergaard, Research Unit of Nursing, University of Southern Denmark |
OP_014 TOPP ThOracoscopic treatment of Primary Pneumothorax - A National Prospective Randomised Trial PhD-student, Winnie Hedevang Olesen, Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_011 Chronic subdural hematoma - does ACE inhibitors decrease the risk of recurrence Clinical Associate Professor, Frantz Rom Poulsen, Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_010 The Danish Risk Score Study Consultant, Axel Diederichsen, Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_009 Odense Chest Pain Biobank Clinical Professor, Hans Mickley, Department of Cardiology and Cardiovascular, Odense University Hospital |
OP_007 Genetic Variants and Phenotypic Characteristics of Patients with T2DM PhD-student, Lena Sønder Snogdal, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_006 Odense Artery Biobank Professor, Lars Melholt Rasmussen, Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital |
OP_004 PLEACE - Pain, Lifequality and Economy After surgery for lungcanCEr Professor, Peter Bjørn Licht, Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Odense University Hospital |
OP_003 Odense Child Cohort - A project about children's health
Read more about the project on webpage: Professor, Jane Clemensen, H.C. Andersen Children's Hospital at Odense University Hospital, Denmark |
OP_001 A clinical follow-up study related to the GA2LEN survey Clinical Associate Professor, Jesper Bælum, Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Odense University Hospital |